Rank | Country | Exports of Woven fabrics of flax, cont. 85%/more by wt. of flax, unbleached/bleached in USD (2010) |
1 | China | $88,806,680 | | 2 | Belgium | $27,148,415 | | 3 | Netherlands | $20,868,225 | | 4 | Belarus | $18,287,200 | | 5 | France | $11,000,828 | | 6 | Italy | $9,463,664 | | 7 | United Kingdom | $8,753,215 | | 8 | India | $5,822,196 | | 9 | Russia | $4,859,959 | | 10 | Lithuania | $4,306,363 | | 11 | Germany | $3,952,525 | | 12 | Czech Republic | $3,818,597 | | 13 | Spain | $3,376,899 | | 14 | Hong Kong | $3,313,616 | | 15 | Estonia | $1,087,878 | | 16 | United States | $971,389 | | 17 | Turkey | $948,850 | | 18 | Japan | $923,174 | | 19 | Switzerland | $908,102 | | 20 | Sweden | $773,591 | | 21 | Portugal | $592,287 | | 22 | Poland | $543,637 | | 23 | Austria | $473,119 | | 24 | Latvia | $361,440 | | 25 | Denmark | $328,510 | | 26 | Norway | $277,123 | | 27 | Thailand | $258,479 | | 28 | Tunisia | $226,873 | | 29 | Bulgaria | $200,957 | | 30 | Canada | $189,995 | | 31 | Greece | $176,981 | | 32 | Chile | $136,127 | | 33 | Hungary | $131,000 | | 34 | Korea, South | $88,560 | | 35 | Ukraine | $79,478 | | 36 | Romania | $75,750 | | 37 | South Africa | $71,893 | | 38 | New Zealand | $41,370 | | 39 | Mauritius | $38,378 | | 40 | Ireland | $23,658 | | 41 | Iran | $16,511 | | 42 | Morocco | $15,751 | | 43 | Finland | $13,990 | | 44 | Australia | $13,793 | | 45 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | $12,568 | | 46 | Brazil | $10,790 | | 47 | Madagascar | $7,365 | | 48 | Egypt | $6,963 | | 49 | Slovenia | $6,885 | | 50 | Colombia | $5,314 | | 51 | Argentina | $4,676 | | 52 | Vietnam | $4,253 | | 53 | Singapore | $4,023 | | 54 | Croatia | $1,645 | | 55 | Slovakia | $880 | | 56 | Indonesia | $550 | | 57 | Sri Lanka | $85 | | 58 | Mexico | $77 | | 59 | Samoa | $39 | |
Country | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 |
Argentina | $3,586 | $10,263 | $15,333 | $25,385 | $7,472 | $4,676 | $11,431 |
Armenia | | | $8,048 | | | | |
Australia | | | $6,162 | $14,148 | $29,188 | $13,793 | $3,213 |
Austria | $1,721,476 | $1,181,302 | $1,208,471 | $963,881 | $666,725 | $473,119 | |
Bangladesh | $65,360 | | | | | | |
Belarus | $22,489,600 | $22,405,600 | $19,460,700 | $15,904,900 | $12,234,100 | $18,287,200 | $23,715,600 |
Belgium | $27,275,771 | $32,237,615 | $33,720,452 | $35,951,117 | $23,593,437 | $27,148,415 | $28,404,714 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | | | $497 | $339 | | $12,568 | |
Brazil | $5,572 | $3,109 | $5,221 | $9,340 | $14,021 | $10,790 | $7,940 |
Bulgaria | $478,577 | $386,502 | $58,080 | $197,935 | $44,091 | $200,957 | $233,842 |
Canada | $26,126 | $44,226 | $131,502 | $133,051 | $173,561 | $189,995 | $200,525 |
Chile | $330,228 | $168,604 | $147,561 | $157,413 | $113,986 | $136,127 | $103,665 |
China | $94,738,641 | $89,170,446 | $76,249,006 | $73,380,585 | $63,841,594 | $88,806,680 | $103,058,013 |
Colombia | $72 | | | | | $5,314 | |
Croatia | $54,868 | $58,136 | $84,353 | $113,064 | $652 | $1,645 | |
Czech Republic | $8,904,256 | $9,675,436 | $10,356,329 | $8,332,184 | $4,326,488 | $3,818,597 | $5,760,461 |
Denmark | $499,235 | $480,855 | $533,957 | $481,967 | $499,205 | $328,510 | $231,306 |
Egypt | | $16,981 | $1,571 | | $17,802 | $6,963 | |
Estonia | $10,980,417 | $8,890,934 | $2,753,159 | $1,716,324 | $429,844 | $1,087,878 | $1,601,048 |
Finland | $7,393 | $36,162 | $51,428 | $10,567 | $5,347 | $13,990 | $26,280 |
France | $13,308,415 | $14,061,069 | $17,444,766 | $15,485,770 | $9,798,909 | $11,000,828 | $11,845,571 |
Georgia | | | $1,691 | $3,522 | $18,190 | | |
Germany | $10,655,000 | $9,483,000 | $10,040,000 | $5,928,000 | $3,785,000 | $3,952,525 | $4,945,697 |
