Rank | Country | Exports of Hydrogen fluoride (hydrofluoric acid) in USD (2010) |
1 | China | $197,412,785 | | 2 | Mexico | $142,863,172 | | 3 | Germany | $127,339,397 | | 4 | Canada | $42,038,437 | | 5 | Japan | $38,206,565 | | 6 | United States | $15,478,932 | | 7 | Singapore | $9,612,558 | | 8 | United Kingdom | $5,512,572 | | 9 | Korea, South | $5,155,869 | | 10 | South Africa | $2,122,799 | | 11 | Czech Republic | $1,425,925 | | 12 | India | $1,212,607 | | 13 | Belgium | $705,903 | | 14 | Switzerland | $400,557 | | 15 | Netherlands | $362,084 | | 16 | Sweden | $116,080 | | 17 | Russia | $99,737 | | 18 | Malaysia | $92,502 | | 19 | Ireland | $73,668 | | 20 | Slovenia | $53,314 | | 21 | Thailand | $47,709 | | 22 | Indonesia | $43,800 | | 23 | Australia | $43,379 | | 24 | Brazil | $40,313 | | 25 | Hong Kong | $29,965 | | 26 | Poland | $16,636 | | 27 | Costa Rica | $15,116 | | 28 | Guatemala | $12,949 | | 29 | Portugal | $9,893 | | 30 | Turkey | $9,733 | | 31 | Austria | $7,059 | | 32 | Colombia | $6,895 | | 33 | Denmark | $4,981 | | 34 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | $4,422 | | 35 | Finland | $2,572 | | 36 | Peru | $2,532 | | 37 | Cameroon | $2,082 | | 38 | New Zealand | $1,749 | | 39 | Chile | $1,088 | | 40 | Vietnam | $1,016 | | 41 | Israel | $1,000 | | 42 | El Salvador | $975 | | 43 | Mauritius | $844 | | 44 | Iran | $535 | | 45 | Syria | $516 | | 46 | Zambia | $255 | | 47 | Trinidad and Tobago | $94 | | 48 | Nicaragua | $85 | | 49 | Rwanda | $74 | | 50 | Lithuania | $73 | | 51 | Greece | $52 | |
Country | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 |
Albania | | | | $4,257 | | | |
Argentina | | | | | $39,216 | | |
Australia | $20,759 | $23,238 | $38,699 | $38,643 | $22,698 | $43,379 | $179,775 |
Austria | $237,099 | $221,270 | $139,166 | $51,849 | $34,914 | $7,059 | |
Bahrain | | | | $239 | | | |
Belgium | $805,106 | $504,179 | $428,770 | $303,555 | $258,073 | $705,903 | $816,449 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | | | | $210 | $1,181 | $4,422 | |
Brazil | $782,142 | $378,070 | $343,437 | $1,799,706 | $2,002,233 | $40,313 | $3,650 |
Bulgaria | | $905 | | | | | |
Cambodia | | | | $144 | | | |
Cameroon | | | | | | $2,082 | |
Canada | $46,218,567 | $52,324,422 | $50,259,327 | $49,099,252 | $40,084,462 | $42,038,437 | $40,617,580 |
Chile | $1,337 | $438 | $607 | $4,154 | $61,568 | $1,088 | $7,378 |
China | $60,174,299 | $76,652,220 | $102,298,876 | $196,251,340 | $96,476,157 | $197,412,785 | $331,187,962 |
Colombia | $2,586 | $380 | $2,256 | | | $6,895 | $23,052 |
Costa Rica | $10,563 | $13,481 | $13,477 | $28,488 | $13,376 | $15,116 | $17,069 |
Croatia | $1,664 | $366 | $2,249 | $178 | $332 | | |
Czech Republic | $1,854,923 | $2,051,980 | $3,462,844 | $3,903,668 | $2,097,406 | $1,425,925 | $3,954,131 |
Denmark | $69 | | | $1,635 | $3,738 | $4,981 | |
Egypt | | | $27,344 | | | | |
El Salvador | | | | | $1,918 | $975 | |
Estonia | | | $164 | | | | $1,813 |
Finland | $37 | $1,203 | $344 | $4,930 | $2,583 | $2,572 | $3,580 |
Georgia | $1,015 | | | | | | |
Germany | $90,379,000 | $100,532,000 | $103,600,000 | $123,178,000 | $86,018,000 | $127,339,397 | $146,798,325 |
