Rank | Country | Exports of Parts of cathode-ray tubes in USD (2010) |
1 | China | $112,900,974 | | 2 | Korea, South | $38,851,581 | | 3 | Thailand | $19,163,104 | | 4 | Japan | $15,887,706 | | 5 | Singapore | $8,952,251 | | 6 | Hong Kong | $5,704,070 | | 7 | United States | $5,040,688 | | 8 | Germany | $4,840,286 | | 9 | Malaysia | $3,186,708 | | 10 | Indonesia | $2,454,538 | | 11 | France | $2,022,806 | | 12 | Italy | $1,513,020 | | 13 | United Kingdom | $1,472,941 | | 14 | Netherlands | $870,062 | | 15 | Canada | $433,565 | | 16 | Poland | $395,909 | | 17 | Czech Republic | $159,880 | | 18 | Russia | $87,923 | | 19 | Panama | $67,313 | | 20 | India | $66,288 | | 21 | Mexico | $40,182 | | 22 | Serbia | $25,043 | | 23 | Belgium | $16,243 | | 24 | Switzerland | $10,237 | | 25 | Sweden | $8,351 | | 26 | Turkey | $7,756 | | 27 | Australia | $7,580 | | 28 | Spain | $7,443 | | 29 | Brazil | $6,190 | | 30 | Austria | $6,064 | | 31 | New Zealand | $5,476 | | 32 | Denmark | $3,170 | | 33 | Belarus | $3,100 | | 34 | Ukraine | $2,458 | | 35 | Peru | $2,050 | | 36 | Ireland | $2,009 | | 37 | Greece | $1,314 | | 38 | South Africa | $740 | | 39 | Bahamas, The | $729 | | 40 | Costa Rica | $460 | | 41 | Argentina | $458 | | 42 | Finland | $372 | | 43 | Portugal | $85 | |
Country | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 |
Argentina | $735 | | $146 | $1,319 | | $458 | $182 |
Australia | | $1,286 | $4,610 | $26,202 | $22,804 | $7,580 | $235,987 |
Austria | $1,927,573 | $2,005,781 | $100,102 | $95,293 | $107,717 | $6,064 | |
Bahamas, The | | | | | | $729 | $2,260 |
Belarus | | | | | | $3,100 | |
Belgium | $15,001,508 | $2,286,205 | $14,216 | $38,028 | $29,581 | $16,243 | $124,730 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | $1,676,678 | $39,977 | $181,812 | $227,031 | | | |
Botswana | $8,734 | | $283 | $438 | $5,361 | | |
Brazil | $29,308,481 | $17,871,975 | $973,562 | $332,515 | $220,021 | $6,190 | $238,265 |
Canada | $771,433 | $152,807 | $57,191 | $90,474 | $164,281 | $433,565 | $287,933 |
China | $386,075,543 | $354,825,993 | $146,379,292 | $168,562,316 | $107,348,607 | $112,900,974 | $80,320,935 |
Costa Rica | | | | | | $460 | |
Czech Republic | $690,972 | $423,219 | $100,007 | $109,137 | $93,401 | $159,880 | $70,460 |
Denmark | $7,816 | $83,035 | $57,743 | $10,231 | $40,493 | $3,170 | $9,487 |
Dominican Republic | | | | | | | $8,203 |
Ecuador | | | | | $6,473 | | |
Finland | $56,821 | $18,578 | $21,281 | | $12,877 | $372 | $2,660 |
France | $35,426,066 | $32,449,298 | $12,551,504 | $6,176,312 | $3,351,052 | $2,022,806 | $1,381,566 |
Germany | $35,308,000 | $4,878,000 | $2,009,000 | $3,403,000 | $4,096,000 | $4,840,286 | $4,599,588 |
Greece | | | | | | $1,314 | $698 |
Hong Kong | $77,541,941 | $77,156,495 | $54,366,598 | $29,146,521 | $17,635,054 | $5,704,070 | $1,774,391 |
