Rank | Country | Exports of Acyclic terpene alcohols in USD (2010) |
1 | United States | $68,520,636 | | 2 | China | $46,508,281 | | 3 | Spain | $40,049,758 | | 4 | Switzerland | $33,533,640 | | 5 | India | $22,570,842 | | 6 | France | $17,464,263 | | 7 | Belgium | $9,750,243 | | 8 | United Kingdom | $4,498,205 | | 9 | Singapore | $2,760,373 | | 10 | Japan | $2,631,088 | | 11 | Italy | $716,223 | | 12 | Austria | $422,875 | | 13 | Mexico | $314,354 | | 14 | Netherlands | $263,936 | | 15 | Indonesia | $220,903 | | 16 | Ireland | $208,643 | | 17 | Brazil | $154,999 | | 18 | Romania | $75,170 | | 19 | Canada | $71,674 | | 20 | Hong Kong | $66,550 | | 21 | Portugal | $38,031 | | 22 | Australia | $29,555 | | 23 | Argentina | $16,759 | | 24 | Denmark | $12,358 | | 25 | Poland | $7,202 | | 26 | Lithuania | $6,613 | | 27 | Greece | $5,541 | | 28 | Colombia | $4,076 | | 29 | Slovenia | $472 | | 30 | Turkey | $105 | | 31 | South Africa | $30 | |
Country | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 |
Argentina | $20,505 | $2,960 | $3,907 | $15,539 | $13,758 | $16,759 | $4,695 |
Armenia | | $1,175 | | | | | |
Australia | $46,160 | $478 | $48,257 | $599 | $24,690 | $29,555 | $28,818 |
Austria | $423 | $7,958 | | $87,820 | $8,837 | $422,875 | |
Bahrain | | | | $715,339 | | | |
Belgium | $9,233,033 | $5,419,264 | $4,927,544 | $9,474,549 | $9,069,841 | $9,750,243 | $13,856,307 |
Brazil | $175,826 | $291,751 | $393,406 | $387,110 | $174,890 | $154,999 | $488,406 |
Canada | $1,986 | $18,231 | | $46,901 | $88,795 | $71,674 | $56,140 |
Chile | | | $98 | $1,839 | | | |
China | $16,514,205 | $19,609,080 | $18,630,580 | $22,300,252 | $35,409,216 | $46,508,281 | $53,577,909 |
Colombia | $1,353 | $1,327 | $8,877 | $18,868 | $12,786 | $4,076 | $28 |
Cote d'Ivoire | | $221 | | $108 | | | |
Croatia | | | | | $325 | | |
Czech Republic | $60,626 | $173,312 | $147,881 | $123,662 | $77 | | $765 |
Denmark | $14,768 | $31,026 | $16,564 | $9,357 | $240 | $12,358 | $85,751 |
Estonia | | | | | | | $1,581 |
Finland | $58 | | | | | | $1,855 |
France | $13,324,590 | $9,953,595 | $12,445,845 | $11,666,694 | $16,231,484 | $17,464,263 | $18,331,835 |
Germany | $18,372,000 | $37,576,000 | $43,481,000 | $56,601,000 | | | |
Greece | $30 | | | | $23,563 | $5,541 | |
Hong Kong | $459,587 | $204,090 | $83,679 | $178,242 | $205,077 | $66,550 | $194,963 |
Hungary | | | | | | | $13,000 |
India | $4,092,465 | $5,623,404 | $5,689,119 | $7,517,337 | $9,801,591 | $22,570,842 | $39,828,938 |
Indonesia | $22,195 | $4,106 | $16,620 | $30,786 | $27,286 | $220,903 | $369,715 |
Ireland | $15,958 | $38,755 | $41,144 | $5,179 | $25,403 | $208,643 | |
Italy | $488,687 | $711,386 | $302,247 | $579,656 | $508,350 | $716,223 | $710,607 |
Japan | $19,122,266 | $15,359,062 | $11,244,777 | $9,068,154 | $1,692,813 | $2,631,088 | $2,423,581 |
Kazakhstan | | | | | $221 | | |
Kenya | | | | | $1,445 | | |
Lithuania | | | | $55 | | $6,613 | $4,912 |
Luxembourg | | | $44,302 | $270,284 | $224,548 | | |
Malaysia | | $18,293 | $17,283 | $2,115 | | | |
Mexico | $3,820,186 | $3,884,453 | $5,451,881 | $2,060,725 | $227,941 | $314,354 | $1,052,124 |
Netherlands | $436,527 | $477,410 | $704,259 | $757,420 | $397,655 | $263,936 | |
Peru | | | | | | | $4,437 |
Poland | $5,096 | $7,355 | | | | $7,202 | |
Portugal | $1,163 | | | | $61,201 | $38,031 | $45,775 |
Romania | $94,735 | $38,709 | | $124,440 | $30,331 | $75,170 | $57,468 |
Russia | | $2,469 | $5,767 | | $1,037 | | $1,057 |
Serbia | $966 | | | | | | |
Singapore | $1,707,776 | $1,861,554 | $3,064,213 | $4,031,727 | $2,402,240 | $2,760,373 | $3,589,196 |
Slovenia | $612 | $1,024 | $1,274 | $1,564 | $546 | $472 | $953 |
South Africa | | $3,619 | $38,666 | $34,763 | $29 | $30 | $2,323 |
Spain | $21,907,660 | $21,939,134 | $26,738,943 | $27,938,705 | $34,284,289 | $40,049,758 | |
Sweden | | | $445 | | | | |
Switzerland | $26,786,534 | $10,430,305 | $15,679,160 | $28,603,289 | $28,784,866 | $33,533,640 | $32,913,053 |
Thailand | | | | | | | $14,646 |
Trinidad and Tobago | $12 | | | | | | |
Tunisia | | $5,909 | | | | | |
Turkey | | | $317 | | | $105 | $1,003 |
United Arab Emirates | $83,771 | | | | | | |
United Kingdom | $3,422,037 | $2,809,320 | $3,881,837 | $3,969,049 | $2,419,275 | $4,498,205 | $4,607,796 |
United States | $46,478,559 | $47,114,157 | $53,418,594 | $56,396,440 | $58,885,027 | $68,520,636 | $53,528,349 |