Wereld Profiel Demografie

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7.503.828.180 (2018 est.)
top ten most populous countries (in millions): China 1379.3; India 1281.93; United States 326.63; Indonesia 260.58; Brazil 207.35; Pakistan 204.92; Nigeria 190.63; Bangladesh 157.83; Russia 142.26; Japan 126.45;

ten least populous countries: Holy See (Vatican City) 1.000; Montserrat 5.292; Saint Pierre and Miquelon 5.533; Saint Barthelemy 7.184; Saint Helena, Ascension, and Tristan de Cunha 7.828; Cook Islands 9.290; Tuvalu 11.052; Nauru 11.359; Wallis and Futuna 15.714; Anguilla 17.087;

ten most densely populated countries (population per sq km): Macau 21.346; Monaco 15.322; Singapore 8.572; Hong Kong 6.702; Gaza Strip 4.987; Gibraltar 4.523; Bahrain 1.857; Maldives 1.318; Malta 1.317; Bermuda 1.312;

ten least densely populated countries (population per sq km): Greenland less than 1; Mongolia 2; Western Sahara 2.3; Australia 3; Namibia 3; Iceland 3.4; Mauritania 3.6; Guyana 3.7; Libya 3.8; Suriname 3.8

0-14 jaar: 25,29% (mannen 981.129.427/vrouwen 916.864.766)
15-24 jaar: 15,77% (mannen 611.245.863/vrouwen 572.115.168)
25-54 jaar: 41,03% (mannen 1.559.197.242/vrouwen 1.519.386.627)
55-64 jaar: 8,84% (mannen 324.134.030/vrouwen 339.551.038)
65 jaar and over: 9,06% (mannen 303.788.086/vrouwen 376.415.933) (2018 est.)
1,05% (2018 est.)

note: this rate results in about 149 net additions to the worldwide population every minute or 2.5 every second

18,2 births/1.000 inwoners (2018 est.)

note: this rate results in about 259 worldwide births per minute or 4,3 births every second

7,7 deaths/1.000 inwoners (2018 est.)

note: this rate results in about 108 worldwide deaths per minute or 1,8 deaths every second

Bevolking naar sekse
at birth: 1,07 man/vrouw
0-14 jaar: 1,07 man/vrouw
15-24 jaar: 1,07 man/vrouw
25-54 jaar: 1,03 man/vrouw
55-64 jaar: 0,95 man/vrouw
65 jaar and over: 0,81 man/vrouw
totale bevolking: 1,01 man/vrouw (2018 est.)
total: 32 deaths/1.000 levend geborenen (2018 est.)
mannen: 34 deaths/1.000 levend geborenen
vrouwen: 29,9 deaths/1.000 levend geborenen
totale bevolking: 69,8 jaar (2018 est.)
mannen: 67,8 jaar
vrouwen: 72 jaar
2,42 kinderen/vrouw (2018 est.)
hiv/AIDS - percentage volwassenen
0,8% (2018 est.)
hiv/AIDS - personen met hiv/AIDS
37.9 million (2018 est.)
hiv/AIDS - overledenen
770.000 (2018 est.)
211 doden / 100.000 levendgeborenen (2017 est.)
definition: age 15 and over can read and write
totale bevolking: 86,2%
mannen: 89,8%
vrouwen: 82,6% (2016 est.)

note: more than three-quarters of the world's 750 million illiterate adults are found in South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa; of all the illiterate adults in the world, almost two-thirds are women (2016)

Obesitas - percentage volwassenen

Referenties: CIA World Factbook - Tenzij anders vermeld, voor informatie op deze pagina correct is met ingang van 31 december 2019