Woven fabrics of art. staple fibres cont. 85%/more by wt. of art. staple fi ... $49,379     
Woven fabrics of art. staple fibres cont. 85%/more by wt. of art. staple fi ...$9,349$3,881$30,883$4,770 $21$512
Woven fabrics of art. staple fibres cont. 85%/more by wt. of art. staple fi ... $68,498$14,222$130,195   
Woven fabrics of art. staple fibres cont. 85%/more by wt. of art. staple fi ...     $1,792$1,540
Woven fabrics of art. staple fibres cont. <85% by wt. of art. staple fibres ...  $2,335    
Woven fabrics of art. staple fibres cont. <85% by wt. of art. staple fibres ...$10,867$268$7,184$2,209  $3,559
Woven fabrics of art. staple fibres cont. <85% by wt. of art. staple fibres ... $1,134 $1,934$14,838$19,641$6,571
Woven fabrics of art. staple fibres cont. <85% by wt. of art. staple fibres ...   $889  $2,183
Woven fabrics of art. staple fibres cont. <85% by wt. of art. staple fibres ...   $368$868$673$883
Woven fabrics of art. staple fibres, n.e.s. in 55.16, dyed $123   $2,933 
Woven fabrics of art. staple fibres, n.e.s. in 55.16, of yarns of diff. col ...      $1,262