Peas (Pisum sativum), dried, shelled, whether or not skinned/split$14$93$5,882 $608$1,427$584
Chickpeas (garbanzos), dried, shelled, whether or not skinned/split$3,382$25,007$168$4,614$6,635$3,764$333
Beans of the species Vigna mungo (L.)/Hepper/Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek, dr ...$291$395$44$971$1,067 $274
Small red (Adzuki) beans (Phaseolus/Vigna angularis), dried, shelled, wheth ... $1,918 $39,600 $207,041$558,976
Kidney beans, incl. white pea beans (Phaseolus vulgaris), dried, shelled, w ...$314,303$406,515$210,702$1,937,850$449,920$1,209,589$3,727,469
Beans (Vigna spp., Phaseolus spp. (excl. of 0713.31-0713.33)), dried, shell ...     $26,547 
Lentils, dried, shelled, whether or not skinned/split   $3,874$5,223$3,580$1,529
Broad beans (Vicia faba var. major) & horse beans (Vicia faba var. equina/v ... $26$16    
Dried leguminous vegetables, n.e.s., shelled, whether or not skinned/split   $2$33  