Commodity | 2005 | 2006 | 2008 | 2009 |
Chickpeas (garbanzos), dried, shelled, whether or not skinned/split | | | $50 | |
Beans of the species Vigna mungo (L.)/Hepper/Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek, dr ... | | $3 | $299 | $19 |
Small red (Adzuki) beans (Phaseolus/Vigna angularis), dried, shelled, wheth ... | | $3,718 | | |
Beans (Vigna spp., Phaseolus spp. (excl. of 0713.31-0713.33)), dried, shell ... | $849 | | | $144 |
Lentils, dried, shelled, whether or not skinned/split | | $3,892 | | |
Dried leguminous vegetables, n.e.s., shelled, whether or not skinned/split | | | | $193 |
Total | $849 | $7,613 | $349 | $356 |