Rank | Country | Exports of Ferro-manganese, cont. by wt. >2% of carbon, in granular/powder form in USD (2010) |
1 | South Africa | $490,163,330 | | 2 | Ukraine | $127,113,514 | | 3 | India | $101,572,553 | | 4 | Russia | $94,968,809 | | 5 | Korea, South | $87,092,599 | | 6 | Netherlands | $48,881,305 | | 7 | Spain | $35,802,801 | | 8 | Bahrain | $35,625,644 | | 9 | Belgium | $29,286,753 | | 10 | United States | $27,766,016 | | 11 | Slovakia | $20,074,478 | | 12 | China | $12,937,110 | | 13 | Germany | $9,276,441 | | 14 | Brazil | $7,559,361 | | 15 | Egypt | $5,346,255 | | 16 | Mexico | $4,493,722 | | 17 | Sweden | $3,480,326 | | 18 | United Kingdom | $3,387,564 | | 19 | Poland | $2,808,526 | | 20 | Czech Republic | $2,805,501 | | 21 | Japan | $2,633,132 | | 22 | France | $2,579,541 | | 23 | Turkey | $2,391,310 | | 24 | Slovenia | $2,252,261 | | 25 | Venezuela | $1,506,032 | | 26 | Canada | $1,441,732 | | 27 | Latvia | $1,064,514 | | 28 | Italy | $599,094 | | 29 | Vietnam | $595,000 | | 30 | Bulgaria | $553,027 | | 31 | Hong Kong | $489,435 | | 32 | Thailand | $464,769 | | 33 | Argentina | $431,930 | | 34 | Singapore | $292,670 | | 35 | Ireland | $175,750 | | 36 | Austria | $154,309 | | 37 | Chile | $125,880 | | 38 | Estonia | $109,541 | | 39 | Malaysia | $102,084 | | 40 | Romania | $74,616 | | 41 | Finland | $60,352 | | 42 | Colombia | $52,499 | | 43 | Denmark | $44,573 | | 44 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | $41,741 | | 45 | Bhutan | $31,044 | | 46 | Uganda | $15,083 | | 47 | Serbia | $10,843 | | 48 | Zambia | $5,040 | | 49 | Lithuania | $4,777 | | 50 | Peru | $2,600 | | 51 | Syria | $2,527 | | 52 | Portugal | $1,850 | |
Country | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 |
Argentina | $92,410 | $50,349 | $1,261,088 | $550,325 | $525,823 | $431,930 | $171,255 |
Austria | $32,940 | $57,782 | $194,318 | $702,093 | $18,332 | $154,309 | |
Bahrain | | | | $232,284 | $4,367,684 | $35,625,644 | $30,309,455 |
Belarus | | | | $700 | | | $19,500 |
Belgium | $7,635,685 | $5,644,062 | $14,178,579 | $35,762,617 | $10,974,438 | $29,286,753 | $41,949,476 |
Bhutan | | | | | | $31,044 | |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | | $1,411 | | | $13,998 | $41,741 | |
Botswana | $41 | | | $9,617 | | | |
Brazil | $32,356,284 | $24,721,869 | $18,637,646 | $72,789,030 | $10,958,916 | $7,559,361 | $10,902,651 |
Bulgaria | | $50,445 | $1,674,062 | $367,852 | $490,914 | $553,027 | $168,851 |
Cambodia | | $10,265 | | | | | |
Canada | $557,649 | $1,407,034 | $1,742,260 | $1,516,325 | $7,905,360 | $1,441,732 | $2,264,702 |
Chile | $28,621 | $249,285 | $51,560 | $72,090 | $20,517 | $125,880 | $25,050 |
China | $95,165,379 | $114,939,643 | $142,846,822 | $411,718,233 | $28,247,854 | $12,937,110 | $10,351,671 |
Colombia | $247,695 | $115,885 | $408,198 | $140,293 | $41,820 | $52,499 | $57,145 |
Croatia | | | $371 | | | | |
Czech Republic | $3,436,409 | $2,772,497 | $3,017,850 | $7,277,517 | $5,795,213 | $2,805,501 | $2,289,705 |
Denmark | $17,342 | $68,347 | $285,426 | $1,394,779 | $549,707 | $44,573 | $93,733 |
Egypt | $64,132 | | $1,908,975 | $2,531,049 | $4,040,269 | $5,346,255 | $3,423,354 |
Estonia | $846,211 | | | | $81,371 | $109,541 | $63,229 |
Finland | $5,512 | $6,847 | $6,761 | $3,645 | $42,752 | $60,352 | $4,180 |
France | $3,309,684 | $3,370,589 | $5,042,831 | $2,425,091 | $1,929,772 | $2,579,541 | $2,971,827 |
Gambia, The | | | | | | | $1,891 |
Georgia | $12,253,205 | $3,924,189 | $2,323,942 | | | | |
Germany | $13,380,000 | $11,951,000 | $8,794,000 | $18,154,000 | $6,889,000 | $9,276,441 | $17,664,303 |
