Rank | Country | Exports of Tiles, of felt, not tufted/flocked, having a maximum surface area of 0.3 m2 ... in USD (2010) |
1 | Netherlands | $37,748,224 | | 2 | Saudi Arabia | $19,406,158 | | 3 | Belgium | $4,980,605 | | 4 | United Kingdom | $3,983,051 | | 5 | Singapore | $3,544,329 | | 6 | United States | $2,733,418 | | 7 | Germany | $2,235,303 | | 8 | Indonesia | $1,915,808 | | 9 | South Africa | $1,122,348 | | 10 | China | $292,316 | | 11 | India | $197,668 | | 12 | Austria | $197,212 | | 13 | Australia | $192,865 | | 14 | Kenya | $165,755 | | 15 | Panama | $114,985 | | 16 | Turkey | $72,442 | | 17 | New Zealand | $68,048 | | 18 | France | $67,604 | | 19 | Jordan | $59,042 | | 20 | Italy | $57,783 | | 21 | Poland | $46,531 | | 22 | Czech Republic | $44,582 | | 23 | Denmark | $38,474 | | 24 | Canada | $34,427 | | 25 | Nepal | $34,273 | | 26 | Norway | $27,916 | | 27 | Ireland | $27,915 | | 28 | Trinidad and Tobago | $23,078 | | 29 | Switzerland | $19,272 | | 30 | Ghana | $14,817 | | 31 | Lebanon | $12,993 | | 32 | Korea, South | $12,652 | | 33 | Japan | $10,519 | | 34 | Sweden | $7,377 | | 35 | Guatemala | $6,854 | | 36 | Botswana | $6,240 | | 37 | Bahrain | $3,723 | | 38 | Brazil | $3,326 | | 39 | Gambia, The | $3,146 | | 40 | Hungary | $3,000 | | 41 | Uganda | $1,705 | | 42 | Slovenia | $1,559 | | 43 | Russia | $1,366 | | 44 | Israel | $1,000 | | 45 | Egypt | $856 | | 46 | Syria | $249 | | 47 | Samoa | $196 | | 48 | Spain | $148 | | 49 | Tanzania | $129 | | 50 | Ukraine | $18 | | 51 | Thailand | $5 | |
Country | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 |
Antigua and Barbuda | $8,393 | | | | | | |
Argentina | $197 | $1,047 | $904 | | | | |
Australia | $221,110 | $163,109 | $458,879 | $327,947 | $370,480 | $192,865 | $349,356 |
Austria | $123,535 | $69,056 | $186,474 | $232,898 | $167,859 | $197,212 | |
Bahrain | | | | | | $3,723 | |
Bangladesh | | | $31 | | | | |
Barbados | | | $5,358 | | | | $14,013 |
Belgium | $4,480,620 | $5,227,675 | $6,374,218 | $5,257,656 | $4,643,144 | $4,980,605 | $5,306,921 |
Bhutan | | $210 | | | | | |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | | $52 | | | $263 | | |
Botswana | $26,052 | $3,619 | $1,851 | $28,419 | $28,238 | $6,240 | $10,763 |
Brazil | $38,266 | $52,101 | $63,356 | | $946 | $3,326 | $2,522 |
Bulgaria | $4,514 | $534 | | | | | |
Canada | $104,969 | $118,630 | $38,220 | $50,748 | $11,003 | $34,427 | $75,824 |
China | $54,710 | $191,351 | $411,764 | $1,123,658 | $707,257 | $292,316 | $334,673 |
Colombia | $6,109 | $22,372 | $5,272 | $17 | | | |
Czech Republic | $2,049 | $16,639 | $8,156 | $110,929 | $121,880 | $44,582 | $786 |
Denmark | | | $4,201 | $28,557 | $47,837 | $38,474 | $36,043 |
Egypt | $9,673 | $2,537 | $8,782 | $6,494 | $26,329 | $856 | |
Estonia | | | $2,832 | $4,731 | $4,322 | | |
Ethiopia | | | | | | | $804 |
Fiji | $18 | $578 | | $835 | | | |
Finland | | $840 | $739 | $247 | $1 | | |
France | $1,088,712 | $1,443,642 | $1,346,127 | $45,729 | $65,298 | $67,604 | $34,783 |
Gambia, The | | | | | | $3,146 | |
Georgia | | $713 | | | | | |
Germany | $2,091,000 | $3,161,000 | $2,533,000 | $3,035,000 | $2,393,000 | $2,235,303 | $2,553,094 |
Ghana | | | | | | $14,817 | |
Greece | $12,092 | | | $733 | | | |
Guatemala | | | | | $4,033 | $6,854 | $551 |
Hong Kong | $9,073 | $9,636 | $1,605 | | | | $219,667 |
Hungary | | | | | | $3,000 | $5,000 |
