Combined refrigerator-freezers, fitted with separate ext. doors, elec./oth. ...$823$37,774$18,374 $8,499$687 
Refrigerators, h-hold. type, compression-type, elec./oth.$2,925$56,556    $38,976
Refrigerators, h-hold. type, absorption-type, electrical$360$410     
Household-type refrigerators (excl. of 8418.10-8418.22), elec./oth.$134$4,213 $450$3,063$1,355 
Freezers of the chest type, not >800 l cap., elec./oth.$214$6,674  $67,815$685$16,075
Freezers of the upright type, not >900 l cap., elec./oth. $103,008  $121$43,692$1,968
Refrigerating/freezing chests, cabinets, display counters, show-cases & sim ...$94,431 $8,421 $80 $357,983
Compression-type refrigerating/freezing equip. whose condensers are heat ex ... $145,195$1,043,650    
Refrigerating/freezing equip. n.e.s. in 84.18; heat pumps$5,072,955$4,313,237$3,584,258$5,039,791$3,597,848$5,521,937$6,192,599
Furniture designed to receive refrigerating/freezing equip.  $30,643$348,875   
Parts of the refrigerating/freezing equip. & heat pumps of 8418.10-8418.69 ...$1,432,228$1,407,501$2,443,344$2,363,423$2,475,457$3,572,578$3,907,029