Rank | Country | Exports of Powders of lamellar structure, of aluminium; flakes of aluminium in USD (2010) |
1 | Egypt | $165,653,651 | | 2 | Germany | $41,696,948 | | 3 | Sweden | $9,357,978 | | 4 | Russia | $8,819,449 | | 5 | Austria | $7,823,061 | | 6 | Hong Kong | $6,246,461 | | 7 | Belgium | $5,002,915 | | 8 | India | $4,871,663 | | 9 | Czech Republic | $3,738,474 | | 10 | Israel | $3,265,000 | | 11 | France | $2,689,563 | | 12 | United States | $2,460,107 | | 13 | Korea, South | $2,280,832 | | 14 | Slovenia | $1,836,287 | | 15 | Japan | $1,577,931 | | 16 | Poland | $1,442,899 | | 17 | Spain | $1,102,510 | | 18 | Switzerland | $1,014,096 | | 19 | China | $931,419 | | 20 | Italy | $903,874 | | 21 | Tunisia | $884,955 | | 22 | Malaysia | $823,703 | | 23 | Singapore | $788,544 | | 24 | Brazil | $648,956 | | 25 | Saudi Arabia | $534,134 | | 26 | Slovakia | $517,773 | | 27 | United Kingdom | $468,256 | | 28 | Netherlands | $409,831 | | 29 | Colombia | $121,345 | | 30 | Bahrain | $115,215 | | 31 | Mexico | $80,803 | | 32 | Turkey | $73,734 | | 33 | Greece | $69,115 | | 34 | Oman | $67,917 | | 35 | Ukraine | $67,363 | | 36 | Romania | $55,666 | | 37 | Norway | $41,893 | | 38 | Philippines | $36,667 | | 39 | Estonia | $33,541 | | 40 | Syria | $32,419 | | 41 | Indonesia | $32,339 | | 42 | Canada | $25,802 | | 43 | Thailand | $23,947 | | 44 | Jordan | $17,223 | | 45 | Serbia | $17,051 | | 46 | Belarus | $15,300 | | 47 | Australia | $14,766 | | 48 | Lithuania | $8,604 | | 49 | Iran | $6,755 | | 50 | Peru | $4,995 | | 51 | South Africa | $3,619 | | 52 | Argentina | $1,905 | | 53 | Denmark | $686 | | 54 | Latvia | $256 | | 55 | Trinidad and Tobago | $86 | | 56 | New Zealand | $18 | |
Country | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 |
Argentina | | | $723 | | | $1,905 | $5,200 |
Australia | $17,726 | $303 | $360,433 | $396,869 | $43,271 | $14,766 | $19,344 |
Austria | $6,808,310 | $8,554,321 | $9,008,063 | $8,256,053 | $6,145,535 | $7,823,061 | |
Bahrain | $26,596 | | $205,984 | $907,493 | | $115,215 | |
Belarus | | | $100 | $17,200 | $9,600 | $15,300 | $16,400 |
Belgium | | | | | $5,148,722 | $5,002,915 | $5,971,927 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | | | | | | | $1 |
Botswana | $2,881 | $5,717 | | $11,963 | | | |
Brazil | $321,716 | $477,212 | $435,157 | $640,046 | $243,227 | $648,956 | $442,840 |
Brunei | | $12,942 | | | | | |
Bulgaria | | | | | $1,608 | | |
Canada | $215,908 | $450,820 | $258,244 | $237,694 | $186,347 | $25,802 | $26,357 |
China | $1,140,650 | $2,161,958 | $1,037,663 | $1,863,639 | $952,054 | $931,419 | $1,234,277 |
Colombia | $5,965 | $7,061 | $7,347 | $9,650 | $16,093 | $121,345 | $174,035 |
Costa Rica | | $204,622 | | | | | |
Cote d'Ivoire | | | | | $21,480 | | |
Czech Republic | $2,256,990 | $2,362,340 | $3,744,196 | $3,919,078 | $2,560,936 | $3,738,474 | $5,400,999 |
Denmark | $6,777 | $6,119 | $244 | $126 | $30 | $686 | $13,873 |
Egypt | $74,560 | $104,469 | $6,068 | $182,816,172 | $124,847,033 | $165,653,651 | $185,242,394 |
Estonia | $13,004 | $23,170 | $46,611 | $10,381 | $61,495 | $33,541 | $46,181 |
Finland | $13,837 | $1,229,903 | | | $794 | | |
France | $2,074,152 | $3,487,336 | $2,686,766 | $4,922,463 | $2,370,189 | $2,689,563 | $3,074,784 |
Germany | $34,997,000 | $33,291,000 | $38,795,000 | $41,391,000 | $31,268,000 | $41,696,948 | $40,296,883 |
Greece | $598 | $1,298 | $129,830 | $10,769 | $8,422 | $69,115 | $842 |
Hong Kong | $5,091,237 | $4,606,326 | $2,024,583 | $1,843,301 | $2,385,512 | $6,246,461 | $7,016,167 |
Hungary | | | | | | | $1,000 |
