Salt (including table salt)$3,226,316$1,711,093$1,816,335
Natural sands of all kinds$120,713$20,927$25,427
Quartz (other than natural sands); quartzite  $484
Kaolin and other kaolinic clays, whether or not calcined.$2,154$735$272
Other clays (not including expanded clays of heading 68.06), andalusite, ky ...$33,415$17,491$6,439
Natural calcium phosphates$4,436$4,888$4,693
Siliceous fossil meals$20,233$11,051$11,259
Slate $2,682 
Marble, travertine, ecaussine and other stone$2,402$2,151 
Granite, porphyry, basalt, sandstone and other stone$60,925$21,427$19,940
Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone$22,724$9,879$9,414
Natural magnesium carbonate (magnesite) $589$836
Gypsum; anhydrite; plasters$5,041$6,117$3,483
Limestone flux; limestone$177$39$2,503
Quicklime, slaked lime and hydraulic lime$3,001$2,886$663
Portland cement, aluminous cement, slag cement$2,433,229$1,053,099$477,491
Natural steatite, whether or not roughly trimmed$324$277$539
Natural borates and concentrates thereof $1,094 
Mineral substances$6,783$10,736$8,480