Rank | Country | Exports of Cocoa paste, wholly/partly defatted in USD (2010) |
1 | Germany | $80,102,555 | | 2 | Malaysia | $64,801,913 | | 3 | Indonesia | $43,381,025 | | 4 | United States | $38,991,234 | | 5 | Cameroon | $28,810,575 | | 6 | United Kingdom | $26,029,700 | | 7 | Ghana | $21,204,629 | | 8 | Netherlands | $17,105,472 | | 9 | France | $13,028,936 | | 10 | China | $12,050,233 | | 11 | Brazil | $6,999,266 | | 12 | Italy | $5,858,830 | | 13 | Peru | $4,536,118 | | 14 | Ecuador | $2,967,293 | | 15 | Belgium | $2,181,685 | | 16 | Spain | $916,177 | | 17 | Singapore | $910,612 | | 18 | Estonia | $893,594 | | 19 | Hungary | $667,000 | | 20 | Mexico | $524,162 | | 21 | Colombia | $428,814 | | 22 | Turkey | $121,630 | | 23 | Costa Rica | $110,531 | | 24 | Philippines | $107,200 | | 25 | Bulgaria | $94,433 | | 26 | Ireland | $79,564 | | 27 | Poland | $41,445 | | 28 | South Africa | $37,174 | | 29 | Serbia | $32,931 | | 30 | Nigeria | $31,539 | | 31 | Jamaica | $26,759 | | 32 | Argentina | $23,596 | | 33 | Portugal | $15,833 | | 34 | Guatemala | $11,620 | | 35 | Denmark | $8,591 | | 36 | Egypt | $7,848 | | 37 | Thailand | $7,535 | | 38 | Austria | $4,716 | | 39 | Venezuela | $4,186 | | 40 | Morocco | $3,207 | | 41 | Luxembourg | $2,157 | | 42 | Romania | $186 | |
Country | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 |
Argentina | $38,770 | $3,250 | $17,798 | $26,792 | $14,313 | $23,596 | $18,986 |
Armenia | | $186 | | | | | |
Australia | | | $6,302 | | $120,745 | | $118,131 |
Austria | | $69 | $2,323 | $113 | $2,557 | $4,716 | |
Belgium | $207,057 | $11,601 | $27,069 | $195,497 | $1,552,054 | $2,181,685 | $1,214,960 |
Botswana | $2 | | | $22 | | | |
Brazil | $8,600,200 | $11,308,488 | $9,559,858 | $9,938,442 | $6,274,156 | $6,999,266 | $11,083,185 |
Bulgaria | | | | $16,701 | $123,445 | $94,433 | $26,989 |
Cameroon | $108,137 | $972,912 | $4,314,321 | $6,509,056 | $24,315,670 | $28,810,575 | |
Canada | $140,004 | $2,006,132 | $1,983,580 | $69,322 | $1,253 | | $88,290 |
Chile | $736 | | $2,886 | | | | |
China | $123,112 | $47,130 | $236,145 | $1,056,040 | $2,743,807 | $12,050,233 | $38,099,627 |
Colombia | $449,738 | $35,804 | | | $106,100 | $428,814 | $60,324 |
Costa Rica | $722,430 | $395,543 | $346,343 | $170,300 | | $110,531 | $542,946 |
Czech Republic | $635 | | | | | | |
Denmark | | | | | $3,250 | $8,591 | $8,840 |
Dominican Republic | $188,100 | | $151,642 | $223,374 | $162,104 | | |
Ecuador | $484,831 | $156,771 | $32,694 | $303,437 | $793,433 | $2,967,293 | $3,104,232 |
Egypt | $34,022 | | $12,673 | $4,571 | $49 | $7,848 | $1,770 |
El Salvador | | $15,214 | | | | | |
Estonia | $85,083 | $122,155 | $389,483 | $526,663 | $1,122,465 | $893,594 | $2,749,729 |
Finland | | | $122 | | | | |
France | $5,553,053 | $6,176,275 | $7,645,893 | $8,005,456 | $8,961,146 | $13,028,936 | $12,559,310 |
Georgia | $8,861 | | | | | | |
Germany | $4,579,000 | $6,466,000 | $5,765,000 | $10,316,000 | $30,413,000 | $80,102,555 | $122,324,451 |
