Rank | Country | Exports of Plates, sheets, film, foil & strip, of phenolic resins, non-cellular & not ... in USD (2010) |
1 | China | $61,888,448 | | 2 | United States | $11,301,867 | | 3 | Hong Kong | $7,827,334 | | 4 | Japan | $2,732,541 | | 5 | United Kingdom | $2,702,651 | | 6 | Germany | $1,656,271 | | 7 | India | $881,757 | | 8 | Mexico | $814,201 | | 9 | Egypt | $749,342 | | 10 | Colombia | $545,236 | | 11 | Thailand | $510,048 | | 12 | Czech Republic | $376,064 | | 13 | Canada | $306,456 | | 14 | Singapore | $188,815 | | 15 | Saudi Arabia | $135,200 | | 16 | Korea, South | $122,281 | | 17 | Australia | $120,424 | | 18 | Philippines | $95,369 | | 19 | Russia | $72,678 | | 20 | France | $70,255 | | 21 | Spain | $54,538 | | 22 | Ukraine | $50,637 | | 23 | Malaysia | $43,874 | | 24 | Denmark | $41,043 | | 25 | Switzerland | $36,730 | | 26 | Lebanon | $29,498 | | 27 | Portugal | $24,184 | | 28 | Argentina | $22,881 | | 29 | Jordan | $20,121 | | 30 | Brazil | $17,803 | | 31 | Panama | $12,704 | | 32 | Italy | $9,935 | | 33 | Macau | $9,742 | | 34 | Kenya | $6,444 | | 35 | Netherlands | $5,305 | | 36 | Vietnam | $5,147 | | 37 | Sweden | $4,593 | | 38 | Austria | $3,194 | | 39 | Belgium | $3,023 | | 40 | South Africa | $2,668 | | 41 | Finland | $2,082 | | 42 | Indonesia | $1,704 | | 43 | Slovenia | $1,547 | | 44 | Greece | $764 | | 45 | New Zealand | $720 | | 46 | Turkey | $315 | | 47 | Norway | $189 | | 48 | Botswana | $107 | | 49 | Estonia | $37 | |
Country | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 |
Argentina | | $3,315 | $832 | $14,179 | $7,097 | $22,881 | $35,327 |
Australia | $157,174 | $36,762 | $37,634 | $45,581 | $48,819 | $120,424 | $22,379 |
Austria | $6,157 | $13,942 | $9,367 | $7,746 | $721,029 | $3,194 | |
Belarus | | | $1,800 | | | | |
Belgium | $615,851 | $40,988 | $35,337 | $186,266 | $25,535 | $3,023 | $103,845 |
Bhutan | $12,543 | | | | | | |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | | $3,245 | | $19,411 | | | |
Botswana | $9,990 | | | $158 | $7 | $107 | |
Brazil | $17,741 | $24,858 | $13,540 | $27,431 | $13,828 | $17,803 | $650 |
Bulgaria | $1,408 | $1,647 | $13,586 | | | | |
Canada | $423,125 | $302,660 | $111,570 | $255,756 | $151,841 | $306,456 | $61,105 |
China | $7,956,208 | $15,365,703 | $22,431,258 | $39,563,802 | $43,045,779 | $61,888,448 | $85,462,872 |
Colombia | $207,413 | $211,150 | $551,153 | $568,054 | $665,170 | $545,236 | $559,457 |
Costa Rica | | $8 | | | | | $300 |
Croatia | | $359 | $3,284 | | | | |
Czech Republic | $392,745 | $279,682 | $357,753 | $167,519 | $293,893 | $376,064 | $273,726 |
Denmark | $13,833 | $6,957 | $6,613 | $61,180 | $73,351 | $41,043 | $75,978 |
Egypt | | | | $930,075 | $1,308,344 | $749,342 | $989,906 |
El Salvador | | | | | $4,000 | | |
Estonia | | | | $46,643 | $236,036 | $37 | $45 |
Finland | | | $14,651 | $1,613 | $12,959 | $2,082 | $23,197 |
France | $60,968 | $232,238 | $450,081 | $451,386 | $158,383 | $70,255 | $86,261 |
Germany | $6,395,000 | $15,226,000 | $21,873,000 | $5,991,000 | $2,371,000 | $1,656,271 | $2,251,081 |
