Commodity | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 |
Garments made up of fabrics of 56.02/56.03 | $88,919 | | | | | $1,326 |
Garments made up of fabrics of 59.03/59.06/59.07, of the type desc. in 6201 ... | | $2,639 | $155 | | $577 | |
Garments made up of fabrics of 59.03/59.06/59.07, of the type desc. in 6202 ... | | $27,555 | $49,588 | $3,205 | $1,459 | |
Men's/boys' garments made up of fabrics of 59.03/59.06/59.07, n.e.s. | $374,864 | | $122,882 | $147 | $9,522 | $48,177 |
Women's/girls' garments made up of fabrics of 59.03/59.06/59.07, n.e.s. | $25,416 | $4,176 | $1,451 | $141,874 | $49,690 | $1,891,120 |
Total | $489,199 | $34,370 | $174,076 | $145,226 | $61,248 | $1,940,623 |