Rank | Country | Exports of Flat-rolled prods. of stainless steel, of a width of <600mm, not further wo ... in USD (2010) |
1 | Finland | $36,422,574 | | 2 | China | $34,899,744 | | 3 | Korea, South | $24,520,528 | | 4 | Netherlands | $19,198,396 | | 5 | United States | $14,423,971 | | 6 | Italy | $14,351,362 | | 7 | Bahrain | $12,902,577 | | 8 | Hong Kong | $12,218,054 | | 9 | Germany | $10,480,881 | | 10 | Japan | $10,061,468 | | 11 | Sweden | $8,434,206 | | 12 | Belgium | $5,934,219 | | 13 | Singapore | $4,580,629 | | 14 | Malaysia | $2,900,080 | | 15 | France | $2,574,239 | | 16 | Austria | $2,020,599 | | 17 | United Kingdom | $1,952,417 | | 18 | Indonesia | $1,882,035 | | 19 | South Africa | $1,825,645 | | 20 | Slovenia | $1,209,987 | | 21 | Turkey | $979,264 | | 22 | Spain | $929,918 | | 23 | Denmark | $536,650 | | 24 | Russia | $367,668 | | 25 | Vietnam | $356,438 | | 26 | Hungary | $356,000 | | 27 | Poland | $277,720 | | 28 | Switzerland | $253,026 | | 29 | India | $177,215 | | 30 | Czech Republic | $152,855 | | 31 | Australia | $145,620 | | 32 | Norway | $145,385 | | 33 | Mexico | $132,680 | | 34 | Brazil | $113,465 | | 35 | Oman | $86,890 | | 36 | Canada | $81,248 | | 37 | Israel | $75,000 | | 38 | Serbia | $65,037 | | 39 | Colombia | $57,016 | | 40 | Ireland | $48,830 | | 41 | Thailand | $41,365 | | 42 | Lithuania | $30,380 | | 43 | Portugal | $17,629 | | 44 | Argentina | $17,423 | | 45 | New Zealand | $14,315 | | 46 | Latvia | $13,104 | | 47 | Ukraine | $5,715 | | 48 | Bulgaria | $5,552 | | 49 | Romania | $5,044 | | 50 | Guatemala | $4,998 | | 51 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | $3,452 | | 52 | Panama | $2,000 | | 53 | El Salvador | $1,358 | | 54 | Estonia | $1,313 | | 55 | Paraguay | $1,200 | | 56 | Croatia | $1,199 | | 57 | Montenegro | $196 | |
Country | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 |
Albania | | | | | | | $998 |
Argentina | $41,924 | $55,458 | $22,681 | $18,648 | $1,538 | $17,423 | $7,501 |
Australia | $49,200 | $114,636 | $119,625 | $698,217 | $120,064 | $145,620 | $146,419 |
Austria | $4,930,544 | $3,082,116 | $4,474,213 | $9,842,049 | $9,440,130 | $2,020,599 | |
Bahrain | | | | $11,456,994 | $8,241,909 | $12,902,577 | |
Barbados | | | $673 | | | | |
Belarus | | | | | $100 | | $300 |
Belgium | $7,854,549 | $6,117,869 | $7,992,714 | $4,193,765 | $3,752,136 | $5,934,219 | $5,050,703 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | $24,101 | $837 | | | $734 | $3,452 | $1,891 |
Brazil | $21,769 | $11,689 | $31,479 | $78,668 | $31,846 | $113,465 | $74,115 |
Bulgaria | | | | $239 | | $5,552 | $2,597 |
Cambodia | | | | | $3,759 | | |
Cameroon | | | | | $227 | | |
Canada | $654,586 | $124,037 | $564,461 | $57,525 | $81,026 | $81,248 | $126,810 |
Chile | $152 | $21,496 | $88 | | | | $585 |
China | $9,339,351 | $7,766,453 | $39,962,364 | $43,992,108 | $17,047,953 | $34,899,744 | $51,941,667 |
Colombia | $12,046 | | $10,508 | $11,827 | $1,000 | $57,016 | $4,131 |
Costa Rica | $136,988 | $326 | $722 | | | | |
Croatia | $11,159 | $6,028 | $10,490 | $4,290 | $33,737 | $1,199 | $1,517 |
Czech Republic | $36,650 | $194,745 | $140,274 | $384,288 | $888,610 | $152,855 | $1,095,173 |
Denmark | $317,744 | $1,085,890 | $526,504 | $1,355,463 | $286,902 | $536,650 | $658,962 |
Egypt | | | | $47,724 | | | |
El Salvador | | | $3,378 | | | $1,358 | |
Estonia | $28,252 | | $7,095 | $7,198 | | $1,313 | $50,516 |
Finland | $20,421,711 | $94,403,665 | $116,517,284 | $106,586,251 | $41,287,067 | $36,422,574 | $17,151,853 |
France | $4,542,728 | $5,864,951 | $5,820,868 | $3,814,651 | $4,126,295 | $2,574,239 | $2,874,436 |
Georgia | | | $8,640 | | | | |
Germany | $13,848,000 | $25,164,000 | $25,890,000 | $18,693,000 | $7,697,000 | $10,480,881 | $13,203,243 |
Greece | | | | | $1,524 | | |
