Commodity | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 |
Personal weighing machines, incl. baby scales; h-hold. scales | $65 | | $1 | | $284 | | $18 |
Scales for continuous weighing of gds. on conveyors | | | | | $11,819 | | $22,170 |
Constant wt. scales & scales for discharging a predetermined wt. of mat. in ... | $2,072 | $37,431 | $2,100 | $27,012 | $31,608 | $71,277 | $48,635 |
Weighing mach. (excl. of 8423.10-8423.30), having a maximum weighing cap. n ... | | $2,520 | $2,553 | $831 | $27,226 | $34,503 | $2,569 |
Weighing mach. (excl. of 8423.10-8423.30), having a maximum weighing cap. > ... | $8,121 | $18,180 | $23,156 | | $13,196 | $5,901 | $19,928 |
Weighing mach. (excl. balances of a sensitivity of 5cg/better; excl. of 842 ... | | | $23,757 | $25,000 | $900 | $12 | |
Weighing machine wts. of all kinds; parts of weighing mach. | $10 | | $2,175,120 | $6,240 | $4,295 | $1,572 | $51,979 |
Total | $10,268 | $58,131 | $2,226,687 | $59,083 | $89,328 | $113,265 | $145,299 |