Commodity | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 |
Fixed carbon electrical resistors, composition/film types | $689,777 | $839,762 | $994,777 | $878,235 | $607,396 | $415,728 |
Fixed electrical resistors (excl. fixed carbon resistors, composition/film ... | $1,913 | $3,036 | $9,026 | $47 | $1,339 | $3,938 |
Fixed electrical resistors (excl. fixed carbon resistors, composition/film ... | | $18 | $217 | $153 | | |
Wirewound variable electrical resistors, incl. rheostats & potentiometers ( ... | | $56 | $6,324 | $9,204 | $1,430 | $1,379 |
Wirewound variable electrical resistors, incl. rheostats & potentiometers ( ... | | $782 | | | | |
Electrical resistors (excl. heating resistors, light dependent resistors), ... | | $4,270 | $7,324 | $10,659 | $2,715 | $3,090 |
Parts of the electrical resistors of 85.33 | | | | $72 | $21 | |
Total | $691,690 | $847,924 | $1,017,668 | $898,370 | $612,901 | $424,135 |