Rank | Country | Exports of Parts & accessories of the machines for preparing textile fibres (excl. car ... in USD (2010) |
1 | Germany | $77,644,649 | | 2 | United States | $68,552,881 | | 3 | Switzerland | $56,373,393 | | 4 | Japan | $18,150,248 | | 5 | China | $16,699,365 | | 6 | Italy | $12,947,213 | | 7 | France | $10,658,834 | | 8 | India | $9,196,876 | | 9 | United Kingdom | $7,642,191 | | 10 | Spain | $4,679,380 | | 11 | Czech Republic | $4,064,890 | | 12 | Belgium | $3,547,834 | | 13 | Singapore | $2,266,453 | | 14 | Brazil | $1,490,626 | | 15 | Korea, South | $1,318,946 | | 16 | Turkey | $1,098,056 | | 17 | Canada | $864,104 | | 18 | Poland | $606,501 | | 19 | Ecuador | $558,800 | | 20 | Bulgaria | $556,867 | | 21 | Portugal | $462,682 | | 22 | Greece | $392,100 | | 23 | New Zealand | $252,177 | | 24 | Russia | $218,761 | | 25 | Slovenia | $206,801 | | 26 | Australia | $195,694 | | 27 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | $165,361 | | 28 | Hong Kong | $156,172 | | 29 | Mexico | $118,717 | | 30 | Ukraine | $68,573 | | 31 | Denmark | $51,690 | | 32 | Netherlands | $46,421 | | 33 | Austria | $43,848 | | 34 | Pakistan | $32,723 | | 35 | Thailand | $23,238 | | 36 | Argentina | $23,054 | | 37 | Mozambique | $13,821 | | 38 | Romania | $11,812 | | 39 | Panama | $9,967 | | 40 | South Africa | $4,915 | | 41 | Tunisia | $4,841 | | 42 | Indonesia | $4,677 | | 43 | Luxembourg | $3,376 | | 44 | Ireland | $3,011 | | 45 | Colombia | $2,685 | | 46 | Norway | $2,669 | | 47 | Guatemala | $1,690 | | 48 | Malaysia | $1,555 | | 49 | Estonia | $1,326 | | 50 | El Salvador | $1,127 | | 51 | Sweden | $1,113 | | 52 | Finland | $802 | | 53 | Ethiopia | $711 | | 54 | Moldova | $700 | | 55 | Latvia | $662 | | 56 | Croatia | $647 | | 57 | Morocco | $432 | | 58 | Tanzania | $129 | | 59 | Slovakia | $64 | | 60 | Botswana | $29 | | 61 | Nicaragua | $1 | |
Country | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 |
Argentina | $13,191 | $35,290 | $22,226 | $23,075 | $19,161 | $23,054 | $20,344 |
Armenia | $480 | | $660 | | | | |
Australia | $87,892 | $36,804 | $504,248 | $980,506 | $15,161 | $195,694 | $841,966 |
Austria | $161,309 | $205,668 | $46,411 | $204,400 | $5,543,201 | $43,848 | |
Bahrain | | | | | | | $5,322 |
Bangladesh | $2,463 | $3,389 | $6,827 | | | | |
Barbados | $200 | | | | | | |
Belarus | $5,500 | $29,400 | $253,600 | $4,000 | | | $1,300 |
Belgium | $3,439,827 | $3,507,916 | $4,407,486 | $3,323,287 | $2,308,353 | $3,547,834 | $4,508,536 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | $103,834 | $285,802 | $49,188 | $220,721 | $102,776 | $165,361 | $647,376 |
Botswana | | | $147 | | $31 | $29 | $1,243 |
