Soya beans, whether or not broken. $23,028  $566$320
Ground-nuts, not roasted or otherwise cooked $155$168 $8 
Linseed, whether or not broken.    $40 
Other oil seeds and oleaginous fruits    $3,591$3,543
Flours and meals of oil seeds or oleaginous fruits   $156$318$3,198
Seeds, fruit and spores, of a kind used for sowing. $110$11,413$5,404$3,466$6,934
Hop cones, fresh or dried     $40,999
Plants and parts of plants (including seeds and fruits)$592,052$805,338$681,045$770,581$860,528$629,735
Locust beans, seaweeds and other algae$28,637$73,101$98,044$47,438$84,385$154,821
Swedes, mangolds, fodder roots, hay, lucerne (alfalfa)    $10,089$319