Commodity | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 |
Electronic calculators capable of operation without an ext. source of elec. ... | | | | $262,576 |
Digital auto. data processing machines other than those of 8470.10, incorp. ... | | | $5,249 | |
Digital auto. data processing machines other than those of 8470.10, not inc ... | $6,689 | | | |
Calculating machines (excl. of 8470.10-8470.29) | | $1,078 | $496 | |
Cash registers | | $33,701 | | |
Postage-franking machines, ticket-issuing machines & sim. machines, incorp. ... | | $93,835 | | |
Total | $6,689 | $128,614 | $5,745 | $262,576 |