Greece | | | | | | $764 | $1,057 |
Guatemala | | | $9,324 | | | | |
Hong Kong | $7,681,040 | $6,604,117 | $7,019,989 | $5,761,075 | $5,086,445 | $7,827,334 | $7,601,258 |
Hungary | $1,000 | | | | | | $1,000 |
India | $936,462 | $726,635 | $166,870 | $169,876 | $662,466 | $881,757 | $1,539,239 |
Indonesia | $114,564 | $136,107 | $278,375 | $44,989 | $28,906 | $1,704 | $1,760 |
Ireland | $14,687 | | $2,122 | | | | $1 |
Israel | | | $48,000 | | | | |
Italy | $100,780 | $53,100 | $221,424 | $266,918 | $54,879 | $9,935 | $775 |
Japan | $3,907,362 | $2,778,730 | $2,477,267 | $3,249,746 | $2,245,974 | $2,732,541 | $6,033,313 |
Jordan | | | | $60,248 | | $20,121 | |
Kazakhstan | | | | $637 | | | |
Kenya | | | | $633 | $68 | $6,444 | |
Korea, South | | $17,411 | $20,369 | | $130,501 | $122,281 | $47,628 |
Latvia | | | $211 | $88 | $4 | | |
Lebanon | | | | $464 | | $29,498 | |
Lithuania | | $157 | | $4,127 | | | |
Luxembourg | | $29 | | $1,418 | $177 | | |
Macau | $5,895 | $22,968 | $7,139 | $6,766 | $5,926 | $9,742 | |
Macedonia | $1,864 | | | | $537 | | |
Malaysia | $64,050 | $150,610 | $103,386 | $84,614 | $239,577 | $43,874 | $13,889 |
Mexico | $28,861 | $72,112 | $281,390 | $854,638 | $712,969 | $814,201 | $835,056 |
Namibia | $47 | | $108 | | | | |
Netherlands | $7,462 | $8,794 | $9,610 | | | $5,305 | |
New Zealand | $1,877,670 | $568,809 | $8,804 | $5,773 | $7,134 | $720 | $1,288 |
Nicaragua | $10 | | | | | | |
Norway | | | | | $399 | $189 | |
Panama | | | | | $28,000 | $12,704 | $37,448 |
Philippines | | | | $569,553 | $297,608 | $95,369 | $25,688 |
Poland | | $16,731 | $12,347 | $2,243 | $205 | | |
Portugal | | $94 | $448 | $88 | $11,459 | $24,184 | $15,292 |
Romania | $2,522 | | | | | | $28,406 |
Russia | $109,203 | $113,841 | $96,457 | $98,409 | $93,043 | $72,678 | $46,127 |
Saudi Arabia | | | | | | $135,200 | |
Serbia | | $68,124 | $49,044 | $28,375 | $2,631 | | $58 |
Singapore | $190,468 | $122,022 | $337,595 | $233,343 | $252,891 | $188,815 | $255,780 |
Slovenia | $860 | $346 | $323 | $729 | $776 | $1,547 | $4,189 |
South Africa | $1,621 | $6,596 | $19,785 | $19,458 | $2,398 | $2,668 | $27,533 |
Spain | | $27,192 | $44,216 | $395,155 | $278,476 | $54,538 | |
Sweden | $2,813 | $22,407 | $11,421 | $12,318 | $7,229 | $4,593 | $2,930 |
Switzerland | $471,479 | $460,894 | $388,957 | $136,577 | $53,747 | $36,730 | $39,853 |
Thailand | $333,268 | $671,286 | $128,751 | $1,396,823 | $583,193 | $510,048 | $158,925 |
Tunisia | | | $964 | | | | |
Turkey | $27,073 | $11,858 | $113 | | | $315 | |
Ukraine | $53 | $89,080 | $1,493 | | $2,140 | $50,637 | $248 |
United Arab Emirates | $94,965 | | $21,273 | $117,745 | | | |
United Kingdom | $914,008 | $1,229,155 | $1,485,369 | $1,073,943 | $1,927,382 | $2,702,651 | $3,273,099 |
United States | $4,949,960 | $4,796,178 | $3,690,473 | $4,741,529 | $5,030,249 | $11,301,867 | $14,533,444 |
Venezuela | $3,642 | | | | | | $21,888 |
Vietnam | | $17,636 | | | | $5,147 | |
Yemen | | | | | | | $900 |
Zambia | $3 | $64,353 | $173 | $24,291 | $940 | | |