Sub-Chapter | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 |
Tanning extracts of vegetable origin | | | | $5,068 | | |
Synthetic organic tanning substances | $6,483 | | | | | |
Colouring matter of vegetable or animal origin | $30,695 | $103,792 | | | $20,985 | |
Synthetic organic colouring matter | $255,117 | $291,656 | $381,310 | $298,865 | $463,231 | $998,185 |
Colour lakes; preparations | $91,541 | | | | $14,575 | |
Other colouring matter | $1,754 | $12,503 | $637 | $15,123 | $783 | $1,101 |
Prepared pigments, prepared opacifiers and prepared colours | | $177 | $10 | | $3,264 | $1,644 |
Paints and varnishes | $1,653,932 | $1,633,507 | $2,891,134 | $2,354,734 | $2,781,001 | $1,654,572 |
Paints and varnishes | $54,411 | $4,675 | $334,222 | $62,187 | $33,419 | $63,002 |
Other paints and varnishes | $202,248 | $670,172 | $639,753 | $1,208,532 | $922,513 | $569,501 |
Prepared driers. | $163,316 | | | | | |
Pigments dispersed in non-aqueous media | $28,173 | $121,279 | | $18,972 | $3,938 | $6,471 |
Artists', students' or signboard painters' colours | | | | | $6,578 | |
Glaziers' putty, grafting putty, resin cements | | $11,092 | $5,490 | $12,167 | $22,382 | $4,058 |
Printing ink, writing or drawing ink | $47,667 | $418,008 | $883,421 | $695,217 | $479,542 | $534,426 |
Total | $2,535,337 | $3,266,861 | $5,135,977 | $4,670,865 | $4,752,211 | $3,832,960 |