Rank | Country | Imports of Live swine other than pure-bred breeding animals, weighing < 50kg in USD (2010) |
1 | Germany | $475,073,795 | | 2 | United States | $205,381,752 | | 3 | Poland | $117,414,132 | | 4 | Italy | $49,064,370 | | 5 | Belgium | $42,347,652 | | 6 | Croatia | $42,258,365 | | 7 | Romania | $40,946,392 | | 8 | Hungary | $31,524,000 | | 9 | Czech Republic | $30,384,547 | | 10 | Netherlands | $22,882,772 | | 11 | Spain | $16,633,346 | | 12 | Austria | $11,719,599 | | 13 | Portugal | $10,323,779 | | 14 | Slovakia | $9,799,167 | | 15 | France | $8,669,942 | | 16 | United Kingdom | $6,507,213 | | 17 | Ukraine | $5,470,278 | | 18 | Luxembourg | $5,431,370 | | 19 | Russia | $4,484,380 | | 20 | Slovenia | $4,421,389 | | 21 | Hong Kong | $4,283,383 | | 22 | Moldova | $3,472,620 | | 23 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | $1,435,960 | | 24 | Montenegro | $1,159,340 | | 25 | Bulgaria | $983,711 | | 26 | Canada | $462,874 | | 27 | Japan | $210,771 | | 28 | Albania | $199,919 | | 29 | Greece | $170,677 | | 30 | Serbia | $93,073 | | 31 | Denmark | $63,670 | | 32 | Colombia | $61,221 | | 33 | Switzerland | $60,284 | | 34 | Sweden | $33,948 | | 35 | Malawi | $32,075 | | 36 | Israel | $26,000 | | 37 | Georgia | $21,088 | | 38 | Dominica | $11,481 | | 39 | Philippines | $9,523 | | 40 | Botswana | $8,222 | | 41 | Nepal | $2,439 | | 42 | Togo | $1,112 | | 43 | Bahamas, The | $448 | | 44 | Burkina Faso | $202 | |
Country | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 |
Albania | $89,398 | $171,568 | $103,493 | $87,175 | $390,877 | $199,919 | $222,614 |
Algeria | | | | | $175 | | |
Antigua and Barbuda | $1,778 | | | | | | |
Argentina | | | | $42,965 | | | |
Armenia | $49,615 | | $45,548 | | | | |
Austria | $4,280,305 | $10,648,168 | $14,365,840 | $15,790,214 | $15,296,347 | $11,719,599 | |
Bahamas, The | $1,317 | | | | | $448 | |
Belarus | $7,800 | | | | | | |
Belgium | $20,452,268 | $22,557,620 | $27,871,858 | $50,045,623 | $57,961,707 | $42,347,652 | $42,512,367 |
Belize | | | | $6,799 | | | |
Bolivia | | $96,204 | $13,552 | | | | |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | $688,204 | $433,632 | $497,642 | $1,812,134 | $1,973,241 | $1,435,960 | $1,613,619 |
Botswana | $9,152 | | $12,334 | | $1,254 | $8,222 | |
Brazil | $34,154 | | | | | | |
Bulgaria | $509,989 | $1,474,990 | $831,563 | $227,337 | $1,279,829 | $983,711 | $839,140 |
Burkina Faso | | | | | | $202 | |
Cameroon | | $554 | | | | | |
Canada | $95,139 | $164,596 | $201,522 | $256,033 | $324,464 | $462,874 | $368,592 |
Cape Verde | | | | | | | $1,183 |
Colombia | | $11,541 | | | | $61,221 | $13,429 |
Comoros | $44 | $2,308 | $24,289 | | | | |
Croatia | $24,981,916 | $35,793,657 | $32,196,233 | $43,990,069 | $55,214,073 | $42,258,365 | $38,840,779 |
Czech Republic | $3,581,468 | $8,064,517 | $7,019,453 | $13,820,504 | $25,425,396 | $30,384,547 | $37,864,707 |
Denmark | $11,791 | $274,174 | $3,817 | $106,399 | $186,809 | $63,670 | |
Dominica | | | | | | $11,481 | |
France | $9,165,315 | $10,498,891 | $8,037,508 | $8,412,155 | $9,740,681 | $8,669,942 | $6,863,902 |
Georgia | | | | | | $21,088 | |
Germany | $257,229,000 | $328,605,000 | $255,960,000 | $329,887,000 | $492,492,000 | $475,073,795 | $541,590,001 |
Ghana | | | $113 | | | | $277 |
Greece | $1,376,496 | $1,958,296 | $991,162 | $616,180 | $1,611,343 | $170,677 | $221,130 |
Guatemala | $63,626 | $88,821 | $22,974 | | | | |
Guinea | | | $108 | | | | |
