Alaska Average Commute Time by County

MapMinutes4.5 - 6.36.3 - 8.78.7 - 1212 - 1717 - 1818 - 1818 - 1919 - 20
Bar Chart with caption "Mean travel time to work (minutes), workers age 16 years+, 2014-2018 (Minutes)"Kenai Peninsula BoroughAnchorage MunicipalityFairbanks North Star BoroughDenali BoroughJuneau City and BoroughSoutheast Fairbanks Census AreaKetchikan Gateway BoroughSitka City and BoroughKodiak Island BoroughBristol Bay BoroughWrangell City and BoroughDillingham Census AreaAleutians West Census AreaBethel Census AreaHaines BoroughLake and Peninsula BoroughNome Census AreaYakutat City and BoroughNorthwest Arctic BoroughNorth Slope BoroughSkagway MunicipalityAleutians East Borough20.118.718.616.516.11514.210.910. travel time to work (minutes), workers age 16 years+, 2014-2018 (Minutes)
Mean travel time to work (minutes), workers age 16 years+, 2014-2018 - (Minutes)
County Value
Aleutians East Borough 4.5
Aleutians West Census Area 7.7
Anchorage Municipality 18.7
Bethel Census Area 7.1
Bristol Bay Borough 9.6
Denali Borough 16.5
Dillingham Census Area 8.6
Fairbanks North Star Borough 18.6
Haines Borough 7.1
Juneau City and Borough 16.1
Kenai Peninsula Borough 20.1
Ketchikan Gateway Borough 14.2
Kodiak Island Borough 10.8
Lake and Peninsula Borough 7.0
Nome Census Area 6.8
North Slope Borough 6.1
Northwest Arctic Borough 6.3
Sitka City and Borough 10.9
Skagway Municipality 6.0
Southeast Fairbanks Census Area 15.0
Wrangell City and Borough 9.5
Yakutat City and Borough 6.4