Guatemala | $45,601 | $924 | $10,901 | $4,593 | $1,445 | $4,998 | |
Honduras | $5,126 | | | | | | |
Hong Kong | $16,913,767 | $16,580,432 | $17,698,329 | $15,752,532 | $15,550,089 | $12,218,054 | $9,859,182 |
Hungary | $26,000 | $20,000 | $53,000 | | $258,000 | $356,000 | $119,000 |
India | $2,914,859 | $1,035,956 | $1,064,367 | $269,707 | $572,940 | $177,215 | $601,816 |
Indonesia | $1,880,526 | $2,523,711 | $4,051,391 | $2,245,417 | $894,906 | $1,882,035 | $118,763 |
Iran | $210 | | | | | | |
Ireland | $6,516 | $18,891 | $2,384 | $22,867 | $5,826 | $48,830 | $11,061 |
Israel | | | | $26,000 | | $75,000 | $5,000 |
Italy | $6,965,585 | $8,819,319 | $10,859,472 | $10,677,629 | $7,348,321 | $14,351,362 | $12,004,881 |
Japan | $10,940,728 | $9,902,865 | $9,579,776 | $15,500,161 | $7,445,712 | $10,061,468 | $10,695,283 |
Jordan | | | | $78,107 | $33,952 | | |
Kenya | $24,977 | $21,318 | $149 | $2,168 | $7,578 | | |
Korea, South | $7,022,650 | $9,491,434 | $13,289,018 | $17,951,768 | $26,012,604 | $24,520,528 | $13,535,579 |
Kuwait | | | $490 | $56 | $88,662 | | |
Latvia | $224 | | $1,999 | | $694,365 | $13,104 | $8,006 |
Lebanon | | | | | $17,132 | | $47,314 |
Lithuania | $44,741 | $10,317 | $18,863 | $3,304 | $34,701 | $30,380 | $157,521 |
Luxembourg | | $938 | $21,373 | $899 | $53 | | |
Malaysia | $1,523,012 | $1,604,336 | $4,119,464 | $3,073,775 | $1,875,014 | $2,900,080 | $3,876,343 |
Mexico | $26,274 | $451,630 | $405,315 | $286,398 | $111,443 | $132,680 | $147,793 |
Moldova | $248 | $3,687 | | | | | |
Montenegro | | | | | $10,454 | $196 | $58 |
Netherlands | $17,207,385 | $19,513,497 | $26,614,959 | $19,636,927 | $17,230,343 | $19,198,396 | |
New Zealand | $3,776 | $421 | $18,291 | $61,789 | $17,512 | $14,315 | $11,820 |
Norway | $26,946 | $356,111 | $144,401 | $52,942 | $43,877 | $145,385 | $225,453 |
Oman | | | | | | $86,890 | |
Panama | | | | $3,280 | | $2,000 | $56,202 |
Paraguay | | | | | | $1,200 | |
Peru | $90 | | | | | | |
Philippines | $161,301 | | | | | | |
Poland | $98,722 | $81,382 | $101,835 | $48,869 | $82,357 | $277,720 | $1,176,480 |
Portugal | $2,425 | $4,188 | $15,263 | $37,981 | $29,229 | $17,629 | $118,206 |
Romania | $4,797 | $8,832 | $56,455 | $35,786 | $34,434 | $5,044 | $3,500 |
Russia | $23,229 | $60,189 | $67,139 | $12,959 | $427,650 | $367,668 | $102,911 |
Saudi Arabia | | $55,231 | $41,623 | | | | |
Senegal | | | $1,517 | | | | |
Serbia | $139 | $5,249 | $47,140 | $142,228 | $40,011 | $65,037 | $125,552 |
Singapore | $2,640,000 | $4,526,724 | $7,293,026 | $9,937,638 | $7,684,560 | $4,580,629 | $6,386,995 |
Slovakia | | $365,782 | | | $48,170 | | |
Slovenia | $492,795 | $1,153,097 | $17,300 | $40,957 | $215,578 | $1,209,987 | $39,985 |
South Africa | $940,597 | $3,998,480 | $2,260,135 | $2,834,486 | $609,267 | $1,825,645 | $1,203,703 |
Spain | $4,629,188 | $12,224,664 | $8,069,962 | $4,522,389 | $797,170 | $929,918 | |
Sri Lanka | | | | $382 | | | |
Sweden | $10,829,792 | $5,807,710 | $277,509 | $2,884,765 | $269,327 | $8,434,206 | $1,440,305 |
Switzerland | $501,297 | $878,901 | $869,317 | $674,965 | $211,291 | $253,026 | $677,295 |
Thailand | $37,680 | $18,201 | $44,499 | $18,196 | $68,664 | $41,365 | $419,651 |
Trinidad and Tobago | | | $228 | $550 | | | |
Tunisia | | | | $3,642 | | | |
Turkey | $531,683 | $692,987 | $1,465,099 | $1,937,668 | $743,270 | $979,264 | $1,227,448 |
Ukraine | | | | $590 | $1,394 | $5,715 | $1,068 |
United Arab Emirates | | | $78,421 | $164,265 | | | |
United Kingdom | $2,010,915 | $2,270,325 | $16,895,354 | $5,700,690 | $1,624,204 | $1,952,417 | $3,793,176 |
United States | $9,491,022 | $7,089,707 | $14,031,260 | $23,550,444 | $11,212,986 | $14,423,971 | $12,841,142 |
Vietnam | $50,586 | | $65,800 | $345,432 | $44,258 | $356,438 | |
Zambia | | $14,223 | | $2,506 | | | |