Rank | Country | Exports of Hams, shoulders & cuts thereof , fresh/chilled, bone-in in USD (2010) |
1 | Denmark | $770,388,612 | | 2 | Netherlands | $636,063,086 | | 3 | Germany | $601,160,040 | | 4 | Spain | $532,535,277 | | 5 | United States | $489,686,599 | | 6 | Belgium | $264,712,718 | | 7 | Canada | $233,236,874 | | 8 | France | $189,258,259 | | 9 | Austria | $74,500,892 | | 10 | Hungary | $58,461,000 | | 11 | Poland | $38,884,123 | | 12 | Ireland | $35,554,241 | | 13 | Italy | $27,489,377 | | 14 | United Kingdom | $15,138,982 | | 15 | Australia | $7,242,376 | | 16 | Sweden | $5,836,593 | | 17 | Slovakia | $3,920,236 | | 18 | Portugal | $1,688,572 | | 19 | Romania | $1,684,816 | | 20 | Luxembourg | $1,644,683 | | 21 | Chile | $1,420,414 | | 22 | Slovenia | $1,342,930 | | 23 | Czech Republic | $1,326,730 | | 24 | Finland | $763,183 | | 25 | Greece | $737,613 | | 26 | Estonia | $397,293 | | 27 | South Africa | $229,686 | | 28 | Lithuania | $177,697 | | 29 | Mexico | $142,600 | | 30 | Japan | $116,677 | | 31 | Brazil | $73,119 | | 32 | Croatia | $68,531 | | 33 | Bulgaria | $48,546 | | 34 | Switzerland | $45,956 | | 35 | Norway | $25,662 | | 36 | New Zealand | $20,637 | | 37 | Ukraine | $15,275 | | 38 | Latvia | $14,624 | | 39 | Panama | $8,083 | | 40 | Vietnam | $6,781 | | 41 | Lebanon | $5,263 | | 42 | Belarus | $3,400 | | 43 | Hong Kong | $2,703 | | 44 | El Salvador | $2,233 | | 45 | Trinidad and Tobago | $1,419 | | 46 | Cote d'Ivoire | $980 | | 47 | Armenia | $561 | | 48 | Mauritius | $487 | | 49 | Zambia | $341 | | 50 | Iceland | $139 | | 51 | Botswana | $101 | | 52 | Kenya | $43 | |
Country | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 |
Armenia | | $591 | $806 | $850 | $262 | $561 | $41 |
Australia | $3,135,550 | $6,674,294 | $7,490,680 | $7,395,035 | $6,612,661 | $7,242,376 | $8,531,465 |
Austria | $65,248,629 | $73,411,651 | $85,872,409 | $96,261,865 | $96,339,080 | $74,500,892 | |
Belarus | | | | $9,100 | | $3,400 | $12,100 |
Belgium | $233,921,022 | $256,276,116 | $272,514,176 | $278,315,981 | $256,978,340 | $264,712,718 | $266,303,009 |
Botswana | $68 | | | | | $101 | $176 |
Brazil | $295,517 | $7,564 | $30,141 | $7,191 | $4,405 | $73,119 | $74,291 |
Bulgaria | $82,486 | $79,239 | $66,193 | $53,462 | $308,208 | $48,546 | $3,537,666 |
Canada | $147,859,251 | $140,387,244 | $156,180,265 | $150,863,806 | $164,024,104 | $233,236,874 | $214,707,767 |
Chile | $806,958 | $1,368,795 | $1,286,944 | $1,307,297 | $1,314,867 | $1,420,414 | $2,203,348 |
China | | $539,520 | | | | | $367,894 |
Colombia | | | $1,869 | $18 | | | |
Costa Rica | | $245,656 | $351,484 | $177,415 | $48,770 | | |
Cote d'Ivoire | $82 | | | | | $980 | $37 |
Croatia | $6,321 | $1,085 | $8,590 | $35,309 | $56,735 | $68,531 | $370 |
Cyprus | $64,680 | | | $5,197 | | | $55,963 |
Czech Republic | $2,212,638 | $4,253,083 | $5,323,208 | $5,308,959 | $2,875,813 | $1,326,730 | $1,333,418 |
Denmark | $775,933,481 | $863,391,104 | $881,703,300 | $924,722,311 | $748,733,313 | $770,388,612 | $857,500,075 |
El Salvador | | | | | $452 | $2,233 | |
Estonia | $63,582 | $11,438 | $63,407 | $174,171 | $303,453 | $397,293 | $587,317 |
Fiji | | | $9,870 | | $10,740 | | |
Finland | $239,749 | $752,045 | $774,950 | $2,587,713 | $905,911 | $763,183 | $2,539,562 |
France | $178,878,489 | $184,209,926 | $182,361,131 | $219,029,685 | $195,248,793 | $189,258,259 | $195,464,438 |
Germany | $436,038,000 | $487,208,000 | $539,431,000 | $680,661,000 | $621,457,000 | $601,160,040 | $712,891,820 |
Greece | $148,456 | $264,109 | $571,146 | $1,176,222 | $721,241 | $737,613 | $474,680 |
