BNP | $127.8 biljoen (2017 est.) $123.3 biljoen (2016 est.) $119.5 biljoen (2015 est.) note: data are in 2017 dollars |
BNP - Reëel groeicijfer | 3,7% (2017 est.) 3,2% (2016 est.) 3,3% (2014 est.) |
BNP - Per hoofd van de bevolking (koopkracht) | $17,500 (2017 est.) $17,000 (2016 est.) $16,800 (2015 est.) note: data are in 2017 dollars |
Inkomen per huishouden/consumptiepercentage | |
Inflatiepercentage (consumentenprijzen) | 6,4% (2017 est.) 3,7% (2016 est.) developed countries: 1,9% (2017 est.) 0,9% (2016 est.) developing countries: 8,8% (2017 est.) 3,7% (2016 est.) note: the above estimates are weighted averages; inflation in developed countries is 0% to 4% typically, in developing countries, 4% to 10% typically; national inflation rates vary widely in individual cases; inflation rates have declined for most countries for the last several years, held in check by increasing international competition from several low wage countries and by soft demand due to the world financial crisis |
Beroepsbevolking | 3.432 billion (2017 est.) |
Werkloosheidspercentage | 7,7% (2017 est.) 7,5% (2016 est.) note: combined unemployment and underemployment in many non-industrialized countries; developed countries typically 4%-12% unemployment (2007 est.) |
Budget | revenues: 21,68 biljoen (2017 est.) expenditures: 23,81 biljoen (2017 est.) |
Overheidsschuld | 67.2% of GDP (2017 est.) 67.2% of GDP (2016 est.) |
Groeipercentage industriële productie | 3,2% (2017 est.) |
Export | $17,31 biljoen (2017 est.) $15,82 biljoen (2016 est.) |
Import | $20,01 biljoen (2018 est.) $16,02 biljoen (2017 est.) |
Buitenlandse schuld | $76,56 biljoen (31 December 2017 est.) $75,09 biljoen (31 December 2016 est.) note: this figure is the sum total of all countries' external debt, both public and private |
Directe buitenlandse investeringen - instroom | $33.6 trillion (31 December 2017 est.) $31.62 trillion (31 December 2016 est.) |
Directe buitenlandse investeringen - uitstroom | $34.73 trillion (31 December 2017 est.) $32.94 trillion (31 December 2016 est.) |
Marktwaarde van beursgenoteerde aandelen |
Referenties: CIA World Factbook - Tenzij anders vermeld, voor informatie op deze pagina correct is met ingang van 31 december 2019