Sub-Chapter | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 |
Iron ores and concentrates | | $168,243 | $1,902,508 | $1,991,644 | $135,205 | $3,221 | $465,106 |
Manganese ores and concentrates | $57,640 | $79,276 | $55,508 | $54,703 | $3,515 | $9,003 | $53,483 |
Nickel ores and concentrates. | | | | | | $560 | |
Aluminium ores and concentrates. | $33,693 | $47,091 | $35,394 | $38,254 | $31,674 | $63,068 | |
Zinc ores and concentrates. | $40,030 | | | | | | $14,207 |
Tin ores and concentrates. | | | | | | $189 | |
Chromium ores and concentrates. | | | | | | | $83,503 |
Molybdenum ores and concentrates. | | | | | $116,799 | | $10,563 |
Titanium ores and concentrates. | | | $50,289 | $17,298 | | | |
Niobium, tantalum, vanadium and concentrates. | | | | | | | $9,486 |
Granulated slag from the manufacture of iron or steel. | $441,016 | $588,069 | $499,365 | $603,290 | $147,049 | $254,794 | $229,656 |
Slag, dross (other than granulated slag) | $124,667 | $209,216 | $17,238 | | $606,631 | | |
Ash and residues | | $15,934 | $10,914 | $21,965 | | $19 | $65,646 |
Total | $697,046 | $1,107,829 | $2,571,216 | $2,727,154 | $1,040,873 | $330,854 | $931,650 |