Philippines - New businesses registered

New businesses registered (number)

The value for New businesses registered (number) in Philippines was 15,161 as of 2020. As the graph below shows, over the past 14 years this indicator reached a maximum value of 24,379 in 2017 and a minimum value of 11,435 in 2009.

Definition: New businesses registered are the number of new limited liability corporations registered in the calendar year.

Source: World Bank's Entrepreneurship Survey and database (

See also:

Year Value
2006 13,325
2007 12,285
2008 13,470
2009 11,435
2010 11,714
2011 17,495
2012 18,515
2013 20,231
2014 21,066
2015 21,453
2016 22,412
2017 24,379
2018 20,092
2019 21,835
2020 15,161


Topic: Private Sector & Trade Indicators

Sub-Topic: Business environment