Slovak Republic - Air transport

Air transport, registered carrier departures worldwide

The value for Air transport, registered carrier departures worldwide in Slovak Republic was 30.00 as of 2020. As the graph below shows, over the past 27 years this indicator reached a maximum value of 32,020.00 in 2009 and a minimum value of 30.00 in 2020.

Definition: Registered carrier departures worldwide are domestic takeoffs and takeoffs abroad of air carriers registered in the country.

Source: International Civil Aviation Organization, Civil Aviation Statistics of the World and ICAO staff estimates.

See also:

Year Value
1993 1,800.00
1994 1,600.00
1995 2,400.00
1996 3,200.00
1997 3,500.00
1998 5,100.00
1999 5,700.00
2000 2,421.00
2001 1,817.00
2002 4,215.00
2003 6,845.00
2004 12,663.00
2005 13,914.00
2006 14,521.00
2007 23,997.00
2008 24,044.00
2009 32,020.00
2010 2,702.00
2011 990.00
2012 1,439.00
2013 1,824.00
2014 721.07
2015 70.00
2016 85.00
2017 51.00
2020 30.00

Air transport, freight (million ton-km)

The value for Air transport, freight (million ton-km) in Slovak Republic was 0.00 as of 2020. As the graph below shows, over the past 25 years this indicator reached a maximum value of 45.91 in 2008 and a minimum value of 0.00 in 2010.

Definition: Air freight is the volume of freight, express, and diplomatic bags carried on each flight stage (operation of an aircraft from takeoff to its next landing), measured in metric tons times kilometers traveled.

Source: International Civil Aviation Organization, Civil Aviation Statistics of the World and ICAO staff estimates.

See also:

Year Value
1995 0.10
1996 0.20
1997 0.20
1998 0.20
1999 0.20
2000 0.15
2001 0.20
2002 0.59
2003 0.60
2004 0.50
2005 0.32
2006 0.30
2007 45.49
2008 45.91
2009 0.23
2010 0.00
2011 0.00
2012 0.00
2013 0.00
2019 0.00
2020 0.00

Air transport, passengers carried

The value for Air transport, passengers carried in Slovak Republic was 2,669 as of 2020. As the graph below shows, over the past 27 years this indicator reached a maximum value of 3,440,816 in 2009 and a minimum value of 2,669 in 2020.

Definition: Air passengers carried include both domestic and international aircraft passengers of air carriers registered in the country.

Source: International Civil Aviation Organization, Civil Aviation Statistics of the World and ICAO staff estimates.

See also:

Year Value
1993 18,300
1994 22,500
1995 41,100
1996 62,600
1997 80,700
1998 107,300
1999 110,600
2000 57,095
2001 43,113
2002 82,821
2003 190,182
2004 636,276
2005 711,939
2006 779,759
2007 2,679,227
2008 2,690,428
2009 3,440,816
2010 74,856
2011 34,859
2012 45,111
2013 64,008
2014 29,032
2015 11,098
2016 12,928
2017 7,925
2020 2,669


Topic: Infrastructure Indicators

Sub-Topic: Transportation