Greece | $694,341 | $224,190 | $373,898 | $104,656 | $35,445 | $176,981 | $146,439 |
Hong Kong | $32,783,661 | $27,290,796 | $12,834,043 | $6,153,928 | $3,233,813 | $3,313,616 | $3,328,164 |
Hungary | $54,000 | $36,000 | $102,000 | $32,000 | | $131,000 | $117,000 |
India | $702,392 | $1,159,216 | $2,773,317 | $7,104,362 | $7,289,349 | $5,822,196 | $5,606,787 |
Indonesia | | | | | | $550 | |
Iran | $720 | | | | | $16,511 | |
Ireland | $66,206 | $18,265 | $271,061 | $20,538 | | $23,658 | $76,219 |
Israel | | $16,000 | | | | | |
Italy | $22,110,802 | $27,482,369 | $22,166,449 | $15,702,249 | $9,651,552 | $9,463,664 | $11,673,075 |
Japan | $844,252 | $1,126,811 | $1,149,823 | $680,882 | $579,511 | $923,174 | $968,709 |
Jordan | | | | | | | $7,248 |
Kenya | $154,822 | | | | $666 | | |
Korea, South | $854,540 | $108,186 | $211,998 | $122,622 | $68,532 | $88,560 | $35,388 |
Latvia | $1,557,837 | $862,609 | $186,346 | $15,027 | $32,047 | $361,440 | $570,457 |
Lithuania | $7,909,073 | $6,698,307 | $5,597,423 | $4,353,285 | $3,536,808 | $4,306,363 | $4,969,081 |
Luxembourg | $120 | | | | | | |
Macedonia | $576 | $5,770 | $73,861 | | $4,352 | | $4,884 |
Madagascar | | | $12 | | $6,446 | $7,365 | |
Malaysia | $4,596 | $24,537 | $26,830 | $413 | $7,139 | | |
Mauritius | | | $4,978 | $341 | | $38,378 | |
Mexico | $7,591 | $1,071 | | $669 | | $77 | |
Moldova | $3,446 | $10,754 | $5,169 | $11,164 | | | |
Morocco | $3,911 | $42,992 | $60,111 | $84,161 | $32,372 | $15,751 | |
Namibia | | | | $2 | | | |
Netherlands | $12,942,849 | $12,766,943 | $11,887,292 | $14,183,207 | $11,280,859 | $20,868,225 | |
New Zealand | $5,020 | $38,690 | $17,309 | $14,599 | $18,813 | $41,370 | $42,492 |
Norway | $5,162 | $25,224 | $87,807 | $276,037 | $183,122 | $277,123 | $345,264 |
Pakistan | | $142,968 | | | | | |
Panama | | $949 | $14,400 | | | | |
Peru | | | $684 | | | | |
Philippines | | $8,884 | | | | | |
Poland | $13,662,930 | $7,322,205 | $3,258,949 | $2,156,134 | $915,328 | $543,637 | $749,399 |
Portugal | $433,119 | $369,031 | $338,561 | $544,798 | $453,399 | $592,287 | $417,504 |
Romania | $1,166,611 | $695,170 | $152,261 | $149,244 | $148,696 | $75,750 | $599,090 |
Russia | $48,705,048 | $37,231,668 | $21,964,354 | $7,864,494 | $8,307,187 | $4,859,959 | $4,995,995 |
Samoa | | | | | $112 | $39 | |
Saudi Arabia | $181,996 | | | | | | |
Serbia | | $7 | $8,435 | | $4,522 | | $995 |
Singapore | $20,810 | $9,111 | $65,265 | $9,999 | $890 | $4,023 | $24,700 |
Slovakia | $1,981 | $2,435 | $735 | $4,033 | $29,010 | $880 | $2,054 |
Slovenia | $888,063 | $1,353,709 | $960,919 | $10,484 | | $6,885 | $47,237 |
South Africa | $11,502 | $12,613 | $20,357 | $35,169 | $9,494 | $71,893 | $4,627 |
Spain | $2,233,931 | $3,524,385 | $3,729,098 | $2,593,449 | $2,774,504 | $3,376,899 | |
Sri Lanka | $7,471 | $51,168 | $4,104 | | | $85 | $247,794 |
Sweden | $780,935 | $857,726 | $683,168 | $686,739 | $477,796 | $773,591 | $574,210 |
Switzerland | $999,003 | $1,041,307 | $919,226 | $1,068,891 | $938,964 | $908,102 | $868,249 |
Thailand | $539,789 | $1,028,209 | $1,634,871 | $128,432 | $106,276 | $258,479 | $19,820 |
Tunisia | $2,676,182 | $154,440 | | | $65,922 | $226,873 | |
Turkey | $2,264,618 | $3,151,831 | $3,102,048 | $1,777,237 | $910,476 | $948,850 | $981,042 |
Ukraine | $1,617,883 | $319,553 | $168,058 | $162,580 | $64,121 | $79,478 | $82,349 |
United Arab Emirates | | | $25,763 | $4,709 | | | |
United Kingdom | $29,800,414 | $22,535,197 | $15,136,658 | $15,448,438 | $11,182,972 | $8,753,215 | $9,539,370 |
United States | $955,060 | $607,046 | $951,450 | $580,723 | $817,647 | $971,389 | $671,991 |
Uruguay | $889 | | | $9,961 | $3,325 | | |
Vietnam | $142,201 | $76,540 | $18,869 | $9,547 | $1,299 | $4,253 | |