note: 53 countries have signed the 1959 Antarctic Treaty; 30 of those operate through their National Antarctic Program a number of seasonal-only (summer) and year-round research stations on the continent and its nearby islands south of 60 degrees south latitude (the region covered by the Antarctic Treaty); the population engaging in and supporting science or managing and protecting the Antarctic region varies from approximately 4.400 in summer to 1.100 in winter; in addition, approximately 1.000 personnel, including ship's crew and scientists doing onboard research, are present in the waters of the treaty region
as of 2017, peak summer (December-February) maximum capacity in scientific stations - 4.877 total; Argentina 601, Australia 243, Belarus 12, Belgium 40, Brazil 66, Bulgaria 22, Chile 433, China 166, Czechia 20, Ecuador 34, Finland 17, France 90, France and Italy jointly 80, Germany 104, India 113, Italy 120, Japan 130, South Korea 130, Netherlands 10, NZ 86, Norway 70, Peru 30, Poland 40, Russia 335, South Africa 80, Spain 98, Sweden 20, Ukraine 24, UK 196, US 1.399, Uruguay 68 (2017)
winter (June-August) maximum capacity in scientific station - 1.036 total; Argentina 221, Australia 52, Brazil 15, Chile 114, China 32, France 24, France and Italy jointly 13, Germany 9, India 48, Japan 40, Netherlands 10, South Korea 25, NZ 11, Norway 7, Poland 16, Russia 125, South Africa 15, Ukraine 12, UK 44, US 215, Uruguay 8 (2017)
research stations operated within the Antarctic Treaty area (south of 60 degrees south latitude) by National Antarctic Programs year-round stations - approximately 40 total; Argentina 6, Australia 3, Brazil 1, Chile 6, China 2, France 1, France and Italy jointly 1, Germany 1, India 2, Japan 1, Netherlands 1, South Korea 2, NZ 1, Norway 1, Poland 1, Russia 5, South Africa 1, Ukraine 1, UK 2, US 3, Uruguay 2 (2017)
a range of seasonal-only (summer) stations, camps, and refuges - Argentina, Australia, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Brazil, Chile, China, Czechia, Ecuador, Finland, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, South Korea, New Zealand, Norway, Peru, Poland, Russia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Ukraine, UK, US, and Uruguay (2017)
in addition, during the austral summer some nations have numerous occupied locations such as tent camps, summer-long temporary facilities, and mobile traverses in support of research
Definição: Esta entrada fornece uma estimativa do US Bureau of the Census com base em estatísticas de censos de população, sistemas de registro de estatísticas vitais ou pesquisas de amostra referentes ao passado recente e sobre pressupostos sobre tendências futuras. A população total apresenta uma medida geral do impacto potencial do país no mundo e dentro da sua região. Nota: Começando com 1993 Factbook , estimativas demográficas para alguns países (principalmente africanos) tomaram explicitamente em consideração os efeitos do impacto crescente da epidemia de HIV / AIDS. Atualmente, estes países são: Bahamas, Benin, Botswana, Brasil, Burkina Faso, Burma, Burundi, Camboja, Camarões, República Centro-Africana, República Democrática do Congo, República do Congo, Costa do Marfim, Etiópia, Gabão, Gana Guiana, Haiti, Honduras, Quênia, Lesoto, Malawi, Moçambique, Namíbia, Nigéria, Ruanda, África do Sul, Suazilândia, Tanzânia, Tailândia, Togo, Uganda, Zâmbia e Zimbabwe.
Fonte: CIA World Factbook - Salvo indicação em contrário, todas as informações nesta página é preciso partir de 31 de dezembro de 2019
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