São Tomé and Principe - Import unit value index (2000 = 100)

The latest value for Import unit value index (2000 = 100) in São Tomé and Principe was 189.72 as of 2020. Over the past 34 years, the value for this indicator has fluctuated between 193.38 in 2012 and 75.00 in 1988.

Definition: Import unit value indices come from UNCTAD's trade database. Unit value indices are based on data reported by countries that demonstrate consistency under UNCTAD quality controls, supplemented by UNCTAD’s estimates using the previous year’s trade values at the Standard International Trade Classification three-digit level as weights. To improve data coverage, especially for the latest periods, UNCTAD constructs a set of average prices indexes at the three-digit product classification of the Standard International Trade Classification revision 3 using UNCTAD’s Commodity Price Statistics, interna¬tional and national sources, and UNCTAD secretariat estimates.

Source: United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, Handbook of Statistics and data files. (http://unctadstat.unctad.org)

See also:

Year Value
1986 84.00
1987 77.00
1988 75.00
1989 94.00
1990 98.00
1991 99.00
1992 103.00
1993 102.00
1994 107.00
1995 113.00
1996 115.00
1997 108.00
1998 96.00
1999 102.00
2000 100.00
2001 97.27
2002 97.39
2003 104.94
2004 114.22
2005 128.70
2006 139.67
2007 153.50
2008 179.98
2009 158.65
2010 169.12
2011 192.96
2012 193.38
2013 189.67
2014 185.52
2015 169.84
2016 166.85
2017 174.95
2018 188.31
2019 184.58
2020 189.72

Base Period: 2000

Periodicity: Annual


Topic: Private Sector & Trade Indicators

Sub-Topic: Trade price indices