Rank | Country | Exports of Textile fabrics coated with gum/amylaceous subs., of a kind used for the ou ... in USD (2010) |
1 | China | $23,862,300 | | 2 | Netherlands | $16,077,579 | | 3 | Israel | $16,076,000 | | 4 | Czech Republic | $10,754,547 | | 5 | Germany | $8,566,232 | | 6 | India | $5,124,167 | | 7 | United Kingdom | $4,627,571 | | 8 | Italy | $4,378,294 | | 9 | Hong Kong | $2,751,488 | | 10 | United States | $2,272,563 | | 11 | Korea, South | $2,019,798 | | 12 | Thailand | $1,768,418 | | 13 | France | $1,483,302 | | 14 | Japan | $1,107,338 | | 15 | Canada | $611,043 | | 16 | Lebanon | $547,070 | | 17 | Indonesia | $450,720 | | 18 | Malaysia | $401,295 | | 19 | Denmark | $322,928 | | 20 | Vietnam | $305,994 | | 21 | Romania | $263,914 | | 22 | Spain | $197,741 | | 23 | Singapore | $187,312 | | 24 | Belgium | $165,779 | | 25 | Pakistan | $99,013 | | 26 | Austria | $85,920 | | 27 | Lithuania | $73,071 | | 28 | Switzerland | $70,336 | | 29 | Slovenia | $59,189 | | 30 | Australia | $57,164 | | 31 | South Africa | $40,439 | | 32 | Jordan | $36,249 | | 33 | Estonia | $35,976 | | 34 | Russia | $33,180 | | 35 | Finland | $30,668 | | 36 | Croatia | $23,419 | | 37 | Norway | $13,437 | | 38 | Sweden | $12,805 | | 39 | Brazil | $11,377 | | 40 | Tunisia | $11,086 | | 41 | Ecuador | $10,967 | | 42 | Panama | $9,701 | | 43 | Mexico | $9,251 | | 44 | Kenya | $8,157 | | 45 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | $7,838 | | 46 | Argentina | $7,417 | | 47 | Greece | $6,611 | | 48 | Portugal | $6,335 | | 49 | Madagascar | $4,078 | | 50 | Barbados | $3,773 | | 51 | Turkey | $2,916 | | 52 | New Zealand | $2,670 | | 53 | Tanzania | $2,040 | | 54 | Luxembourg | $1,251 | | 55 | Poland | $963 | | 56 | Cameroon | $911 | | 57 | Bulgaria | $859 | | 58 | Serbia | $593 | | 59 | Peru | $364 | | 60 | Montenegro | $317 | | 61 | Mauritius | $60 | | 62 | Nicaragua | $35 | |
Country | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 |
Albania | | | | | $62 | | |
Argentina | | | $3,700 | $3,971 | $1,560 | $7,417 | $751 |
Australia | $147,282 | $18,963 | $7,542 | $68,162 | $58,652 | $57,164 | $61,099 |
Austria | $42,595 | $119,259 | $208,898 | $131,159 | $37,418 | $85,920 | |
Bangladesh | | $16,724 | $51,394 | | | | |
Barbados | | $791 | $174 | $1,438 | $1,864 | $3,773 | $25,004 |
Belgium | $99,716 | $64,116 | $217,912 | $192,264 | $112,474 | $165,779 | $300,785 |
Bolivia | | $1,000 | | | | | |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | $2,497 | $2,026 | $769 | $3,591 | $4,612 | $7,838 | $12,132 |
Botswana | | $55 | | | | | |
Brazil | $21,369 | $23,677 | $72,464 | $1,436 | $3,330 | $11,377 | |
Brunei | | $415 | | | | | |
Bulgaria | $458 | $237 | $243 | | | $859 | |
Cambodia | | | $4,403 | | | | |
Cameroon | | | | | | $911 | |
Canada | $548,920 | $350,365 | $171,150 | $104,283 | $229,904 | $611,043 | $619,631 |
China | $6,484,962 | $9,826,629 | $8,832,081 | $13,489,907 | $22,410,042 | $23,862,300 | $28,345,894 |
Colombia | | | | | | | $25 |
Croatia | $12,288 | $10,796 | $11,067 | $14,029 | $1,692 | $23,419 | $12,234 |
Czech Republic | $7,487,696 | $6,414,953 | $8,222,097 | $8,199,085 | $12,940,386 | $10,754,547 | $13,950,392 |
Denmark | $236,632 | $240,523 | $56,379 | $182,112 | $251,185 | $322,928 | $57,047 |
Ecuador | $7,607 | | $1,030 | | | $10,967 | $5,432 |
Egypt | | | | | $48,440 | | $19,430 |
Estonia | | $146 | | | | $35,976 | $11,983 |
Finland | $51,572 | $41,874 | $40,866 | $54,683 | $29,720 | $30,668 | $41,719 |
France | $1,551,570 | $2,220,697 | $2,567,384 | $2,876,477 | $1,326,805 | $1,483,302 | $1,650,088 |
Germany | $8,936,000 | $9,162,000 | $10,480,000 | $10,568,000 | $8,217,000 | $8,566,232 | $8,423,483 |
Greece | | $1,650 | $6,798 | $16 | $6,238 | $6,611 | $41,058 |
Guatemala | | | $20 | | | | |
Hong Kong | $1,518,953 | $1,668,653 | $1,840,792 | $1,859,954 | $1,721,599 | $2,751,488 | $2,335,830 |
