Sub-Chapter | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 |
Peat (including peat litter) | | $4,159 | | | | |
Coal gas, water gas, producer gas and similar gases | | $882 | | | | $13,884 |
Oils and other products of high temperature coal tar | | | $1,145 | $1,944 | $18 | |
Petroleum oils, crude | $191 | | $692 | | | $2,944 |
Petroleum gases and other gaseous hydrocarbons. | $7,887 | | $15,304 | $36,597 | $9,346 | $8,037 |
Petroleum jelly and wax | | $244,665 | $228 | | | |
Petroleum coke and other residues | $385 | | | | | |
Bituminous mixtures based on natural asphalt | | | $333,311 | | | |
Total | $8,463 | $249,706 | $350,680 | $38,541 | $9,364 | $24,865 |