Commodity | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 |
Electronic calculators capable of operation without an ext. source of elec. ... | $20,021 | $6,987 | $25,939 | $5,307 |
Digital auto. data processing machines other than those of 8470.10, incorp. ... | $171,946 | | $66,332 | |
Digital auto. data processing machines other than those of 8470.10, not inc ... | $3,653 | $667 | $5,495 | $10 |
Calculating machines (excl. of 8470.10-8470.29) | $603 | $21 | | $1,043 |
Accounting machines | | $5,293 | | |
Cash registers | | | $65,567 | $261 |
Postage-franking machines, ticket-issuing machines & sim. machines, incorp. ... | $2,206 | $25,879 | $134,609 | $53,903 |
Total | $198,429 | $38,847 | $297,942 | $60,524 |