Hungary | $439,000 | $353,000 | | | | | |
India | $1,368,708 | $352,731 | $1,693,083 | $1,638,192 | $678,889 | $66,288 | $288,763 |
Indonesia | $7,617,147 | $6,667,137 | $5,496,585 | $3,815,841 | $2,268,196 | $2,454,538 | $1,512,231 |
Ireland | $2,600 | $325 | | | $1,035 | $2,009 | |
Italy | $3,737,158 | $2,187,621 | $1,018,632 | $311,716 | $137,577 | $1,513,020 | $360,767 |
Jamaica | | | | $602 | | | |
Japan | $474,199,832 | $259,779,917 | $84,282,500 | $36,531,862 | $18,198,470 | $15,887,706 | $10,249,836 |
Korea, South | $313,772,069 | $245,567,680 | $150,670,248 | $90,230,084 | $37,400,327 | $38,851,581 | $31,832,443 |
Kuwait | | $800 | | | | | |
Latvia | $12 | | | | | | |
Lithuania | $13,114,725 | $10,788,358 | $2,456,866 | $4,164 | | | $13,213 |
Luxembourg | $16,637 | | | | | | $389 |
Malaysia | $36,795,115 | $9,262,708 | $5,838,916 | $6,167,010 | $4,163,319 | $3,186,708 | $7,933,967 |
Mexico | $40,758,959 | $6,248,738 | $619,019 | $42,025 | $11,529 | $40,182 | $2,549 |
Namibia | | | | $181 | | | |
Netherlands | $64,757,771 | $23,296,342 | $21,363,903 | $9,341,023 | $1,537,601 | $870,062 | |
New Zealand | | $5,115 | | | | $5,476 | |
Nigeria | | | | | $22,139 | | |
Panama | | $9,509 | | | | $67,313 | $23,313 |
Peru | | | | $2,120 | | $2,050 | $1,362 |
Philippines | $250 | $50 | | $93,696 | | | |
Poland | $7,289,249 | $1,533,340 | $3,742,942 | $2,740,520 | $97,584 | $395,909 | |
Portugal | | | $547 | $77 | | $85 | $7,905 |
Romania | | | | $211 | | | |
Russia | $2,539,385 | $36,281 | $20,920 | $10,316 | $67,033 | $87,923 | $19,603 |
Saudi Arabia | | | $3,255 | | | | |
Serbia | | $10,012 | $42,924 | $15,219 | $20,893 | $25,043 | |
Singapore | $61,193,250 | $23,404,056 | $7,825,536 | $7,113,214 | $5,680,541 | $8,952,251 | $6,864,046 |
Slovakia | $62,005,430 | $26,671,276 | | | | | |
South Africa | $415 | $7,340 | $16,907 | $1,003 | $18 | $740 | |
Spain | $410,779 | $17 | $1,520 | $3,926 | $23,655 | $7,443 | |
Swaziland | $43 | | | | | | |
Sweden | $254,417 | $323,073 | $42,865 | $114,405 | $36,147 | $8,351 | $106,392 |
Switzerland | $1,134 | $17,224 | $7,742 | $702 | $25,300 | $10,237 | $13,532 |
Thailand | $47,116,006 | $54,565,105 | $45,011,232 | $33,402,363 | $21,428,690 | $19,163,104 | $15,009,484 |
Trinidad and Tobago | | $10 | | | | | |
Turkey | $1,537 | $34,478 | $84,714 | | $13,008 | $7,756 | $6,584 |
Ukraine | $1,200 | $6,143 | $18,168 | | | $2,458 | |
United Arab Emirates | $3,710 | | $41,000 | $36,354 | | | |
United Kingdom | $20,987,966 | $20,563,070 | $18,550,875 | $19,758,550 | $6,579,931 | $1,472,941 | $906,738 |
United States | $48,137,991 | $31,809,158 | $25,775,938 | $8,976,404 | $4,268,842 | $5,040,688 | $6,346,522 |
Vietnam | $11,505,404 | $12,001,722 | $3,302,377 | $682,485 | $84,068 | | |