Ground-nuts, prepd./presvd., whether or not cont. added/sugar/oth. sweeteni ...$4,426$3,858$10,123
Nuts (excl. ground-nuts), incl. mixts., prepd./presvd., whether or not cont ...$6,081$5,432$885
Pineapples, prepd./presvd., whether or not cont. added sugar/oth. sweetenin ...$5,620,288$5,619,426$1,138,390
Citrus fruit, prepd./presvd., whether or not cont. added sugar/oth. sweeten ...$8,024,340$13,087,536$1,916,834
Pears, prepd./presvd., whether or not cont. added sugar/oth. sweetening mat ... $133,454$115,553
Apricots, prepd./presvd., whether or not cont. added sugar/oth. sweetening ...$63,867$257$219
Cherries, prepd./presvd., whether or not cont. added sugar/oth. sweetening ...$14,531$774$9,138
Peaches, incl. nectarines, prepd./presvd., whether or not cont. added sugar ...$1,270$6,452$727
Strawberries, prepd./presvd., whether or not cont. added sugar/oth. sweeten ... $3 
Palm hearts, prepd./presvd., whether or not cont. added sugar/oth. sweeteni ... $255 
Mixtures of edible parts of plants (excl. of 2008.19), prepd./presvd., whet ...$232$56,124$99,697
Edible parts of plants, prepd./presvd., whether or not cont. added sugar/ot ...$6,633$34,273$182,063