Guyana | | | | $35,488 | | | |
Honduras | $3,590 | $4,830 | $889,330 | | $872,484 | | |
Hong Kong | $7,027,794 | $5,088,879 | $3,398,911 | $3,666,058 | $4,267,381 | $4,283,383 | $3,339,577 |
Hungary | $4,998,000 | $8,767,000 | $13,057,000 | | $37,037,000 | $31,524,000 | $22,149,000 |
Iceland | | | $255,180 | | | | |
Ireland | | $15,695 | | | $975 | | $25,007 |
Israel | | | | | $8,000 | $26,000 | $1,000 |
Italy | $15,902,967 | $18,743,861 | $26,454,453 | $26,582,026 | $43,419,591 | $49,064,370 | $50,377,503 |
Japan | $103,881 | $10,103 | | $171,524 | $64,342 | $210,771 | $618,925 |
Kenya | | $208 | | | | | |
Korea, South | $53,245 | | $66,674 | | $5,674 | | $3,845,885 |
Latvia | $23,314 | $935,069 | $107,620 | | | | |
Lithuania | $26,857 | | $3,883 | $300,460 | | | $516,878 |
Luxembourg | $4,543,757 | $5,168,039 | $4,844,214 | $7,337,401 | $6,301,994 | $5,431,370 | $6,380,003 |
Macau | $174,661 | $149,919 | $74,006 | $14,838 | $8,564 | | |
Malawi | | | | | $39,208 | $32,075 | |
Malaysia | | $103,288 | | | | | |
Mexico | $574,457 | $262,929 | | | | | |
Moldova | | | $8,593 | $492,267 | $3,917,268 | $3,472,620 | $2,306,755 |
Montenegro | | $2,435,569 | $781,717 | $657,227 | $1,021,630 | $1,159,340 | $1,343,017 |
Mozambique | | $16 | | $2,210 | | | $20,000 |
Namibia | | $13,273 | | | | | |
Nepal | | | | | $4,530 | $2,439 | |
Netherlands | $3,096,736 | $10,047,874 | $13,533,075 | $26,482,977 | $32,787,891 | $22,882,772 | |
Netherlands Antilles | | $42,934 | | | | | |
Nigeria | | $2,827 | | | | | |
Norway | | | | | | | $3,902 |
Oman | $1,040 | | | | | | |
Panama | | $1,221 | | | | | |
Philippines | | $112,491 | | | | $9,523 | |
Poland | $8,409,660 | $10,608,775 | $15,464,226 | $54,001,505 | $103,809,867 | $117,414,132 | $139,788,362 |
Portugal | $313,370 | $1,178,522 | $2,396,757 | $2,096,749 | $4,437,581 | $10,323,779 | $5,139,072 |
Romania | $10,439,397 | $15,878,728 | $13,479,173 | $33,444,841 | $76,692,492 | $40,946,392 | $45,186,512 |
Russia | $2,141,870 | $7,682,123 | $5,682,672 | $13,712,367 | $14,171,140 | $4,484,380 | $10,209,114 |
Rwanda | | | | $7,098 | | | |
Saint Kitts and Nevis | | $600 | | | | | |
Serbia | | | | | $2,947 | $93,073 | $293,638 |
Singapore | | | | | | | $52,990 |
Slovakia | $5,126,105 | $8,847,018 | $7,429,974 | $7,718,997 | $8,884,718 | $9,799,167 | $8,867,778 |
Slovenia | $675,385 | $988,313 | $1,225,237 | $1,967,938 | $4,589,605 | $4,421,389 | $4,783,673 |
South Africa | $21,685 | | $34,561 | $55,754 | | | |
Spain | $55,396,532 | $71,992,505 | $75,527,438 | $40,678,962 | $19,455,240 | $16,633,346 | |
Sudan | | | $1,820 | $2,200 | | | |
Suriname | | | | | $17,277 | | |
Swaziland | $3,136 | | $27,573 | | | | |
Sweden | $15,672 | $757,286 | $410,305 | $28,019 | $9,484 | $33,948 | $13,876 |
Switzerland | $161,245 | $329,568 | $18,861 | $141,061 | $95,684 | $60,284 | $218,818 |
Tanzania | | | | $2,178 | | | |
Thailand | | $1,608 | $82,419 | | | | |
Togo | $1,452 | | | | | $1,112 | |
Uganda | | $791 | | | | | |
Ukraine | $1,272,917 | $2,352,566 | | $648,260 | $3,827,124 | $5,470,278 | $6,470,387 |
United Arab Emirates | $2,637 | | $3,201 | | | | |
United Kingdom | | | | | $6,630,123 | $6,507,213 | $8,085,698 |
United States | $239,956,521 | $247,882,550 | $267,592,276 | $225,895,349 | $158,281,228 | $205,381,752 | $196,373,144 |
Vietnam | | | $105,052 | | | | |
Wallis and Futuna | | $5,274 | | | | | |
Zimbabwe | $5,214 | | $45,788 | $557 | $54,428 | | |