Hungary | $17,000 | | | | | | |
Iceland | | | | $28 | | | |
India | $895,370 | $928,163 | $1,254,511 | $3,922,448 | $11,871,315 | $5,124,167 | $5,024,904 |
Indonesia | $372,611 | $588,433 | $1,513,855 | $471,756 | $417,521 | $450,720 | $462,339 |
Iran | $18,220 | | | | | | |
Ireland | $15,734 | | $1,337,159 | $9,149 | | | $175 |
Israel | $1,000 | | | $3,164,000 | $13,699,000 | $16,076,000 | $94,000 |
Italy | $6,007,180 | $5,426,141 | $6,481,676 | $5,581,781 | $4,250,715 | $4,378,294 | $8,273,618 |
Jamaica | $279 | | | | | | |
Japan | $2,054,829 | $1,453,259 | $1,358,339 | $1,651,006 | $872,119 | $1,107,338 | $1,085,179 |
Jordan | | | $28,209 | $38,674 | | $36,249 | |
Kenya | $1,230 | | | | $26 | $8,157 | |
Korea, South | $1,071,548 | $337,224 | $253,188 | $127,321 | $603,967 | $2,019,798 | $2,344,658 |
Kuwait | | $172 | $2,399 | $887 | $873 | | |
Latvia | | $1,528 | | | $113 | | $895 |
Lebanon | $75,000 | $104,378 | $201,623 | $387,684 | $276,868 | $547,070 | $212,679 |
Lithuania | $13,868 | | $632 | $54,964 | $59,656 | $73,071 | $367,639 |
Luxembourg | $29 | $3,612 | $3,293 | $995 | $24,518 | $1,251 | $4,595 |
Macau | | | | $1,253 | | | |
Macedonia | $2,900 | $1,123 | $68 | | | | |
Madagascar | $376 | | | | $382 | $4,078 | |
Malaysia | $1,616 | $50,615 | $92,597 | $299,032 | $381,076 | $401,295 | $219,039 |
Malta | | $27,051 | | | | | |
Mauritius | | $70 | | | | $60 | |
Mexico | $63,482 | $4,910 | $1,660 | $6,640 | $38,202 | $9,251 | $6,640 |
Moldova | | $2,983 | | | | | |
Montenegro | | | | | | $317 | |
Morocco | | $11,020 | | | $38,060 | | |
Namibia | $1,884 | $243 | | $109 | | | |
Netherlands | $15,601,810 | $17,327,463 | $19,728,869 | $18,550,898 | $15,855,990 | $16,077,579 | |
Netherlands Antilles | | | $784 | | | | |
New Zealand | $15,158 | $3,653 | $685 | $16,144 | $3,182 | $2,670 | $7,396 |
Nicaragua | | | | | $57 | $35 | |
Norway | $931 | $5,647 | $6,281 | $654 | $23,727 | $13,437 | $8,272 |
Pakistan | $71,826 | $490,157 | $370,958 | $365,213 | $61,863 | $99,013 | $5,211 |
Panama | | | $2,226 | $9,334 | $193 | $9,701 | $35,336 |
Peru | | | | $43 | | $364 | |
Poland | $16,577 | $67,792 | $89,042 | $107,639 | $79,700 | $963 | $4,361 |
Portugal | $78,744 | | $4,892 | $5,485 | $8,312 | $6,335 | $10,195 |
Qatar | | $38,749 | | | | | |
Romania | $653 | $226 | $191,592 | $220,836 | $403,592 | $263,914 | $240,078 |
Russia | $17,371 | $58,361 | $35,467 | $30,741 | $2,782 | $33,180 | $5,747 |
Saudi Arabia | $20,565 | | | | | | |
Serbia | $5,888 | | | $2,388 | $3,820 | $593 | |
Singapore | $271,758 | $236,872 | $179,397 | $302,682 | $170,571 | $187,312 | $254,742 |
Slovakia | | | | | $3,803 | | |
Slovenia | $51,521 | $45,848 | $39,867 | $38,784 | $41,193 | $59,189 | $46,694 |
South Africa | $13,876 | $19,513 | $12,462 | $3,888 | $12,010 | $40,439 | $10,310 |
Spain | $221,375 | $434,251 | $318,170 | $216,366 | $213,246 | $197,741 | |
Sri Lanka | $5,352 | $19 | | $13,663 | | | $662 |
Swaziland | $1,003 | | | | | | |
Sweden | $13,933 | $15,210 | $16,909 | $30,488 | $18,928 | $12,805 | $40,707 |
Switzerland | $161,907 | $90,230 | $266,325 | $164,276 | $193,769 | $70,336 | $84,396 |
Syria | $17,752 | | | | | | |
Tanzania | | | | | | $2,040 | |
Thailand | $1,642,341 | $1,446,610 | $2,361,019 | $1,058,316 | $921,242 | $1,768,418 | $1,411,136 |
Trinidad and Tobago | $250 | | $16 | | | | |
Tunisia | | | $25,138 | $431 | $1,046 | $11,086 | |
Turkey | $4,094 | $11,301 | $16,550 | $3,508 | $2,651 | $2,916 | $14,240 |
United Arab Emirates | $944,886 | | $439,141 | $296,561 | | | |
United Kingdom | $4,674,008 | $5,512,400 | $4,706,826 | $5,174,706 | $5,458,386 | $4,627,571 | $4,783,057 |
United States | $2,832,788 | $2,904,313 | $4,942,191 | $3,876,519 | $4,023,367 | $2,272,563 | $1,283,742 |
Vietnam | $3,060 | $39,825 | $41,955 | $46,467 | $323,516 | $305,994 | |