Rank | Country | Exports of Birds' eggs, not in shell (excl. yolks), other than dried, whether or not c ... in USD (2010) |
1 | Netherlands | $158,030,320 | | 2 | Germany | $24,781,786 | | 3 | France | $20,762,258 | | 4 | Belgium | $19,527,683 | | 5 | Poland | $18,541,396 | | 6 | Spain | $17,514,781 | | 7 | Denmark | $17,177,312 | | 8 | United States | $10,521,074 | | 9 | Italy | $9,478,821 | | 10 | Thailand | $8,742,983 | | 11 | China | $6,846,392 | | 12 | Canada | $3,526,399 | | 13 | Finland | $2,940,859 | | 14 | Romania | $2,372,729 | | 15 | Brazil | $2,270,298 | | 16 | Austria | $2,197,084 | | 17 | Latvia | $2,191,732 | | 18 | United Kingdom | $1,589,483 | | 19 | Portugal | $1,337,023 | | 20 | Estonia | $1,266,121 | | 21 | Greece | $1,257,342 | | 22 | Bulgaria | $1,127,281 | | 23 | Israel | $965,000 | | 24 | Sweden | $915,282 | | 25 | Czech Republic | $888,124 | | 26 | India | $726,501 | | 27 | Egypt | $524,917 | | 28 | Malaysia | $373,565 | | 29 | Australia | $347,807 | | 30 | South Africa | $264,115 | | 31 | Argentina | $263,520 | | 32 | Mexico | $239,364 | | 33 | Switzerland | $236,574 | | 34 | Hong Kong | $229,631 | | 35 | Korea, South | $103,635 | | 36 | New Zealand | $96,241 | | 37 | Slovenia | $93,646 | | 38 | Bahrain | $90,279 | | 39 | Luxembourg | $73,279 | | 40 | Hungary | $69,000 | | 41 | Pakistan | $61,903 | | 42 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | $26,226 | | 43 | Russia | $23,784 | | 44 | Lithuania | $19,302 | | 45 | Slovakia | $18,923 | | 46 | Ireland | $18,091 | | 47 | Singapore | $12,245 | | 48 | Japan | $10,667 | | 49 | Vietnam | $3,656 | | 50 | Kenya | $2,913 | | 51 | Malawi | $2,420 | | 52 | Norway | $2,238 | | 53 | Uganda | $1,783 | | 54 | Tanzania | $1,630 | | 55 | Botswana | $316 | | 56 | Belarus | $200 | | 57 | Mauritius | $177 | | 58 | Dominican Republic | $172 | | 59 | Zambia | $111 | | 60 | Ukraine | $89 | |
Country | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 |
Andorra | | $10 | | | | | |
Argentina | $131,764 | $266,004 | $298,637 | $313,082 | $213,604 | $263,520 | |
Australia | $697,232 | $549,031 | $407,690 | $441,298 | $710,141 | $347,807 | $145,984 |
Austria | $784,993 | $666,192 | $865,036 | $3,074,944 | $2,574,592 | $2,197,084 | |
Bahrain | $129,486 | $4,364 | $519 | $125,915 | $30,149 | $90,279 | $338 |
Belarus | $73,100 | $400 | $300 | $14,900 | | $200 | $16,000 |
Belgium | $21,311,505 | $8,840,274 | $12,430,687 | $15,633,776 | $17,917,232 | $19,527,683 | $21,051,433 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | | | | $24,773 | $53,266 | $26,226 | $22,043 |
Botswana | | | | | | $316 | $28 |
Brazil | $2,604,024 | $109,984 | $73,887 | $710,442 | $1,641,697 | $2,270,298 | $2,343,297 |
Bulgaria | $20,957 | $7,179 | $2,055 | $404,427 | $938,557 | $1,127,281 | $1,489,944 |
Canada | $778,667 | $539,022 | $1,569,738 | $3,287,221 | $1,474,459 | $3,526,399 | $3,210,798 |
Cape Verde | $26 | $63 | $38 | | | | |
China | $8,135,698 | $8,347,297 | $5,345,727 | $6,490,295 | $6,816,582 | $6,846,392 | $8,094,413 |
Colombia | $200 | | $7,447 | | | | |
Costa Rica | | | $2,293 | | | | |
Croatia | | | | $10,000 | $8,547 | | $13,072 |
Cuba | $10,676 | $212 | | | | | |
Czech Republic | $257,098 | $514,788 | $687,741 | $461,785 | $886,681 | $888,124 | $1,294,962 |
Denmark | $11,993,405 | $12,144,915 | $13,942,670 | $16,849,278 | $17,337,639 | $17,177,312 | $18,333,846 |
Dominican Republic | | | | | | $172 | |
Egypt | | | | $160,701 | $201,656 | $524,917 | $445,343 |
El Salvador | $982,785 | $934,337 | $1,107,561 | $531,970 | $27,643 | | |
Estonia | $308,221 | $52,136 | $442,058 | $1,253,407 | $1,493,808 | $1,266,121 | $1,118,533 |
Ethiopia | | | | $8,201 | | | |
Fiji | $3,932 | | $281,208 | $44,816 | | | |
Finland | $1,274,929 | $1,700,650 | $2,195,215 | $3,641,407 | $2,707,514 | $2,940,859 | $4,564,759 |
France | $9,844,445 | $16,620,709 | $18,799,126 | $24,932,415 | $27,653,125 | $20,762,258 | $16,349,225 |
Gambia, The | | | | | | | $7,329 |
Germany | $15,589,000 | $20,364,000 | $21,611,000 | $28,013,000 | $27,195,000 | $24,781,786 | $28,366,307 |