Greece | $47,866 | $10,268 | $18,778 | $1,403 | $10,393 | $52 | $3,019 |
Guatemala | $12,684 | $29,351 | $14,034 | $16,223 | $33,541 | $12,949 | $43,938 |
Hong Kong | $49,886 | $227,803 | $38,145 | $658 | $413 | $29,965 | $2,688 |
Hungary | $26,000 | | | | | | $2,000 |
India | $1,299,188 | $642,105 | $839,676 | $1,065,462 | $1,026,339 | $1,212,607 | $2,306,158 |
Indonesia | | | | | | $43,800 | $6,000 |
Iran | | $667 | | | | $535 | |
Ireland | $114,496 | $22,601 | $9,054 | $318,347 | $38,058 | $73,668 | $89,606 |
Israel | | | | | $1,000 | $1,000 | |
Japan | $19,478,624 | $18,336,013 | $24,952,259 | $35,877,416 | $26,925,994 | $38,206,565 | $58,619,387 |
Jordan | $16,602 | $157,450 | $25,056 | | | | |
Kazakhstan | $1,139,130 | $1,923,488 | $3,019,035 | $2,072,212 | $4,256,659 | | |
Kenya | $300 | | | $87 | | | |
Korea, South | $1,159,486 | $1,428,697 | $2,403,023 | $2,596,331 | $1,925,328 | $5,155,869 | $8,052,313 |
Latvia | | | | | $111 | | |
Lithuania | | $1,401 | $134 | | | $73 | $497,581 |
Macedonia | $3,011 | | | | | | $21 |
Malaysia | $15,977 | $39,074 | $42,133 | $46,322 | $62,405 | $92,502 | $107,458 |
Malta | $1,442 | | | | | | |
Mauritius | | $521 | $1,345 | $12,420 | $4,868 | $844 | $1,183 |
Mexico | $85,576,899 | $108,187,396 | $119,210,097 | $114,400,926 | $113,633,400 | $142,863,172 | $140,078,567 |
Namibia | $1,284 | $5,152 | $24 | $192 | | | |
Netherlands | $1,274,759 | $336,700 | $297,903 | $452,389 | $1,273,893 | $362,084 | |
Netherlands Antilles | | $22,450 | $19,699 | | | | |
New Zealand | | | | | | $1,749 | $509 |
Nicaragua | | | | | | $85 | |
Norway | $9,772 | | $7,341 | | | | $25,342 |
Peru | | | | | | $2,532 | |
Poland | $97,888 | $3,283 | $4,852 | $1,257 | $14,296 | $16,636 | $3,918 |
Portugal | | $2,052 | | $511 | $7,813 | $9,893 | |
Qatar | | | | | $302 | | |
Russia | $259,244 | $215,687 | $88,513 | $55,380 | $96 | $99,737 | $24,416 |
Rwanda | | | | | | $74 | |
Saudi Arabia | $4,804 | $11,675 | $5,833 | | | | |
Singapore | $6,194,665 | $8,983,635 | $15,624,109 | $10,743,830 | $10,021,204 | $9,612,558 | $16,739,165 |
Slovenia | $9,622 | $8,969 | $13,785 | $19,735 | $18,270 | $53,314 | $89,306 |
South Africa | $854,221 | $570,042 | $1,886,404 | $2,645,913 | $1,979,150 | $2,122,799 | $3,852,230 |
Spain | | | $650 | $4,621 | | | |
Sri Lanka | $496 | | | | | | $140 |
Sweden | $56,805 | $106,876 | $109,461 | $90,693 | $156,417 | $116,080 | $97,758 |
Switzerland | $204,832 | $158,228 | $201,786 | $322,646 | $254,185 | $400,557 | $516,171 |
Syria | | | | | | $516 | |
Tanzania | | | | $35 | | | |
Thailand | $31,921 | $332,410 | $238,532 | $172,283 | $90,073 | $47,709 | $189,535 |
Trinidad and Tobago | $148 | | | | | $94 | |
Turkey | $18,535 | $4,030 | $100,486 | $10,703 | $3,679 | $9,733 | $17,594 |
Uganda | | | | | $50 | | |
United Arab Emirates | $26,195 | | $29,027 | $1,470 | | | |
United Kingdom | $3,018,362 | $1,928,219 | $3,818,108 | $1,128,733 | $3,693,999 | $5,512,572 | $9,381,455 |
United States | $16,714,169 | $10,620,529 | $10,351,147 | $11,117,838 | $10,502,709 | $15,478,932 | $12,955,413 |
Venezuela | $1,616 | | | $73,278 | | | |
Vietnam | $1,127 | | | $2,375 | | $1,016 | |
Zambia | | | $123 | $1,424 | $1,994 | $255 | |