Commodity | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 |
Fixed carbon electrical resistors, composition/film types | | | | | | | $1,544 |
Fixed electrical resistors (excl. fixed carbon resistors, composition/film ... | | | | | $147 | $1,386 | $7 |
Fixed electrical resistors (excl. fixed carbon resistors, composition/film ... | $835 | $457 | $114 | | | $55 | $17,444 |
Wirewound variable electrical resistors, incl. rheostats & potentiometers ( ... | | | | $604 | | | |
Wirewound variable electrical resistors, incl. rheostats & potentiometers ( ... | | $3,479 | | $7 | $746 | $387 | |
Electrical resistors (excl. heating resistors, light dependent resistors), ... | | | $627 | $401 | | $510 | $9,094 |
Parts of the electrical resistors of 85.33 | $519 | | | $626 | $299 | $7,269 | $102 |
Total | $1,354 | $3,936 | $741 | $1,638 | $1,192 | $9,607 | $28,191 |