Guatemala | | $3,912 | $141,917 | $163,364 | | | $10,029 |
Honduras | | | $1,812 | | | | |
Hong Kong | | | | | | $2,703 | |
Hungary | $12,690,000 | $23,841,000 | $34,852,000 | $31,424,000 | $60,793,000 | $58,461,000 | $62,248,000 |
Iceland | | $205 | | $565 | | $139 | |
Indonesia | | $466 | $359 | | | | |
Ireland | $65,719,697 | $26,046,608 | $56,739,788 | $38,222,087 | $27,478,305 | $35,554,241 | $33,876,535 |
Israel | | | $2,000 | | | | |
Italy | $23,009,608 | $25,751,411 | $27,190,166 | $29,940,331 | $19,017,078 | $27,489,377 | $28,246,992 |
Japan | | | $36,767 | $83,525 | $132,426 | $116,677 | $97,670 |
Kenya | $3,236 | $2,871 | $9,353 | $14,395 | | $43 | |
Kuwait | | | | $10,908 | $1,913 | | |
Latvia | $1,789 | $3,361 | $9,172 | $2,737 | $2,791 | $14,624 | $256,047 |
Lebanon | | $4,093 | $3,209 | $16,112 | $15,269 | $5,263 | $5,243 |
Lithuania | $63,260 | $394,550 | $664,841 | $732,480 | $450,213 | $177,697 | $269,953 |
Luxembourg | $1,788,086 | $1,668,370 | $1,810,129 | $2,436,334 | $2,057,113 | $1,644,683 | $2,765,590 |
Macedonia | | | | | | | $656 |
Malaysia | $697,183 | $726,405 | $1,440,749 | $1,485,324 | $85,324 | | |
Mauritius | | | | | | $487 | |
Mexico | $270,219 | $723,771 | $623,191 | $474,251 | $248,452 | $142,600 | $16,406 |
Moldova | | | | | $3,547 | | |
Montenegro | | | $891 | $29,905 | $76,109 | | |
Mozambique | | | | $1,924 | | | |
Namibia | $35,099 | $49,054 | $48,549 | $11,385 | | | |
Netherlands | $640,982,540 | $623,188,139 | $758,133,013 | $796,701,326 | $637,037,132 | $636,063,086 | |
Netherlands Antilles | $1,470 | $1,599 | $2,466 | | | | |
New Zealand | $75,939 | $412,156 | $58,559 | $8,327 | $17,159 | $20,637 | $23,077 |
Norway | $279,543 | $35,261 | $21,097 | | $9,193 | $25,662 | $257,530 |
Panama | | $7,898 | $4,943 | $9,589 | $3,427 | $8,083 | $30,303 |
Peru | $2,592 | $16,985 | $616 | | $9,302 | | |
Poland | $19,402,249 | $31,758,836 | $21,591,826 | $8,176,863 | $11,118,883 | $38,884,123 | $60,583,055 |
Portugal | $154,063 | $124,897 | $1,146,486 | $1,544,063 | $3,888,378 | $1,688,572 | $3,126,547 |
Romania | $111,977 | $54,985 | $7,750 | $34,320 | $17,851 | $1,684,816 | $270,595 |
Russia | | | | | $188 | | |
Samoa | | $825 | $157 | | | | |
Serbia | $809 | $285,335 | $185,600 | $35,660 | $21,009 | | $15,932 |
Seychelles | | | | $119 | | | |
Singapore | | $2,446 | | $115 | $106,512 | | $241 |
Slovakia | $1,019,196 | $1,505,298 | $1,239,900 | $603,732 | $2,704,920 | $3,920,236 | $6,230,085 |
Slovenia | $881,329 | $898,127 | $1,186,534 | $1,310,444 | $1,298,934 | $1,342,930 | $1,614,959 |
South Africa | $180,085 | $148,928 | $182,234 | $294,777 | $268,990 | $229,686 | $157,462 |
Spain | $328,520,732 | $349,725,547 | $328,170,881 | $478,782,483 | $534,122,503 | $532,535,277 | |
Swaziland | $12,965 | $81,247 | $5,914 | | | | |
Sweden | $17,422,922 | $13,954,473 | $10,387,097 | $12,789,972 | $7,259,602 | $5,836,593 | $2,216,507 |
Switzerland | $31,912 | $40,394 | $48,505 | $85,214 | $62,805 | $45,956 | $114,099 |
Thailand | | | | | | | $116,612 |
Trinidad and Tobago | | $325 | $204 | $745 | $137 | $1,419 | |
Tunisia | | | $2,017 | | | | |
Ukraine | $475 | $84 | | $6,210 | $4,151 | $15,275 | $6,097 |
United Arab Emirates | $155,987 | | $17,971 | $2,180 | | | |
United Kingdom | $12,470,994 | $12,462,305 | $19,396,025 | $21,710,185 | $12,974,238 | $15,138,982 | $23,228,161 |
United States | $287,008,255 | $302,184,067 | $244,317,358 | $406,925,512 | $420,863,986 | $489,686,599 | $513,327,053 |
Vietnam | $2,978 | $3,919 | $85,393 | | $4,080 | $6,781 | |
Zambia | $55,216 | | | | $719 | $341 | |
Zimbabwe | | | $11,745 | | | | |