Rank | Country | Exports of Metal-rolling mills, hot/combination hot & cold in USD (2010) |
1 | Italy | $157,916,021 | | 2 | Germany | $113,979,255 | | 3 | China | $70,539,026 | | 4 | United States | $44,721,677 | | 5 | Ukraine | $16,509,677 | | 6 | Turkey | $15,959,567 | | 7 | Japan | $14,191,179 | | 8 | Korea, South | $12,145,495 | | 9 | India | $8,541,411 | | 10 | Sweden | $6,445,110 | | 11 | France | $3,867,986 | | 12 | Thailand | $3,790,956 | | 13 | Lithuania | $2,694,129 | | 14 | United Kingdom | $2,303,131 | | 15 | Czech Republic | $1,496,094 | | 16 | Finland | $1,206,546 | | 17 | Vietnam | $1,001,025 | | 18 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | $860,677 | | 19 | Tanzania | $669,498 | | 20 | Netherlands | $665,810 | | 21 | Spain | $650,183 | | 22 | Belarus | $480,500 | | 23 | Switzerland | $438,840 | | 24 | Hong Kong | $389,589 | | 25 | Iran | $341,094 | | 26 | Chile | $253,383 | | 27 | Belgium | $250,195 | | 28 | Singapore | $214,707 | | 29 | Austria | $160,284 | | 30 | Canada | $135,119 | | 31 | Australia | $100,915 | | 32 | Poland | $96,937 | | 33 | Egypt | $79,465 | | 34 | South Africa | $73,750 | | 35 | Russia | $56,500 | | 36 | Albania | $46,706 | | 37 | Mexico | $40,000 | | 38 | Pakistan | $37,004 | | 39 | Bahrain | $36,548 | | 40 | Slovenia | $18,368 | | 41 | Greece | $15,578 | | 42 | Argentina | $12,000 | | 43 | Portugal | $11,337 | | 44 | Guatemala | $8,108 | | 45 | Colombia | $6,800 | | 46 | Syria | $6,667 | | 47 | Israel | $6,000 | | 48 | Lebanon | $2,945 | | 49 | New Zealand | $801 | | 50 | Peru | $616 | | 51 | Costa Rica | $500 | | 52 | Nicaragua | $115 | |
Country | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 |
Albania | | | | | | $46,706 | $26,094 |
Algeria | | | | | $111,033 | | |
Argentina | $30,000 | | $66,928 | | $441 | $12,000 | |
Australia | $4,606,032 | $226,240 | $9,495 | | $14,095 | $100,915 | $87,837 |
Austria | | $405,402 | $601,386 | $315,661 | $12,169 | $160,284 | |
Bahamas, The | | | | | | | $10,000 |
Bahrain | | | | | | $36,548 | |
Belarus | $526,000 | $24,400 | $337,000 | $1,291,200 | $637,200 | $480,500 | $1,538,600 |
Belgium | $545,225 | $5,065,855 | $407,684 | $777,931 | $223,249 | $250,195 | $258,913 |
Bolivia | | $9,000 | | | | | |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | | $192,397 | $427,921 | $649,279 | $1,946,966 | $860,677 | $357,670 |
Botswana | $5 | $50,541 | $15,706 | $7,872 | | | |
Brazil | $129,595 | $129,386 | $68 | $197 | $603,329 | | |
Bulgaria | | | $40,554 | | | | |
Canada | $10,395,403 | $25,526,565 | $178,177 | $60,381 | $164,439 | $135,119 | $9,852,184 |
Chile | | | $112,700 | | | $253,383 | $85,000 |
China | $13,087,398 | $48,543,718 | $56,409,627 | $132,773,766 | $191,052,530 | $70,539,026 | $70,038,979 |
Colombia | $5,220 | | $367 | $109,310 | | $6,800 | |
Costa Rica | | | | | $100 | $500 | |
Czech Republic | $2,449,638 | $211,275 | $1,125,626 | $65,098 | $1,620,654 | $1,496,094 | $2,280,300 |
Denmark | $55,730 | $9,245 | $73,747 | $93,787 | $191 | | $20,408 |
Dominican Republic | | | | $72,716 | | | |
Ecuador | $2,000 | $12,384 | | | | | $108,000 |
Egypt | | $9,981 | | | $151 | $79,465 | |
El Salvador | | | | | $250 | | |
Estonia | | | | $9,513 | | | |
Finland | $1,764 | $27,237 | $113,134 | $149,881 | $279 | $1,206,546 | $36,957 |
France | $19,606,770 | $2,454,191 | $708,055 | $17,763,350 | $2,837,002 | $3,867,986 | $11,803,832 |
Gabon | | | | $3,243 | | | |
Germany | $78,216,000 | $14,925,000 | $19,742,000 | $66,860,000 | $110,513,000 | $113,979,255 | $292,472,619 |
Greece | | | $105,909 | $118,340 | $95,407 | $15,578 | |
Guatemala | $1,061 | | $16,970 | $372 | $92 | $8,108 | $2,996 |
Guyana | | | $394 | | $250 | | |