Greece | $14,619 | $53,501 | | | | | |
Hong Kong | $440,141 | $429,904 | | $77 | | $489,435 | |
Hungary | $92,000 | | | | | | $1,000 |
Iceland | | | | $93,732 | | | |
India | $8,670,130 | $23,006,015 | $89,982,300 | $242,780,461 | $47,716,484 | $101,572,553 | $144,227,116 |
Indonesia | $225 | $72 | $50,379 | $106,815 | | | |
Iran | $78,931 | | | | | | |
Ireland | | | $150,704 | | | $175,750 | |
Italy | $987,996 | $1,096,786 | $7,343,264 | $11,637,913 | $1,815,020 | $599,094 | $1,485,176 |
Japan | $1,146,286 | $930,567 | $1,139,482 | $2,734,438 | $1,859,512 | $2,633,132 | $2,696,960 |
Kazakhstan | $21,054 | $42,229 | | | $8,503,803 | | |
Korea, South | $6,915,015 | $25,038,986 | $31,909,750 | $168,430,111 | $53,404,821 | $87,092,599 | $133,559,678 |
Kyrgyzstan | $1,598 | | | | | | |
Latvia | | | | $1,834,100 | $416,016 | $1,064,514 | $1,523,327 |
Lithuania | $28,169 | $28,533 | $75,085 | $93,523 | $8,478 | $4,777 | $8,332 |
Luxembourg | | $1,510 | $45,228 | | $44,295 | | |
Macedonia | $15,701 | | $8,424 | | $783,584 | | $6,325 |
Malaysia | $1,044,937 | | | | $20,041 | $102,084 | $35,605 |
Mexico | $2,144,707 | $5,329,858 | $4,091,756 | $5,872,283 | $7,145,709 | $4,493,722 | $7,508,553 |
Moldova | | | $12,790 | | | | |
Montenegro | | | | $4,542 | | | |
Mozambique | | | $9,536 | | | | |
Netherlands | $15,829,401 | $9,470,303 | $22,393,522 | $77,579,565 | $50,972,458 | $48,881,305 | |
New Zealand | | | | | $748 | | |
Paraguay | $29,120 | | | | | | |
Peru | $1 | $1,250 | | $90,200 | | $2,600 | $36,807 |
Poland | $6,961,380 | $4,621,601 | $4,856,384 | $20,704,528 | $1,769,574 | $2,808,526 | $1,065,407 |
Portugal | $80,376 | | $28,591 | $22,149 | $185,199 | $1,850 | $94,604 |
Qatar | | | $47,379 | | | | |
Romania | $2,618,515 | $1,958,601 | $124,762 | $1,319,882 | $2,838,754 | $74,616 | |
Russia | $17,396,538 | $8,619,978 | $71,908,787 | $76,962,040 | $49,422,714 | $94,968,809 | $60,160,837 |
Saudi Arabia | | $7,156 | | | | | |
Serbia | $17,934 | $3,083 | $25,152 | $62,189 | $34,743 | $10,843 | $7,624 |
Singapore | $1,465 | $88,312 | $834,389 | $690,041 | $132,318 | $292,670 | $1,061,372 |
Slovakia | $38,214,079 | $38,526,839 | $63,209,134 | $126,005,380 | $24,663,280 | $20,074,478 | $15,894,553 |
Slovenia | $338,826 | $629,977 | $932,635 | $2,002,026 | $1,367,345 | $2,252,261 | $1,126,143 |
South Africa | $328,898,028 | $286,196,953 | $429,383,916 | $833,294,712 | $239,050,138 | $490,163,330 | $519,648,832 |
Spain | $52,030,794 | $43,431,626 | $51,672,620 | $96,510,949 | $16,926,310 | $35,802,801 | |
Swaziland | $1,172 | $233 | | | | | |
Sweden | $321,404 | $504,233 | $2,458,724 | $3,831,418 | $1,585,730 | $3,480,326 | $3,111,282 |
Switzerland | | $27,270 | | $10,144 | | | |
Syria | $1,946,218 | $6,448,550 | $2,384,594 | | | $2,527 | |
Thailand | | | | $91,865 | $126,344 | $464,769 | $2,770 |
Turkey | $346,847 | $109,672 | $649,550 | $1,110,947 | $757,785 | $2,391,310 | $1,730,322 |
Uganda | | | | | $12,868 | $15,083 | |
Ukraine | $113,405,896 | $114,345,461 | $93,938,000 | $201,510,460 | $46,131,287 | $127,113,514 | $91,234,910 |
United Arab Emirates | | | $129,600 | $6,719,483 | | | |
United Kingdom | $284,021 | $200,428 | $1,784,494 | $1,951,389 | $1,083,590 | $3,387,564 | $1,454,143 |
United States | $9,736,130 | $17,492,435 | $30,960,976 | $49,159,779 | $44,801,737 | $27,766,016 | $40,387,543 |
Uruguay | $4,693 | | | | | | |
Venezuela | | $52,363 | | $2,155,213 | | $1,506,032 | $105,275 |
Vietnam | | | | $2,717,650 | $415,913 | $595,000 | |
Zambia | | | | | | $5,040 | |
Zimbabwe | | | $33 | | | | |