Salt (including table salt)$533,208$361,449
Natural graphite.$170 
Natural sands of all kinds$342,094$273,502
Quartz (other than natural sands); quartzite$179,400$81,560
Kaolin and other kaolinic clays, whether or not calcined.$31,231$8,173
Other clays (not including expanded clays of heading 68.06), andalusite, ky ...$219,057$198,784
Natural calcium phosphates$72 
Natural barium sulphate (barytes)$2,373,975$4,292,832
Siliceous fossil meals$214,421$181,393
Pumice stone; emery; other natural abrasives$8,126$4,064
Marble, travertine, ecaussine and other stone$1,119,318$41,461
Granite, porphyry, basalt, sandstone and other stone$920$166
Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone$104,957$444,816
Natural magnesium carbonate (magnesite)$274,417$363,721
Gypsum; anhydrite; plasters$432,656$608,436
Limestone flux; limestone$10,850 
Quicklime, slaked lime and hydraulic lime$177,241$247,885
Portland cement, aluminous cement, slag cement$1,345,562$915,999
Mica, including splitings; mica waste.$36,530$35,193
Natural steatite, whether or not roughly trimmed$408,268$69,820
Natural borates and concentrates thereof$863$513
Felspar; leucite and nepheline syenite$58,213$24,037
Mineral substances$2,956$13,889