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Net enrolment ratio in primary education, both sexes - Sweden

Home > Sweden > Millenium Development Goals

YearValueChangeCumulative ChangeFootnotesType
199199.8   C
199999.7-0.10 %-0.10 % C
200099.4-0.30 %-0.40 % C
200199.70.30 %-0.10 % C
200299.5-0.20 %-0.30 % C
200399.50.00 %-0.30 % C
200498.6-0.90 %-1.20 % C

Target 3. Ensure that, by 2015, children everywhere, boys and girls alike, will be able to complete a full course of primary schooling

Goal 2. Achieve universal primary education


C - Country Data. The figure is the one produced and disseminated by the country (including data adjusted BY THE COUNTRY to meet international standards)



Source: United Nations Statistics Division - Unless otherwise noted, information in this page is accurate as of February 15, 2007

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