Commodity | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 |
Trout (Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss/clarki/aguabonita/gilae/apache/chr ... | $608,284 | $692,211 | $1,337,846 | $2,563,298 | $875,295 | $749,767 | $385,207 |
Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) & Danube salmon (Hucho hucho), frozen (excl. ... | $144,360 | | $23,926 | $1,977 | | | $388,947 |
Salmonidae (excl. of 0303.21 & 0303.22), frozen (excl. fillets/oth. fish me ... | $3,669,267 | $825,316 | $88,881 | $469,392 | $114,877 | $320,397 | $5,938,810 |
Halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides, Hippoglossus hippoglossus/stenolepis ... | $1,613,552 | $583,076 | $736,103 | $875,767 | $1,912,347 | $10,891,245 | $8,386,291 |
Plaice (Pleuronectes platessa), frozen (excl. fillets/oth. fish meat of 03. ... | $60,224 | $16,351 | $183,136 | $575,616 | $115,219 | $2,517,769 | $223,381 |
Sole (Solea spp.), frozen (excl. fillets/oth. fish meat of 03.04/livers & r ... | $639,642 | $932,086 | $819,551 | $1,137,897 | $685,686 | $985,074 | $1,018,206 |
Flat fish (excl. of 0303.31-0303.33) [see list of conventions for species i ... | $3,377,444 | $5,987,363 | $3,504,238 | $1,078,598 | $1,662,962 | $8,075,763 | $25,338,787 |
Albacore/longfinned tunas (Thunnus alalunga), frozen (excl. fillets/oth. fi ... | $7,757,702 | $5,457,669 | $3,659,310 | $5,161,281 | $6,984,024 | $6,107,290 | $7,184,132 |
Yellowfin tunas (Thunnus albacares), frozen (excl. fillets/oth. fish meat o ... | $57,909,215 | $58,418,210 | $74,687,018 | $73,206,566 | $55,166,397 | $107,384,553 | $99,339,199 |
Skipjack/stripe-bellied bonito (Euthynnus (Katsuwonus) pelamis), frozen (ex ... | $25,452,068 | $40,983,603 | $60,370,568 | $92,970,968 | $116,840,378 | $111,718,773 | $129,145,280 |
Tunas (excl. of 0303.41-0303.46), frozen (excl. fillets/oth. fish meat of 0 ... | $126,711,645 | $112,448,460 | $119,745,541 | $87,807,203 | $98,457,321 | $111,866,411 | $125,018,114 |
Herrings (Clupea harengus/pallasii), frozen (excl. fillets/oth. fish meat o ... | $1,620,893 | $1,868,323 | $2,059,943 | $4,006,153 | $4,562,097 | $2,708,280 | $9,055,682 |
Cod (Gadus morhua/ogac/macrocephalus), frozen (excl. fillets/oth. fish meat ... | $8,263,727 | $7,684,151 | $12,615,717 | $11,990,098 | $4,579,366 | $25,519,427 | $52,751,795 |
Sardines (Sardina pilchardus, Sardinops spp.)/sardinella (Sardinella spp.)/ ... | $161,610 | $106,369 | $281,576 | $127,875 | $173,458 | $143,460 | $1,015,998 |
Coalfish (Pollachius virens), frozen (excl. fillets/oth. fish meat of 03.04 ... | | | | | | | $425 |
Mackerel (Scomber scombrus/australasicus/japonicus), frozen (excl. fillets/ ... | $9,936,504 | $5,046,787 | $11,049,851 | $27,439,184 | $33,745,535 | $18,517,702 | $35,745,445 |
Dogfish & oth. sharks, frozen (excl. fillets/oth. fish meat of 03.04/livers ... | $116,169 | $104,844 | $562,590 | $1,049,823 | $2,741,049 | $1,639,527 | $2,056,639 |
Eels (Anguilla spp.), frozen (excl. fillets/oth. fish meat of 03.04/livers ... | $124,748 | | $56,540 | $51,834 | $34,488 | $613 | $172,855 |
Sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax/punctatus), frozen (excl. fillets/oth. fish ... | $192,978 | $211,783 | $45,854 | $209,019 | $767,310 | $370,460 | $582,645 |
Hake (Merluccius spp., Urophycis spp.), frozen (excl. fillets/oth. fish mea ... | $10,627,966 | $9,505,453 | $14,576,788 | $13,697,741 | $15,614,904 | $10,233,630 | $9,868,078 |
Fish, n.e.s., frozen (excl. fillets/oth. fish meat of 03.04/livers & roes) | $102,200,315 | $100,403,322 | $159,870,364 | $200,113,657 | $202,863,040 | $243,110,851 | $333,349,438 |
Fish livers & roes, frozen | $11,517,563 | $6,704,275 | $5,552,588 | $6,669,211 | $5,585,413 | $12,714,051 | $44,514,669 |
Total | $372,705,876 | $357,979,652 | $471,827,929 | $531,203,158 | $553,481,166 | $675,575,043 | $891,480,023 |