Wool, not carded or combed.$194,087$122,583$19,837$104,580$77$263,823
Waste of wool or of fine or coarse animal hair    $2,343$113
Garnetted stock of wool or of fine or coarse animal hair.   $1,454$789,718 
Wool and fine or coarse animal hair, carded or combed$799,629$775,044$1,735,047$834,254$139,085$5,712
Yarn of carded wool, not put up for retail sale.$297,061$156,814$170,318$99,902$28,939$34,849
Yarn of combed wool, not put up for retail sale.$1,316,596$993,723$673,858$575,261$348,035$584,051
Yarn of wool or of fine animal hair, put up for retail sale.  $27$391 $1,531
Yarn of coarse animal hair or of horsehair $4,700    
Woven fabrics of carded wool or of carded fine animal hair.$437,815$166,856$436,590$1,353,782$575,470$2,597,901
Woven fabrics of combed wool or of combed fine animal hair.$1,466,594$2,298,685$3,530,295$2,970,596$5,582,969$7,063,331
Woven fabrics of coarse animal hair or of horsehair.     $183