Ground-nuts, prepd./presvd., whether or not cont. added/sugar/oth. sweeteni ...$6,795$11,796$20,105$17,508$43,376$9,566$3,958
Nuts (excl. ground-nuts), incl. mixts., prepd./presvd., whether or not cont ...   $505$381$2,032$971
Pineapples, prepd./presvd., whether or not cont. added sugar/oth. sweetenin ...$6,486$390,553$409,231$354,212$188,276$80,240 
Citrus fruit, prepd./presvd., whether or not cont. added sugar/oth. sweeten ...  $2,685$118,098$2,504  
Pears, prepd./presvd., whether or not cont. added sugar/oth. sweetening mat ...   $104   
Apricots, prepd./presvd., whether or not cont. added sugar/oth. sweetening ...  $53$64   
Mixtures of edible parts of plants (excl. of 2008.19), prepd./presvd., whet ... $33,682 $48$255$7,940 
Edible parts of plants, prepd./presvd., whether or not cont. added sugar/ot ...$165,411$272,345$433,217$463,665$1,057,061$1,047,431$1,342,637