Kelem, Schumacks, Karamanie & sim. hand-woven rugs$1,105$18,110$3,041$839$524$174
Carpets & oth. textile floor coverings, woven, of pile construction, not ma ... $987    
Carpets & oth. textile floor coverings, woven, of pile construction, not ma ...  $9,760   
Carpets & oth. textile floor coverings, woven, of pile construction, not ma ... $288    
Carpets & oth. textile floor coverings, woven, not of pile construction, ma ...   $7,003  
Carpets & oth. textile floor coverings, woven, not of pile construction, ma ...$500 $32  $3,317
Carpets & oth. textile floor coverings, woven, not of pile construction, ma ...  $10,236   