Brazil | $4,465,795 | $4,577,018 | $8,330,120 | $2,604,047 | $988,284 | $1,490,626 | $864,407 |
Bulgaria | $39,969 | $17,798 | $40,809 | $9,791 | $47,979 | $556,867 | $574,430 |
Canada | $3,307,931 | $1,080,450 | $4,608,295 | $1,813,621 | $118,580 | $864,104 | $364,574 |
Cape Verde | | $50 | | | | | |
Chile | $2,049 | $55,701 | $13,878 | $20,882 | $844 | | $5,000 |
China | $7,183,382 | $9,716,668 | $14,086,315 | $11,665,124 | $9,107,912 | $16,699,365 | $19,781,731 |
Colombia | $3,000 | $2,009 | $962 | $64,500 | $4,807 | $2,685 | |
Costa Rica | $2,175 | | | | | | |
Cote d'Ivoire | | | | $11,879 | | | |
Croatia | $49,582 | $1,713 | $1,437 | $142 | | $647 | $970 |
Czech Republic | $10,414,619 | $8,782,984 | $9,614,036 | $5,389,080 | $1,699,617 | $4,064,890 | $9,686,634 |
Denmark | $83,259 | $76,541 | $783,951 | $66,042 | $49,990 | $51,690 | $65,398 |
Ecuador | | | $3,293 | | | $558,800 | |
Egypt | | | | | $1,097 | | |
El Salvador | | | $2,094 | $356 | $5,340 | $1,127 | |
Estonia | $143,118 | $3,999 | $119,446 | $101,552 | $147,614 | $1,326 | $67 |
Ethiopia | | | $128 | | $371 | $711 | |
Finland | $43,521 | $41,562 | $59,334 | | | $802 | |
France | $22,931,385 | $19,612,185 | $19,353,495 | $16,061,066 | $13,544,530 | $10,658,834 | $13,537,398 |
Germany | $71,410,000 | $80,864,000 | $107,854,000 | $73,335,000 | $50,905,000 | $77,644,649 | $88,408,519 |
Greece | $16,103 | $453,410 | $329,895 | $265,261 | $21,768 | $392,100 | $1,025,053 |
Guatemala | $134,600 | $8,049 | $646 | $1,650 | $25,007 | $1,690 | $2,317 |
Honduras | | $400 | | | $27,283 | | |
Hong Kong | $2,975,806 | $2,509,321 | $3,699,644 | $2,729,710 | $278,898 | $156,172 | $213,212 |
India | $1,357,666 | $4,013,711 | $4,327,763 | $7,016,804 | $7,717,655 | $9,196,876 | $18,620,346 |
Indonesia | | $1,844 | $405,521 | $651,500 | $274,918 | $4,677 | $31,419 |
Iran | $30 | | | | | | |
Ireland | $66,278 | $20,985 | $4,981 | $10,409 | | $3,011 | $5,121 |
Israel | $35,000 | | | | $102,000 | | $96,000 |
Italy | $19,573,271 | $22,568,039 | $27,163,639 | $22,362,301 | $13,690,559 | $12,947,213 | $21,794,526 |
Jamaica | | | | $7,437 | | | |
Japan | $8,275,532 | $7,595,431 | $8,680,453 | $13,819,430 | $5,443,632 | $18,150,248 | $9,225,567 |
Jordan | | $1,410 | | $1,016 | $120 | | |
Kazakhstan | | | | $2,454 | | | |
Kenya | | | | $62 | | | |
Korea, South | $1,504,396 | $1,677,680 | $1,267,996 | $1,526,153 | $694,447 | $1,318,946 | $1,432,997 |
Kuwait | | | | $4,075 | $104 | | |
Latvia | | | $219 | | $21,686 | $662 | |
Lithuania | $26,619 | $80,234 | $80,266 | $1,091 | | | $95 |
Luxembourg | | $18,759 | | | | $3,376 | |
Macedonia | | | | | | | $2,039 |
Malaysia | | | $20,381 | | | $1,555 | $48,745 |
Mauritius | $45,792 | | $107 | | | | |
