Commodity | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 |
Trout (Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss/clarki/aguabonita/gilae/apache/chr ... | | | | | | $11,423 |
Salmonidae (excl. of 0303.21 & 0303.22), frozen (excl. fillets/oth. fish me ... | $29,106,450 | $28,036 | $3,438 | $62,055 | $377,389 | |
Halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides, Hippoglossus hippoglossus/stenolepis ... | | | | | $468 | |
Sole (Solea spp.), frozen (excl. fillets/oth. fish meat of 03.04/livers & r ... | | | | | | $1,300 |
Flat fish (excl. of 0303.31-0303.33) [see list of conventions for species i ... | $225,048 | $24,050,300 | $14,450,974 | $21,616,933 | $10,638,701 | $5,332 |
Albacore/longfinned tunas (Thunnus alalunga), frozen (excl. fillets/oth. fi ... | | $2,141,885 | | $184,135 | $149,160 | |
Yellowfin tunas (Thunnus albacares), frozen (excl. fillets/oth. fish meat o ... | $579,688 | | $191,782 | $801,509 | $38,606 | $38,128 |
Skipjack/stripe-bellied bonito (Euthynnus (Katsuwonus) pelamis), frozen (ex ... | | | | $10,281 | | |
Tunas (excl. of 0303.41-0303.46), frozen (excl. fillets/oth. fish meat of 0 ... | | $540,101 | $2,542,897 | | $34,323 | $810,553 |
Cod (Gadus morhua/ogac/macrocephalus), frozen (excl. fillets/oth. fish meat ... | $618,133 | $821,160 | $111,189 | | $32,427 | $197,264 |
Sardines (Sardina pilchardus, Sardinops spp.)/sardinella (Sardinella spp.)/ ... | $62,697 | $112,302 | | $52,981 | $818,820 | $316,815 |
Mackerel (Scomber scombrus/australasicus/japonicus), frozen (excl. fillets/ ... | $413,722 | $3,231,131 | $4,709,526 | $122,385 | $1,534,456 | $781,066 |
Dogfish & oth. sharks, frozen (excl. fillets/oth. fish meat of 03.04/livers ... | $9,103 | $8,905 | | | $18,616 | |
Fish, n.e.s., frozen (excl. fillets/oth. fish meat of 03.04/livers & roes) | $35,969 | $6,140,889 | $441,350 | $2,101,666 | $20,929,642 | $19,890,697 |
Total | $31,050,810 | $37,074,709 | $22,451,156 | $24,951,945 | $34,572,608 | $22,052,578 |