Slovak Republic - Part time employment
Part time employment, female (% of total female employment)
Part time employment, female (% of total female employment) in Slovak Republic was 34.21 as of 2020. Its highest value over the past 22 years was 34.21 in 2020, while its lowest value was 8.13 in 2003.
Definition: Part time employment refers to regular employment in which working time is substantially less than normal. Definitions of part time employment differ by country.
Source: International Labour Organization, ILOSTAT database. Data retrieved in December 2019.
See also:
Year | Value |
1998 | 19.05 |
1999 | 16.04 |
2000 | 20.15 |
2001 | 24.20 |
2002 | 21.15 |
2003 | 8.13 |
2004 | 9.56 |
2005 | 11.86 |
2006 | 22.53 |
2007 | 21.39 |
2008 | 22.26 |
2009 | 26.25 |
2010 | 24.40 |
2011 | 24.35 |
2012 | 24.89 |
2013 | 24.66 |
2014 | 29.06 |
2015 | 29.11 |
2016 | 28.74 |
2017 | 31.15 |
2018 | 28.22 |
2019 | 27.05 |
2020 | 34.21 |
Part time employment, male (% of total male employment)
Part time employment, male (% of total male employment) in Slovak Republic was 24.66 as of 2020. Its highest value over the past 22 years was 24.66 in 2020, while its lowest value was 3.79 in 2003.
Definition: Part time employment refers to regular employment in which working time is substantially less than normal. Definitions of part time employment differ by country.
Source: International Labour Organization, ILOSTAT database. Data retrieved in December 2019.
See also:
Year | Value |
1998 | 13.16 |
1999 | 9.63 |
2000 | 13.96 |
2001 | 16.32 |
2002 | 15.60 |
2003 | 3.79 |
2004 | 3.92 |
2005 | 5.85 |
2006 | 15.24 |
2007 | 13.95 |
2008 | 15.38 |
2009 | 20.44 |
2010 | 17.69 |
2011 | 16.78 |
2012 | 18.05 |
2013 | 18.89 |
2014 | 21.28 |
2015 | 20.63 |
2016 | 20.43 |
2017 | 22.10 |
2018 | 20.01 |
2019 | 19.19 |
2020 | 24.66 |
Part time employment, total (% of total employment)
Part time employment, total (% of total employment) in Slovak Republic was 28.98 as of 2020. Its highest value over the past 22 years was 28.98 in 2020, while its lowest value was 5.86 in 2003.
Definition: Part time employment refers to regular employment in which working time is substantially less than normal. Definitions of part time employment differ by country.
Source: International Labour Organization, ILOSTAT database. Data retrieved in December 2019.
See also:
Year | Value |
1998 | 15.81 |
1999 | 12.55 |
2000 | 16.81 |
2001 | 20.07 |
2002 | 18.14 |
2003 | 5.86 |
2004 | 6.56 |
2005 | 8.52 |
2006 | 18.44 |
2007 | 17.22 |
2008 | 18.40 |
2009 | 22.99 |
2010 | 20.68 |
2011 | 20.12 |
2012 | 21.06 |
2013 | 21.45 |
2014 | 24.73 |
2015 | 24.39 |
2016 | 24.15 |
2017 | 26.20 |
2018 | 23.70 |
2019 | 22.74 |
2020 | 28.98 |
Topic: Labor & Social Protection Indicators
Sub-Topic: Economic activity