Mexico | $422,192 | $107,832 | $140,248 | $171,158 | $90,459 | $118,717 | $160,004 |
Moldova | | | | | | $700 | |
Morocco | $9,911 | $751 | $532 | $2,899 | $201 | $432 | |
Mozambique | | | | | | $13,821 | |
Namibia | $110 | $524 | $154 | | | | |
Netherlands | $1,055,874 | $162,068 | $1,510,108 | $250,509 | $820,426 | $46,421 | |
New Zealand | $575,196 | $280,192 | $455,498 | $199,001 | $402,514 | $252,177 | $244,832 |
Nicaragua | | | | | | $1 | |
Norway | $3,992 | $9,970 | $1,629 | $12,355 | $207,720 | $2,669 | $357 |
Pakistan | $138,967 | $367,957 | $73,469 | $54,647 | $78,955 | $32,723 | $51,700 |
Panama | | | | $6,683 | $24,930 | $9,967 | $35,766 |
Peru | $3,225 | $1,322 | $3,050 | $250 | $1,000 | | $1,815 |
Philippines | $72,999 | $85,986 | $199,350 | | $100,000 | | |
Poland | $900,883 | $838,205 | $1,196,623 | $1,109,022 | $256,978 | $606,501 | $597,994 |
Portugal | $33,448 | $39,734 | $45,417 | $113,625 | $200,883 | $462,682 | $351,072 |
Romania | $74,035 | $100,349 | $160,811 | $5,513 | $50,864 | $11,812 | $6,251 |
Russia | $304,955 | $303,494 | $446,689 | $649,722 | $85,194 | $218,761 | $138,474 |
Serbia | $1,858 | | | $981 | $315 | | |
Singapore | $2,548,519 | $3,918,141 | $3,807,207 | $2,956,740 | $990,693 | $2,266,453 | $2,839,771 |
Slovakia | $83,807 | $40,197 | $759,608 | $85,434 | $32,550 | $64 | $1,865 |
Slovenia | $4,860 | $16,095 | $329 | $8,127 | $581 | $206,801 | $112,843 |
South Africa | $25,467 | $30,879 | $20,866 | $21,313 | $62,878 | $4,915 | $25,372 |
Spain | $8,360,601 | $3,611,161 | $6,464,585 | $7,037,881 | $4,438,350 | $4,679,380 | |
Sri Lanka | $2,904 | $1,733 | $135,981 | | $4,290 | | |
Sudan | $286,278 | $2,446,551 | | | | | |
Sweden | $938 | $11,000 | | $26,946 | $11,041 | $1,113 | $83,880 |
Switzerland | $41,920,257 | $45,565,014 | $45,815,979 | $41,917,366 | $29,628,195 | $56,373,393 | $66,756,409 |
Tanzania | | | | $31,975 | | $129 | |
Thailand | $1,235 | | $23,754 | | $23,591 | $23,238 | $8,751 |
Tunisia | $504 | $4,498 | $11,373 | $10,973 | $4,705 | $4,841 | |
Turkey | $462,171 | $256,377 | $348,348 | $873,074 | $1,862,789 | $1,098,056 | $1,164,682 |
Uganda | $20,854 | | | | | | |
Ukraine | $103,042 | $277,380 | $132,140 | $280,460 | $125,546 | $68,573 | $234,447 |
United Arab Emirates | $48,586 | | $52,279 | $144,823 | | | |
United Kingdom | $12,757,415 | $12,492,786 | $13,362,375 | $11,708,693 | $5,698,507 | $7,642,191 | $5,776,688 |
United States | $45,747,393 | $51,173,612 | $53,626,590 | $50,431,427 | $42,956,809 | $68,552,881 | $31,145,219 |
Uruguay | $136,334 | $78,658 | $205,980 | $119,793 | $100,236 | | |
Vietnam | $392 | | | | | | |
Zambia | $3,184 | $3 | $8,426 | | | | |
Zimbabwe | | | $400 | | | | |