Greece | $1,373,135 | $660,675 | $989,427 | $935,366 | $2,020,089 | $1,257,342 | $1,831,546 |
Hong Kong | $10,053 | $10,486 | $149,764 | $186,197 | $142,814 | $229,631 | $504,227 |
Hungary | | | | $363,000 | $332,000 | $69,000 | $379,000 |
Iceland | | | | $38 | | | |
India | $244,810 | $214,349 | $194,598 | $829,649 | $336,179 | $726,501 | $513,387 |
Indonesia | $74,911 | | | | | | |
Iran | $2,861 | $485,740 | | | | | |
Ireland | $533,165 | $36,927 | $83,348 | $76,296 | $24,527 | $18,091 | $41,053 |
Israel | | | $64,000 | $409,000 | $635,000 | $965,000 | $339,000 |
Italy | $5,081,070 | $7,172,570 | $8,603,029 | $6,746,601 | $8,636,172 | $9,478,821 | $9,799,149 |
Jamaica | | | $6 | | | | |
Japan | $73,008 | $80,972 | $54,086 | $49,150 | $11,492 | $10,667 | |
Kenya | $32 | $16,573 | $27,137 | $7,051 | | $2,913 | |
Korea, South | $3,006 | | | $78,135 | $22,621 | $103,635 | $9 |
Latvia | $11,543 | $78,420 | $775,845 | $1,252,087 | $1,213,588 | $2,191,732 | $4,364,834 |
Lebanon | $1,000 | $313 | $12,268 | $44,960 | $1,800 | | |
Lithuania | $117,242 | $118,716 | $16,795 | | $45,110 | $19,302 | $71,713 |
Luxembourg | $31,785 | $37,419 | $44,524 | $59,725 | $63,166 | $73,279 | $112,202 |
Macau | | $1,000 | $1,618 | | $1,114 | | |
Malawi | | | | $285 | | $2,420 | |
Malaysia | $28,366 | $33,239 | $10,509 | $238,851 | $291,674 | $373,565 | $175,817 |
Mauritius | | | | | | $177 | $40 |
Mexico | | | | $10,360 | $83,124 | $239,364 | $162,936 |
Mongolia | | $511 | | | | | |
Mozambique | | $1 | | | | | |
Namibia | $6,629 | $2,817 | $1,868 | $1,336 | | | |
Netherlands | $72,327,975 | $78,855,536 | $117,527,551 | $134,607,110 | $143,027,613 | $158,030,320 | |
New Zealand | $395,559 | $370,922 | $286,847 | $40,163 | $3,096 | $96,241 | $309,533 |
Norway | $189 | | $45,304 | $12,268 | $2,274 | $2,238 | $458,167 |
Pakistan | | | | | $6,729 | $61,903 | |
Peru | | | | $7,400 | | | $6,265 |
Philippines | | | | $36,720 | $620 | | |
Poland | $2,191,622 | $3,790,603 | $10,632,159 | $18,076,093 | $19,362,004 | $18,541,396 | $15,801,894 |
Portugal | $23,189 | $668,432 | $1,208,084 | $904,121 | $1,785,253 | $1,337,023 | $3,341,156 |
Qatar | | | | | $19,307 | | |
Romania | $35,144 | $42,186 | $565,696 | $1,499,841 | $1,467,927 | $2,372,729 | $1,662,289 |
Russia | | $65 | | $14,734 | $27,430 | $23,784 | |
Saudi Arabia | $824,638 | $87,809 | $1,235,540 | | | | |
Senegal | | $3,677 | $27,833 | $16,938 | | | |
Serbia | | | | | $4,543 | | |
Singapore | $30,716 | $59,687 | $10,447 | $208 | $8,206 | $12,245 | $14,582 |
Slovakia | | | | | $83,313 | $18,923 | $67,467 |
Slovenia | $56,101 | $32,019 | $59,237 | $52,933 | $89,889 | $93,646 | $76,163 |
South Africa | $409,652 | $14,687 | $12,292 | $7,296 | $117,401 | $264,115 | $95,832 |
Spain | $8,137,606 | $10,639,621 | $23,155,881 | $33,027,031 | $26,818,249 | $17,514,781 | |
Sri Lanka | $1,141 | | | $1,169 | | | |
Swaziland | | | $78,315 | | | | |
Sweden | $795,136 | $368,431 | $551,459 | $44,653 | $30,100 | $915,282 | $1,205,317 |
Switzerland | $16,307 | $12,775 | $108,977 | $149,488 | $182,501 | $236,574 | $274,878 |
Syria | $68,693 | $126,280 | | | | | |
Tanzania | $33,350 | $125 | $5,958 | $243 | $6,516 | $1,630 | $17,042 |
Thailand | $4,699,920 | $4,760,121 | $4,997,827 | $6,521,693 | $8,630,689 | $8,742,983 | $8,681,022 |
Trinidad and Tobago | $114 | | | | $479 | | |
Turkey | $275 | $15,176 | $26,943 | $3,743 | | | $2,982 |
Uganda | $79 | | | $165,453 | $4,320 | $1,783 | |
Ukraine | | | | | | $89 | $87 |
United Arab Emirates | $436,787 | | $75,011 | $5,749 | | | |
United Kingdom | $3,746,494 | $4,504,979 | $4,137,989 | $3,406,649 | $3,606,945 | $1,589,483 | $1,754,628 |
United States | $4,972,147 | $5,191,565 | $8,253,898 | $6,399,537 | $9,008,394 | $10,521,074 | $11,937,169 |
Uruguay | | $12,793 | $9,902 | $14,482 | $15,079 | | |
Venezuela | | $2,195 | | | | | |
Vietnam | | $285 | $582 | | | $3,656 | |
Yemen | | | | $25,916 | | | |
Zambia | | | | $381 | $17,490 | $111 | |
Zimbabwe | $59,999 | $28,168 | $46,381 | $554 | | | |