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Tuberculosis treatment success rate under DOTS, percentage - Portugal

Home > Portugal > Millenium Development Goals

YearValueChangeCumulative ChangeFootnotesType
199448.4   C
199568.741.94 %41.94 % C
1996747.71 %52.89 % C
199778.45.95 %61.98 % C
199873.8-5.87 %52.48 % C
199985.415.72 %76.45 % C
200079.3-7.14 %63.84 % C
200178.2-1.39 %61.57 % C
200282.55.50 %70.45 % C
200383.91.70 %73.35 % C

Target 8. Have halted by 2015 and begun to reverse the incidence of malaria and other major diseases

Goal 6. Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases


C - Country Data. The figure is the one produced and disseminated by the country (including data adjusted BY THE COUNTRY to meet international standards)



Source: United Nations Statistics Division - Unless otherwise noted, information in this page is accurate as of February 15, 2007

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