India | $22,789 | $26,221 | $113,596 | $2,889 | $9,132 | $197,668 | $682,856 |
Indonesia | | | $457,615 | $714,329 | $2,093,568 | $1,915,808 | $1,417,764 |
Iran | | $13,050 | | | | | |
Ireland | $10,315 | $13,081 | | $12,141 | $25,813 | $27,915 | $49,051 |
Israel | | $7,000 | | | | $1,000 | |
Italy | $419,477 | $606,421 | $878,024 | $212,067 | $37,720 | $57,783 | $97,071 |
Japan | $54,106 | $14,895 | $94,343 | $294,546 | $78,247 | $10,519 | $361,090 |
Jordan | | | | | | $59,042 | |
Kenya | | $20,879 | $2,289 | $59,332 | | $165,755 | |
Korea, South | $110,415 | $25,744 | $23,608 | $8,255 | $26,445 | $12,652 | $43,980 |
Kuwait | | $4,515 | | $16,284 | $22,646 | | |
Kyrgyzstan | $357 | | | | | | $11 |
Latvia | | | | $44 | | | $46,103 |
Lebanon | | | $168 | $1,600 | | $12,993 | |
Lithuania | | $111,634 | | $232 | | | $123,943 |
Luxembourg | | | | | | | $115 |
Malawi | | | | | $17,945 | | |
Malaysia | $88,109 | $51,774 | $56,948 | $224,323 | $27,879 | | $60,162 |
Malta | $39,729 | | | | | | |
Mauritius | $1,205 | | | $8,074 | | | |
Mexico | | $123 | $2,670 | | | | |
Mongolia | $738 | $30 | | | | | |
Mozambique | | | | | $120 | | |
Namibia | $3,045 | $712 | $17,800 | $9,360 | | | |
Nepal | | | | | $6,519 | $34,273 | |
Netherlands | $44,282,028 | $48,601,574 | $51,243,440 | $51,181,853 | $49,845,070 | $37,748,224 | |
New Zealand | $17,535 | $62,062 | $1,266 | $6,137 | $22,552 | $68,048 | $25,128 |
Niger | $19 | $267 | | | | | |
Norway | $10,935 | $25,137 | $2,692 | $425 | $10,686 | $27,916 | $54,661 |
Pakistan | | $57,341 | | | | | |
Panama | | $356,703 | $1,894,579 | $1,396,958 | $189,065 | $114,985 | $609,981 |
Peru | | $190 | | | $7,288 | | |
Poland | | | $10,466 | | $58 | $46,531 | $154,241 |
Portugal | | | | | | | $44,868 |
Qatar | | $962 | | $1,554 | $6,181 | | |
Romania | $7,074 | $11,778 | $13 | | $657 | | $1,771 |
Russia | | | $903 | $299 | $3,008 | $1,366 | $85 |
Rwanda | | | | | | | $4,026 |
Samoa | | | | | | $196 | |
Saudi Arabia | $23,847,753 | $10,300,972 | $11,350,066 | $4,144,539 | $2,518,106 | $19,406,158 | |
Serbia | | | | | | | $10,164 |
Singapore | $1,110,932 | $1,145,519 | $2,525,424 | $1,399,478 | $2,580,703 | $3,544,329 | $3,777,397 |
Slovakia | | | | | $4,210 | | |
Slovenia | $4,913 | $2,116 | $20,231 | | $1,024 | $1,559 | |
South Africa | $1,446,851 | $1,138,733 | $2,267,276 | $2,049,636 | $1,276,244 | $1,122,348 | $1,422,794 |
Spain | $2,275 | $106,624 | $3,413 | $7,314 | $4,266 | $148 | |
Sri Lanka | | | $7,389 | $37 | | | |
Swaziland | $7,293 | $5,169 | | | | | |
Sweden | $69,800 | $8,284 | $2,076 | $57,280 | | $7,377 | $16,961 |
Switzerland | $20,623 | $278,072 | $135,228 | $36,495 | $1,101 | $19,272 | $45,013 |
Syria | $14,098 | $46,300 | | | | $249 | |
Tanzania | | | | $6,650 | $512 | $129 | $7,707 |
Thailand | $517 | $27,049 | $620 | | $1,348 | $5 | |
Trinidad and Tobago | | | | $649 | | $23,078 | |
Turkey | $1,698 | $236 | $13,776 | $45,863 | $127,162 | $72,442 | $62,580 |
Uganda | | | $9,139 | | | $1,705 | |
Ukraine | $1,102 | | | $200 | $827 | $18 | $18 |
United Arab Emirates | $579,664 | | $655,693 | $1,590,554 | | | |
United Kingdom | $4,770,311 | $4,746,275 | $6,520,564 | $4,588,685 | $3,206,806 | $3,983,051 | $3,922,278 |
United States | $4,775,726 | $5,538,797 | $5,621,750 | $5,208,981 | $1,651,179 | $2,733,418 | $4,004,290 |
Venezuela | | | | | | | $9 |
Zambia | | | $153 | | | | |
Zimbabwe | | | | | $1,729 | | |