Militaire dienst leeftijd en verplichting:
18-27 jaar for compulsory or voluntary military service; males are registered for the draft at 17 jaar; one-year service obligation (Russia offers the option of serving on a two-year contract instead of completing a one-year conscription period); reserve obligation for non-officers to age 50; enrollment in military schools from the age of 16, cadets classified as members of the armed forces (2019)
note: In April of 2019, the Russian government pledged its intent to end conscription.
Definitie: Dit gegeven geeft de vereiste leeftijden voor vrijwillige of dienstplichtige militaire dienst en de duur van de dienstverplichting.
Referenties: CIA World Factbook - Tenzij anders vermeld, voor informatie op deze pagina correct is met ingang van 31 december 2019