Hong Kong | $2,339,678 | $416,673 | $1,028,978 | $339,432 | $1,519,425 | $389,589 | $114,337 |
India | $2,385,657 | $6,669,211 | $2,763,562 | $6,301,827 | $8,537,696 | $8,541,411 | $9,055,217 |
Indonesia | $1,702,422 | | $48,163 | $49,432 | | | $1 |
Iran | $16,000 | $573,022 | | | | $341,094 | |
Ireland | | | $2,678 | | | | |
Israel | | | $245,000 | $364,000 | | $6,000 | |
Italy | $43,207,290 | $121,787,826 | $217,563,954 | $217,311,624 | $116,914,250 | $157,916,021 | $159,324,819 |
Jamaica | | | | $195,000 | | | |
Japan | $37,623,446 | $8,868,783 | $13,294,783 | $14,177,217 | $25,416,303 | $14,191,179 | $12,018,840 |
Jordan | $76,428 | $54,050 | $23,410 | $147,775 | $29,344 | | $1,571,310 |
Kazakhstan | | | | | $1,950 | | |
Kenya | $3,625 | | | | $4,242 | | |
Korea, South | $11,561,595 | $4,510,693 | $18,265,991 | $31,587,113 | $20,268,076 | $12,145,495 | $10,677,731 |
Kuwait | | $104,381 | $6,344 | $107,279 | $336,950 | | |
Kyrgyzstan | | | | $22,032 | | | |
Lebanon | | | $254 | $15,352 | $1,417 | $2,945 | $5,386 |
Lithuania | | $1,420 | $6,617 | $8,988 | $153,461 | $2,694,129 | $517,672 |
Luxembourg | $2,277 | | | | | | |
Macedonia | | | | | | | $180,875 |
Malawi | | | | $1,815 | | | |
Malaysia | $91,100 | $94,502 | $4,051,468 | $50,756 | $134,829 | | $272,230 |
Mexico | $784,026 | $801 | $15,297 | $101,248 | $4,918 | $40,000 | $3,693,760 |
Namibia | $1,884 | $4,460 | $3,693 | $4,353 | | | |
Netherlands | | $268,857 | $21,965 | $36,839 | $15,348 | $665,810 | |
New Zealand | $10,576 | | | | $192,333 | $801 | |
Nicaragua | | | | | | $115 | |
Norway | | | | $92,634 | | | |
Pakistan | | | $3,916 | $174,846 | $26,254 | $37,004 | |
Panama | | $34,594 | $37,128 | $260 | $53 | | |
Peru | | | $1,890 | | $123 | $616 | $5,000 |
Poland | $284,411 | $564,080 | $231,688 | $73,843 | $149,472 | $96,937 | $48,909,601 |
Portugal | | $225,794 | $2,615 | | $33,960 | $11,337 | $12,160 |
Qatar | $12,912 | $7,143 | | | | | |
Romania | | $2,544 | $173,817 | $7,492,831 | $30,509 | | $1,474,264 |
Russia | $101,055 | $141,108 | $393,815 | $3,373 | $599,521 | $56,500 | $428,692 |
Saudi Arabia | $40,029 | $27,512 | $1,144 | | | | |
Serbia | $357,847 | | $95,899 | $841,412 | | | |
Singapore | $121,509 | $206,911 | $41,182 | $92,116 | $2,111,319 | $214,707 | $409,597 |
Slovakia | | | | | $982 | | |
Slovenia | $78,253 | $64,929 | $164,413 | | $2,966,438 | $18,368 | $437,371 |
South Africa | $131,417 | $14,138 | $275,977 | $278,594 | $32,922 | $73,750 | |
Spain | $3,576,822 | $11,901,183 | $3,931,855 | $5,871,556 | $9,120,220 | $650,183 | |
Sri Lanka | | | $197,030 | | | | |
Swaziland | | $11,814 | | | | | |
Sweden | $11,912,704 | $7,407,322 | $9,776,902 | $14,824,782 | $14,040,620 | $6,445,110 | $5,724,987 |
Switzerland | $46,781 | $38,595 | $15,185 | $28,361 | $8,636 | $438,840 | $79,609 |
Syria | | $361 | | $55,815 | | $6,667 | |
Tanzania | $25,022 | $116,704 | | $3,773 | $363,986 | $669,498 | $412,965 |
Thailand | $355,804 | $905,999 | $775,571 | $1,375,779 | $1,879,481 | $3,790,956 | $9,763,649 |
Trinidad and Tobago | | | $4,300 | | | | |
Tunisia | $2,795 | | | | | | |
Turkey | $9,073,836 | $19,306,681 | $12,335,642 | $16,426,403 | $32,642,409 | $15,959,567 | $50,527,376 |
Uganda | | | | | $1,528 | | |
Ukraine | | $358,000 | | | | $16,509,677 | $1,259,198 |
United Arab Emirates | $2,773 | | $399,905 | $1,938 | | | |
United Kingdom | $5,597,462 | $8,870,819 | $14,400,182 | $16,605,518 | $21,910,608 | $2,303,131 | $4,797,796 |
United States | $49,371,674 | $14,783,999 | $2,877,062 | $25,963,648 | $49,426,921 | $44,721,677 | $46,384,681 |
Venezuela | | | | $58,337 | | | |
Vietnam | $17,000 | $179,300 | $76,949 | $6,053 | $52,643 | $1,001,025 | |
Zambia | | | | $5,122 | | | |