India | $3,760,161 | $3,148,530 | $4,997,944 | $7,116,130 | $4,803,270 | $4,871,663 | $7,962,235 |
Indonesia | $155,789 | $10,405 | | $9,623 | $48,537 | $32,339 | $31 |
Iran | $100 | | | | | $6,755 | |
Ireland | $8,734 | $5,579 | $1,190 | $403 | $932 | | $7,726 |
Israel | $83,000 | $803,000 | $1,488,000 | $5,904,000 | $3,631,000 | $3,265,000 | $1,707,000 |
Italy | $1,165,977 | $1,476,736 | $2,046,286 | $538,596 | $1,142,053 | $903,874 | $715,471 |
Japan | $2,040,294 | $2,200,043 | $2,699,860 | $2,948,025 | $1,384,961 | $1,577,931 | $2,218,709 |
Jordan | $5,250 | | $452 | | | $17,223 | |
Kenya | $4,804 | $29,762 | $883,296 | $1,301,803 | | | |
Korea, South | $340,587 | $468,162 | $1,661,644 | $944,038 | $395,348 | $2,280,832 | $2,042,441 |
Kuwait | | $3,950 | $70,773 | $7,355 | $11,973 | | |
Latvia | | $109 | | | | $256 | |
Lithuania | | $10,576 | $6,656 | | $1,452 | $8,604 | $668 |
Luxembourg | $10 | $9 | | | | | |
Malaysia | $249,404 | $649,672 | $1,025,245 | $475,963 | $252,478 | $823,703 | $3,469,499 |
Mauritius | $2,014 | | | | | | |
Mexico | $99,917 | $76,500 | $16,384 | $24,599 | $10,743 | $80,803 | $108,202 |
Mozambique | | | | $993 | | | |
Netherlands | $133,072 | $217,347 | $485,980 | $2,220,685 | $514,859 | $409,831 | |
New Caledonia | $5 | | | | | | |
New Zealand | $132 | $1,726 | $278 | $19 | $307 | $18 | $94 |
Nigeria | | | $470 | $34,555 | | | |
Norway | $10,462 | $9,224 | $6,035 | $525 | $6,197 | $41,893 | $82,025 |
Oman | | | | | $6,257 | $67,917 | |
Pakistan | $25,808 | $107,613 | $1,040 | | | | |
Panama | | | | $1,996 | | | $28,080 |
Peru | | | | | $449 | $4,995 | $41,810 |
Philippines | $72,473 | $140,737 | $47,937 | $33,300 | | $36,667 | $166,735 |
Poland | $1,432,975 | $2,048,870 | $1,804,504 | $2,398,523 | $1,784,912 | $1,442,899 | $616,777 |
Portugal | $1,558 | $709 | $965 | | | | $334 |
Romania | $25,158 | $32 | $5,217 | $89 | $19,135 | $55,666 | $94,989 |
Russia | $6,582,369 | $9,505,563 | $12,983,915 | $12,218,118 | $7,859,539 | $8,819,449 | $17,774,791 |
Saudi Arabia | $1,215,393 | $2,838,086 | $2,649,143 | $377,867 | | $534,134 | |
Serbia | $7,764 | $52,638 | $12,006 | $34,689 | $92,422 | $17,051 | $29,246 |
Singapore | $2,010,247 | $1,356,316 | $332,568 | $392,290 | $94,652 | $788,544 | $52,841 |
Slovakia | | | $1,432,721 | | $974,858 | $517,773 | $2,205,131 |
Slovenia | $1,355,160 | $1,774,841 | $2,186,541 | $2,819,649 | $1,365,709 | $1,836,287 | $3,106,030 |
South Africa | $17,250 | $30,372 | $114,161 | $6,303 | $27,341 | $3,619 | $14,197 |
Spain | $599,046 | $394,121 | $462,876 | $960,338 | $591,980 | $1,102,510 | |
Sri Lanka | | $2,492 | $14 | | | | |
Sudan | | | | $160,804 | | | |
Sweden | $6,252,702 | $8,030,925 | $9,106,638 | $8,481,533 | $6,617,634 | $9,357,978 | $11,655,819 |
Switzerland | $838,293 | $94,364 | $128,011 | $452,855 | $106,800 | $1,014,096 | $1,229,530 |
Syria | | | | $54,704 | | $32,419 | |
Tanzania | | | $50,470 | | | | |
Thailand | $7,207 | $3,618,494 | $1,296,999 | $2,038 | $264,122 | $23,947 | $92,322 |
Trinidad and Tobago | | $39 | | | $19 | $86 | |
Tunisia | | | $34,272 | $333,082 | $308,441 | $884,955 | |
Turkey | $22,546 | $55,836 | $101,082 | $64,160 | $136,415 | $73,734 | $1,489,169 |
Ukraine | | $29 | $7,643 | | | $67,363 | $9,602 |
United Arab Emirates | $170,219 | | $30,457 | $468,134 | | | |
United Kingdom | $782,185 | $692,582 | $984,894 | $499,079 | $453,459 | $468,256 | $311,388 |
United States | $11,634,739 | $7,058,880 | $7,755,122 | $4,657,639 | $2,703,048 | $2,460,107 | $2,608,762 |
Venezuela | $1,960 | | | | | | |
Vietnam | | | $50,488 | | $17,725 | | |
Zambia | | | | $71,378 | | | |
Zimbabwe | | | $575 | | | | |