Produto Interno Bruto (PIB) | $529.2 bilhões (2017 est.) $520.2 bilhões (2016 est.) $513 bilhões (2015 est.) note: data are in 2017 dollars |
Produto Interno Bruto (PIB) - Taxa de Crescimento Real | 1,7% (2017 est.) 1,4% (2016 est.) 1,4% (2015 est.) |
Produto Interno Bruto (PIB) per capita | $46,600 (2017 est.) $46,000 (2016 est.) $45,700 (2015 est.) note: data are in 2017 dollars |
População abaixo do nivel de pobreza | 15,1% (2013 est.) |
Renda o consumo da unidade familiar por porcentagem | |
Taxa de inflação (preços ao consumidor) | 2,2% (2017 est.) 1,8% (2016 est.) |
Força laboral | 5,4 milhões (2017 est.) |
Taxa de desemprego juvenil | população total (15-24 anos de idade): 19,3% homens: 20,2% mulheres: 18% (2017 est.) |
Taxa de desemprego | 7,1% (2017 est.) 7,9% (2016 est.) |
Orçamento | rendimentos: 253,5 bilhões (2017 est.) despesas: 258,6 bilhões (2017 est.) |
Dívida pública | 103.4% of GDP (2017 est.) 106% of GDP (2016 est.) note: data cover general government debt and includes debt instruments issued (or owned) by government entities other than the treasury; the data include treasury debt held by foreign entities; the data include debt issued by subnational entities, as well as intra-governmental debt; intra-governmental debt consists of treasury borrowings from surpluses in the social funds, such as for retirement, medical care, and unemployment; debt instruments for the social funds are not sold at public auctions; general government debt is defined by the Maastricht definition and calculated by the National Bank of Belgium as consolidated gross debt; the debt is defined in European Regulation EC479/2009 concerning the implementation of the protocol on the excessive deficit procedure annexed to the Treaty on European Union (Treaty of Maastricht) of 7 February 1992; the sub-sectors of consolidated gross debt are: federal government, communities and regions, local government, and social security funds |
Taxa de crescimento da produção industrial | 0,2% (2017 est.) |
Saldo de conta corrente | -$807 million (2017 est.) $451 million (2016 est.) |
Exportações | $300,8 bilhões (2017 est.) $277,7 bilhões (2016 est.) |
Exportações - destino | Germany 16,6%, France 14,9%, Netherlands 12%, UK 8,4%, Italy 4,9%, US 4,8% (2017) |
Importações | $300,4 bilhões (2017 est.) $273,4 bilhões (2016 est.) |
Importações - procedência | Netherlands 17,3%, Germany 13,8%, France 9,5%, US 7,1%, UK 4,9%, Ireland 4,2%, China 4,1% (2017) |
Reservas em moeda estrangeira e ouro | $26.16 billion (31 December 2017 est.) $24.1 billion (31 December 2015 est.) |
Dívida externa | $1,281 trilhões (31 March 2016 est.) $1,214 trilhões (31 March 2015 est.) |
Investimento Directo Estrangeiro - influxo | $1.035 trillion (31 December 2017 est.) $1.054 trillion (31 December 2016 est.) |
Investimento Directo Estrangeiro - exfluxo | $1.159 trillion (31 December 2017 est.) $1.016 trillion (31 December 2016 est.) |
Valor das ações en la bolsa de valores |
Fonte: CIA World Factbook
A menos que indicado de outra maneira, toda a informação en esta página es correta até 31 de dezembro de 2019