Ghana | $7,420,110 | $4,985,673 | $6,177,087 | $5,928,685 | $11,254,162 | $21,204,629 | $8,822,569 |
Greece | | | $2,018 | $340 | $603 | | $88 |
Guatemala | $37,182 | $34,979 | $55,580 | $37,264 | $19,085 | $11,620 | |
Guyana | | | | $752 | | | |
Honduras | $789,048 | $198,410 | $172,926 | | | | |
Hong Kong | $219,606 | | | | | | |
Hungary | | | | | | $667,000 | $213,000 |
India | | | | $306 | | | |
Indonesia | $8,645,122 | $8,188,672 | $10,925,740 | $19,928,277 | $14,645,172 | $43,381,025 | $170,793,638 |
Iran | | $135,621 | | | | | |
Ireland | | | | | | $79,564 | |
Israel | | | $470,000 | $5,000 | | | |
Italy | $1,728,950 | $1,076,175 | $1,252,237 | $829,665 | $2,846,324 | $5,858,830 | $19,424,125 |
Jamaica | | | | | | $26,759 | |
Japan | $575,264 | $185,673 | $189,885 | | | | $205,801 |
Jordan | | | | $7,045 | | | |
Kenya | | $42 | | | | | |
Lebanon | $5,000 | | $4,337 | | | | $1,155 |
Lithuania | $2,803 | | | | | | $55,263 |
Luxembourg | $2 | $185 | | | $611 | $2,157 | |
Macau | | $1,184 | | | | | |
Macedonia | | $9,006 | | | | | |
Madagascar | | $620 | $75,893 | | | | |
Malaysia | $17,460,939 | $9,930,901 | $8,987,707 | $19,145,141 | $34,801,161 | $64,801,913 | $114,290,721 |
Mauritius | | | $76 | $93 | $267 | | $106 |
Mexico | $4,530 | $1,392 | $113 | $6,996 | $109,825 | $524,162 | $229,199 |
Morocco | | | $199 | $3,756 | | $3,207 | |
Netherlands | $5,368,913 | $3,941,144 | $2,918,626 | $7,325,166 | $12,808,693 | $17,105,472 | |
New Caledonia | $560 | | | | | | |
New Zealand | | | | | $3,915 | | |
Nigeria | | | $87,043 | | | $31,539 | |
Panama | | | $114 | | $714 | | |
Peru | $998,217 | $1,472,348 | $189,326 | $651,728 | $6,919,129 | $4,536,118 | $4,747,068 |
Philippines | | | | | $41,512 | $107,200 | |
Poland | $263,086 | $417,217 | $27,883 | $35,377 | $97,690 | $41,445 | $584,054 |
Portugal | | $427 | | | $1,136 | $15,833 | |
Romania | | | | | | $186 | $337 |
Russia | $13,511 | $3,991 | $998 | $38,250 | | | $270,212 |
Samoa | | $2,265 | | | | | |
Serbia | | | $87,841 | $3,535 | | $32,931 | $3,896 |
Singapore | $23,140 | $600,713 | $56,348 | $12,973 | $4,720,552 | $910,612 | $11,737,552 |
South Africa | $104 | $16,442 | $107 | $19,429 | $19,797 | $37,174 | $60,971 |
Spain | $136,154 | $65,167 | $351,868 | $1,739,513 | $180,982 | $916,177 | |
Suriname | | $190 | | | | | |
Sweden | | $2,716 | | $770 | $18,796 | | |
Switzerland | $1,889 | $19,303 | $3,524 | $4,807 | $41 | | |
Thailand | $831,431 | $661,340 | $531,594 | | $855 | $7,535 | $6,966 |
Trinidad and Tobago | $104 | | | | | | |
Tunisia | | | $33,129 | | | | |
Turkey | $9,807 | | | | $8,078 | $121,630 | $57,200 |
Ukraine | | | | | $395 | | |
United Arab Emirates | | | $2,668 | | | | |
United Kingdom | $17,932,284 | $18,498,406 | $17,472,940 | $19,228,265 | $22,226,347 | $26,029,700 | $17,584,730 |
United States | $10,869,709 | $10,376,926 | $9,909,135 | $10,934,076 | $14,133,597 | $38,991,234 | $34,271,645 |
Uruguay | $4,462 | $10,938 | | $94,405 | $16,400 | | |
Venezuela | | | | | $1,346 | $4,186 | |
Vietnam | $966 | | | | $1,200 | | |
Zimbabwe | | | | $11,831 | | | |